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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Ok, what's so special about Sad Puppies that will make people say things like these?
  2. Excellent post! You make some great points and I highly suggest everyone read this post
  3. The pendelum is slowly turning back to sanity.
  4. So, haven't we reached the natural conclusion that a Platonean Republic is the only feasable form of government? We will be the Philosopher Kings of course? No? damn.
  5. More mod leaks from Reddit. There is no grand conspiracy as suspected, just a whole bunch of idiots without any sense of rectitude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh5nBWY8TKk ...and good news everyone! a new study shows that Anita is wrong again https://twitter.com/CHSommers/status/585443472628391936 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25844719/
  6. Just... read back the conversation leading up to this point, would you? You posited that they're idiots for railing about inequality when the issue is inequity. I brought up examples of actual issues they're railing about, which had nothing to do with inequality (as per your definition). I then posited the theory that it's probably a semantics issue, and your disagreement with them might be easily solved by mentally switching out every instance of "inequality" to "inequity" in their parliance. Since you didn't really posit counter-examples where they clearly can only mean inequality itself as undesirable, I think your issue with them trying to "solve" inequality by creating inequity is... unfounded. They're wrong simply because privilege does not mean inequity. They might have a point if they were talking about gay marriage in states/countries where it is outlawed.
  7. My point is that your original complaint - ie. "SJWs are wrong because they confuse inequality with inequity" - is pretty much arguing over semantics instead of engaging with what they're talking about. Because they are two different things. Everybody is unequal to a certain degree since we all have unique traits, strengths and weaknesses. But that doesn't matter since 1) it is a part of human nature and will be tolerated in any society. However, with inequity people will live by different rules compared to the rest and the end result is revolution or bloodbath. This is not something new, all social animals have these dynamics. What these SJWs seems to be confused about is that inequality has to be erased through methods that will in the end lead to inequity, because you cannot create a totally equal society without dealing great injustice on pretty much everyone. ...You didn't seem to object earlier when I suggested that you're arguing over semantics and when they say "inequality", they really mean "inequity". Which renders your point about the erasure of inequality necessarily leading to inequity completely moot. So what are we talking about? There's gotta be some language-barrier here or we are talking about two different things. I just do not understand what you're trying to prove here. I'll leave it at that.
  8. My point is that your original complaint - ie. "SJWs are wrong because they confuse inequality with inequity" - is pretty much arguing over semantics instead of engaging with what they're talking about. Because they are two different things. Everybody is unequal to a certain degree since we all have unique traits, strengths and weaknesses. But that doesn't matter since 1) it is a part of human nature and will be tolerated in any society. However, with inequity people will live by different rules compared to the rest and the end result is revolution or bloodbath. This is not something new, all social animals have these dynamics. What these SJWs seems to be confused about is that inequality has to be erased through methods that will in the end lead to inequity, because you cannot create a totally equal society without dealing great injustice on pretty much everyone.
  9. ^Who is this reactionary pissbaby? Doesn't [the preferable pronoun] know that [the preferable pronoun] invites toxic commentary and attitudes that marginalizes the already marginalized ones? Toxic and vitrolic ideas influence society indirectly and normalizes violence against sexual and racial minorities. It makes the voiceless even more voiceless. It makes art an unwelcomed space and ensures the status quo. It's the enemy of free speech. I suggest that we contact this immature fascist and expose this cis-het to [the preferable pronoun] employer, families and friends.
  10. There are quite a lot of people think that there are alternatives, but for some reason it is usually through a violent revolution or through subversion into total nihilism. They usually think that they are the arbiters on how other people should live their lives. Fight them whenever you can.
  11. ...When the very concept of privilege (as used by those you criticize) is so inherently tied to factors other than excellence, this complaint rings a tad hollow. Elaborate. Elaborate on what? Race, gender, sexuality - these are significant sources of privilege, and none of them is related to excellence in any way. I still do not get your point. I already stated that inequality is tolerated to a certain degree as long there is little to no inequity.
  12. ...When the very concept of privilege (as used by those you criticize) is so inherently tied to factors other than excellence, this complaint rings a tad hollow. Elaborate.
  13. Not disposable!? WTF is the point then? Just to gawk at it? Aristocrat looks at his wealth, "Yup, still rich. That matters for some reason even though I can't use it because reasons." The concept of aristocrats/high class people is dumb. Having wealth is pointless if you don't use it. Maybe this concept is new to americans, but in europe there are all these old societies and country clubs consisting of people from old families and lineages. Meaning that even you're not rich, you will have good connections to great wealth through your name and lineage alone.
  14. Privilige, inequality, whatever doesn't matter as it is an inherent part of human nature to excel one's station and trancend oneself to a higher position, mentally and physically. Inequity however, is disasterous, as it will not stand in a social group and will lead to robesperrian bloodbath. From what i get from the video i linked before, is that people seem to be confused about these concepts and wants to force 'good values' through subversion. Hipsters being dumbasses, basically.
  15. Instead of usual /pol/-influenced infographics in GG, i present you one from /leftypol/
  16. It was drawn by Kate Beaton: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Beaton Considering her other comics, i think that it is a tungue-and-cheek joke. She's more of a based mom-feminist.
  17. Heh, "social programming". It almost sounds like you accept the premise that people's thinking can be influenced by unquestioned and widely held societal norms. I wouldn't be too surprised if there are workshops out there talking about changing attitudes and behaviour through gaming....[snip] I'm just surprised you guys are capable of recognizing the phenomenon but still think patriarchy as an idea is insane. Not so fast. I said that i wasn't surprised that there are workshops of people believing such things, even if they are completely wrong. That's so fascinating. Intelligent people creating abstract structures and how to fight them.
  18. Heh, "social programming". It almost sounds like you accept the premise that people's thinking can be influenced by unquestioned and widely held societal norms. I wouldn't be too surprised if there are workshops out there talking about changing attitudes and behaviour through gaming....oh wait, there is! starring the PBS guy suggesting that Link should be a woman and m00t (admin of 4chan) among others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia4iKP6T97g
  19. I thought that was just a joke at /pol/
  20. It's just one of many information dumps. It's takes a while to make some sense out of it, but it is fun playing detective Most of the time it leads to nowhere, other times it leads to GameJournoPros.
  21. Bored? I want to read some fun? Got that Deus Ex-vibe going on? Well look no further (Helen Kelley is a new name in this ride) http://8ch.net/gamergatehq/res/33382.html
  22. Wasn't the 8chan threads like, hijacked by ****posters (I mean, worse ones) like a couple of days ago or something? They moved to /gamergatehq/ after that. Yeah, the previous mod had a meltdown and gave the admin-access to the ayyteam. Also known as ****posters-deluxe. People quickly emigrated to the new board.
  23. There's only one appropriate answer (again): That was literally rape How dare you Silly willy, it's only white men. They do not feel rape. In fact, they were probably asking for it since the patriarchy demand a rape quota. Just listen & believe.
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