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  3. Shadows of the Past isn't about going to Galawain's Tusks. It's done in a ruin in Scattersharp.
  4. For now, yes. The current recruiting rise starting last year, before the election. There have been increases in female and racial minority recruits. With an all-white male face though, the army may end up recruiting from a shrinking pool of candidates.
  5. Song of Farca nice little adventure game, simple mechanics and all but is pretty enjoyable so far. The PC sure causes damage with her actions, think I've caused 3 deaths, hah. Nice of people to leave password hints in their rooms and offices near where I need to enter them.
  6. I am hoping that they will make the mini-map start showing the fog clear as you walk. I am trying to uncover the whole map and it would be much better if the fog showed on the mini-map instead of just on the big map screen.
  7. Because size matters. I like the one that looks like a SW Destroyer better tho. Just more "wallpaper."
  8. Avowed almost looks and sounds more like your typical Bioware move ("when you press a button..."), it even was CoOp prior to the reboot, too. In some ways, that's the least you'd expect of Obsidian. In other ways, well they started out by developing sequels to Bioware games (and Pillars was big time inspired by Bioware technology). I think I'm gonna spend some bucks on The White March now -- the one thing Pillars I haven't yet played. A New Vegas or Bloodlines-like in the Pillars-verse could be interesting. Maybe even something narrative-driven like Pentiment, a smaller scale production that has you playing as Thaos, with your actions shaping the world and characters around you during the course of centuries.
  9. Honesty I never use Marius he complains a lot
  10. It's been fixed. I just checked.
  11. Few more things, first is really important to fix: 1. I don't know how widespread this issue is, but after latest patch 1.3 and changes to combat & enemy behaviour some enemies don't attack (even if you're standing there for couple minutes). Noticed problems especially with ranged attacks, for example Scourge Skeleton Ranger is only kicking you if you're close, never shooting with bow, Small Lava Blight is just idle no matter what, same with some of the Xaurips (some do attack, some don't, some are reacting only if you attack them first). There's no problem with Arisen Skeleton Fighter, but Xaurip Skirmisher attacks only when you're really close and not doing anything otherwise. This was in Shatterscarp, I'll play and test things in other regions today / tomorrow. Another user (Frieren, link: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2457220/discussions/0/508449060926047842/?ctp=4#c508449254659887049) in comment section on Steam regarding this patch noticed even stranger patterns: 2. When you're speaking to woman after visiting Wael's shrine in the southwestern area in Shatterscarp where one of the fragments is located, one of the dialogue options refers to her as female and the other refers to her as male in polish language, which is incorrect (picture below, change "PowinieneÅ›" to "PowinnaÅ›"): screenshot 3. Stelgaer's Pride unique affix Bloodied Fury doesn't trigger.
  12. Think recruiting is up. Also if the economy tanks, usually more people enlist, I think
  13. I suspect that by that point Mango Mussolini might have found someone around the world to buy eggs from. They've tried to buy from Sweden and Norway recently that I know of.
  14. Ukraine was still getting intelligence from everyone except the US, and still had recon drones and the like. The intelligence they got from the US would also not instantaneously have become outdated, there would have been a decent lag. Further, Ukraine launched some relatively successful local counterattacks elsewhere (eg Toretsk and Pokrovsk) over the same time frame. If lack of US intelligence was immediately crucial you'd expect those to have failed and Russia to have made large gains elsewhere as well. End of the day they were in a narrow salient supplied by a single road, and that's perhaps the classic set up for failure- it was also precisely the situation the US has warned Ukraine about getting into and staying in repeatedly under the Biden admin; and which had resulted in sudden chaotic retreats multiple times previous. Default is that it happened again, without convincing evidence against. The main thing that seems to have changed on the battlefield was the number of fiberoptic drones deployed by Russia and their resistance to jamming. The Ukrainian attempt to fix that issue happened roughly 6 weeks ago, well before the Trump Zelensky meeting or intelligence freeze. It didn't succeed. (Overall, it's a classic compounding attrition scenario. You need to send in, say, 50 vehicles with supplies and replacements. Losing a few percent is fine, but if you start losing 10% it's not. Each vehicle lost has to be replaced, but so does its supplies, so you end up sending 55 vehicles in while using 110% of the previous supplies and needing 5 extra vehicles. You lose 10% of the vehicles on the way back too, so that's actually 10 per day needing replacement. But, each vehicle lost on the road makes your other vehicles more vulnerable as they have to slow or even stop because of their debris; and good luck stopping to try to recover vehicles. But if you cannot maintain that 50 vehicles your ability to resist constantly drops, and eventually everything falls apart. Numbers illustrative, obviously)
  15. Ok, it's all very beautiful and thrilling, but it is not a Port Maje fight, but a Engwithan Digsite fight
  16. There's no shortcut sadly. The best thing you can do is leave a page with a list open, as the following: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps4/271748-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-ultimate-edition/faqs/80290/bestiary https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Pillars_of_Eternity_II:_Deadfire_bestiary
  17. Weirdly, both of the major bugs in Avowed that I encountered happened on my second day of playing, within 15 minutes of each other. Firstly there was a hard CTD when looting the chest in the watermill (the one which acts as a tutorial for upgrading your gear). Then shortly thereafter, while walking past the ruins of the wall on the way to rescue the mayor, I noticed various assets had stopped loading in, stuff like lampposts, enemies, then I fell through the world. That said, I've been so consumed by a Civ4 binge that I haven't finished Emerald Stair yet. I also kinda don't like how gloomy it is relative to Dawnshore which might play a part in it.
  18. You don't really need to be a tactical genius to tell your men to attack once news media is reporting that Trump has cut all ties. Sure there's still a little bit of risk involved, but it's Trump, so....
  19. I guess I'll have to decide then whether I find blast more useful in combat or using it to break multiple crates. Disappointing that I can't have it both ways.
  20. i know im a little late here but loot luck increases that.. trinkets with loot luck help i was able to get it to tier 3 in under 20 hours of game time
  21. alot of what your saying looks like your just complaining honestly i hope this starts to be more age approiate in here but honestly i think you just need to play custom mode and not normal you can pretty much do all of that in custom...... im 34 so im gonna be honest im not sure why a 10 year old is in here
  22. Sounds like prime cope. The pattern in Kursk was the same as in every other localised cauldron/ salient the Ukrainians have had in the war. Lose ground slowly, but steadily, then it all goes in a rush. See Avdiivka and Vuhledar over the past ~year. This is just highly prominent because Kursk had been hyped up by the press and Ukraine.
  23. I understand modding from what ive seen and heard isnt planned or talked about but i believe if the devs added modding there are people out there that know their stuff as modders and could (even after its final update) could keep this game alive and i believe 100% if that was to happen modders could increase the yard add things and even diffrent types of bugs into the game and tons more and this game would NEVER die like i feel if modding came in i would 100% claim this as my absolute favorite game and theres no changing it yeah there may be modders making things easier for themselves but i 100% believe those that could increase yard size change the yard look add new bugs and so much more they could actually make tons of people happy and this game would legit be eternal im only suggesting devs please add modding support if anything for those who want to keep the game alive with more bugs and yard size and shed interior and even new yards and maybe new characters and things please let this game live on through modding theres alot of responsible people that could add ggod mods yes theres irresponsible people and that but what they make isnt gonna deter those that are responsible from making it better i know ive said alot but this game is atm my favorite game and i cant show nor say enough how much amazing work you guys have put into this game its a gem that will always be in my heart but the thought of everything im suggesting just excites how id feel with more bugs maybe even a longer drawn out ng+ or new bugs added that are stronger every ng+ you go into amazing job guys just please consider!!!!!!
  24. I installed the update and it crashed my computer after compiling shaders. I re-optimized the game in Nvidia. Started it up. Got all the way into the game. Went to my settings and saw that DLSS was off. As soon as I turned it on my computer crashed again. It was working perfectly fine before this update. And from what I've read on Reddit, I'm not the only person this is happening to.
  25. I still have a bunch of old boxed wargames in my closet: 1940, Triplanetary, Trailblazer, Dragon Pass, Third Reich, Greyhawk Wars, WW II, Imperium, Russian Campaign, and Objective: Moscow. There were a bunch of others that I gave away some time ago. I haven't touched any of them for years though, not since wargames appeared on PCs. I subscribed to Strategy & Tactics for many years, but almost never had the time to play them. Eventually I couldn't justify the cost.
  26. You saved me hours. Thank you!!!
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