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Update Notes: 1.06



Hey, everyone. Here are the patch notes for 1.06.


Of particular note are the fixes for:

  • Fixed a crash that some people were experiencing on startup. This had to do with Unity attempting to load a corrupted font.
  • Fixed slowdowns that could be caused by certain network adaptors or programs like Hamachi.
  • Fixed an issue where grimoires were getting corrupted when sending a wizard to the Stronghold.
  • Fixed an issue where a door in the Stronghold's Great Hall could become locked after the Steward unlocked it. This is a retroactive fix that should fix a saved game on load.
  • Fix for cases where hurting a Crucible Knight during the Forge Knight attack on Crucible Keep would cause Lady Webb to assume you had burned the bridges with the knights' faction, thus forcing the invite to the hearings to come from Dunryd Row. This fix is also retroactive for cases where Lady Webb still waits to hear your word about getting an invite - head over Hadret House and speak with Webb to continue with the Crucible Knight's support as intended in your playthrough.
  • Attacking any main faction after acquiring their invite will now properly result in a quest update that asks you to talk to Webb about getting an invite in some other fashion (Dunryd Row support).

Full patch notes below.



  • Blacsonn was modified to have a focus gain multiplier (+20%) instead of a flat gain.
  • Added the Flanking and Engagement entries to the Glossary. Also updated the Flanked entry to link to Flanking and Engagement
  • Minoletta's Concussive Missiles AoE is now set to foe only.
  • Lay on Hands increased from 1/Encounter to 2/Encounter. Base healing value was increased from 20 per tick to 25 per tick and Greater Lay on Hands increased from +7 to +12.
  • Flames of Devotion was given a +20 Accuracy bonus.
  • Spell Holding: Blessing Accuracy bonus reduced from +10 to +5.
  • All Zealous auras set to the same size. This decreased the size of Charge, but increased the sized of Focus and Endurance.
  • Bonus Graze to Hit rate added to Zealous Focus.
  • Bonus Hit to Graze rate added to Zealous Endurance.
  • Sworn Enemy will no longer call a hit reaction when applied.
  • Endurance reduction on the end of Reviving Exhortation was reduced.
  • Suppress Affliction base duration lowered from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • All Exhortations are now set to recover immediately.
  • Reinforcing Exhortation now grants +25 deflection instead of +15.
  • Hastening Exhortation lowered to 9th level (was 11th).

Items, Spells, Abilities

  • Arcane Assault and Flagellant's Path have received animation polish.

Quests and Companions

  • Fixed an issue where a door in the Stronghold's Great Hall could become locked after the Steward unlocked it. This is a retroactive fix that should fix a saved game on load.
  • Fix for Against the Grain where you were able to convince Trumbel after convincing Sweynur. Players in broken states can speak with Trumbel to complete the quest.
  • Entering Lle a Rhemen will now force an update to The Bronze Beneath the Lake to the proper step if it's somehow been reverted to an earlier stage, allowing the Engwithan weapon container to appear.
  • Fix for cases where hurting a Crucible Knight during the Forge Knight attack on Crucible Keep would cause Lady Webb to assume you had burned the bridges with the knights' faction, thus forcing the invite to the hearings to come from Dunryd Row. This fix is also retroactive for cases where Lady Webb still waits to hear your word about getting an invite - head over Hadret House and speak with Webb to continue with the Crucible Knight's support as intended in your playthrough.
  • Attacking any main faction after acquiring their invite will now properly result in a quest update that asks you to talk to Webb about getting an invite in some other fashion (Dunryd Row support).


  • Added the correct icons for items that were displaying an incorrect icon.
  • Fixed a minor issue with Scripted Interaction images not animating correctly at times.
  • When dragging items in the inventory, you can now see their stack counts.
  • UI fix made for some localizations that were seeing text flow over their button's bounds.
  • Highlight shader will now properly render behind objects in the scene.
  • Added notifications on skill level up that lets users know that skill points may be saved for subsequent levels.
  • Spell bars now clear out correctly when users switch party members with hotkeys.
  • Fixed a bug where the second line of an object could get covered by newly gained objectives.
  • Fixed a UI issue where icons on an expanded spell bar could show blue or gold glows behind them.
  • Added notification when a player attempts to target a spell or attack when Paralyzed or Stunned.
  • Reordered spells and abilities on the character sheet UI. This was a fix to abilities being displayed under the spells category.
  • Fixed a bug where placeholder icons might appear in combat tooltips.
  • Suppressed effects on the party portrait icons now show their effects with a "suppressed" qualifier on tooltip.
  • Added a "per X sec" clause to beam spell descriptions to indicate how often they hit.
  • Transition icons will now revert to their non-glowing state if you attempt to transition, but click away before completing the transition.
  • Stronghold upgrade "purchase" buttons are now greyed out when another upgrade is already in progress.
  • Fixed issue where the Ability Bar sub menu could get locked into not disappearing if a hot key bar was ever shown.

General Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that some people were experiencing on startup. This had to do with Unity attempting to load a corrupted font.
  • Fixed slowdowns that could be caused by certain network adaptors or programs like Hamachi.
  • Fixed a problem where interacting with the ability bar in certain ways could disable mouse input.
  • Fixed an issue where SFX were not playing properly on containers.
  • Fixed a bug where Deceptive disposition was gaining ranks too quickly.
  • Wolves now have an ambient animation for knocked-down state.
  • Fixed an issue where grimoires were getting corrupted when sending a wizard to the Stronghold.
  • Fixed Commander Clyver's barkstrings to be hostile if the Keep is hostile.
  • Retroactive fix for characters whose Endurance multiplier was broken in save games.
  • Like 21


Recommended Comments

Actually, we may have solved the problem. It is running through QA right now. If they give the thumbs up, I will release the build in an hour or so.


Here is what this update should fix:

  • Fixed a problem where it was impossible to sell items in a store if you were full on camping supplies.
  • Spells that target friendly NPCs now only affect targets which the caster is non-hostile towards and the target is non-hostile towards the caster.
  • Fixed issue where the Ability Bar sub menu could get locked into not disappearing if a hot key bar was ever shown.
  • Retroactive fix for characters whose Stamina multiplier was broken in save games.
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Why were 1000 of bugs in a game that was released as a finished product?

There's nothing unusual about having a thousand bugs in a released program. Many popular and successful software products have thousands of bugs, and each new patch invariably introduces more bugs.


A count of the number of bugs in software is meaningless in determining the quality of the software. One single bug could cause the game to be unplayable, while 900 bugs could be so minor they're not even noticed by most people.

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Thanks Brandon...

I started a new game, but when I transitioned to Valewood, I lost some gear om my character... Didn't make a save, but will try again, and make a report...


Not sure it's related to (591) (but haven't experienced it in earlier builds), so just a heads up ... Thanks again ... :)

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 my game freezes briefly every few seconds, i can't choose anything than 120hz within resolution settings.


Hey, Beholder. Sorry to hear this. Was this problem occurring before the 1.06 beta patch?


Hello BAdler, yes it occured prior to 1.06 and i hoped it would fix it. I tried everything possible but it looks like it has something to do with resolution and refresh rate, i have a 120Hz monitor and it would be nice to allow the game to switch to lower refresh rates. My 2 cents. Anyway, thank you for your hard work.

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Guest FlorianGh


please fix the reset of the combat/dialogue log window. It is very annoying to have to re scale every time I launch the game. I am playing at 1366x768 with the biggest font setting.

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I am still waiting for pathfinding during combat to be fixed. Characters get stuck on each other too easily while they don't outside of combat.


Also I am still waiting for a real implementation of Turn AI off option where our characters don't change targets at any times (now they choose new targets after you tell them to attack one and that one dies; instead they should stop attacking and wait for new orders).

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Brandon, please extend my appreciation and thanks to the whole crew. Pillars of Eternity is great and so is your continued support. I am confident many reported bugs will eventually get fixed with subsequent patches and I, for one, am more than happy to contribute by reporting bugs.


On a mildly related note, please make sure Eric keeps an eye on the thread where we report typos as we've been fairly active over there since 1.05 ;-)

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Will this patch include a fix for the Missing Sentries Task? The option for a peaceful resolution is broken, along with the ability to save any of the Justicars. Even killing Leyra first, the Justicars remain hostile. The Collectors Edition Strategy Guide states that there should be a peaceful resolution with a Resolve check and that killing Leyra will allow the remaining Justicars to regain their senses.

P.S. Pillars of Eternity is one of the best RPGs I've ever played, keep up the good work and I'll keep throwing my money at Obsidian!

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Why have these fixes been removed from the official fix list?


  • Fixed a problem where it was impossible to sell items in a store if you were full on camping supplies.
  • Spells that target friendly NPCs now only affect targets which the caster is non-hostile towards and the target is non-hostile towards the caster.
  • Fixed issue where the Ability Bar sub menu could get locked into not disappearing if a hot key bar was ever shown.
  • Retroactive fix for characters whose Stamina multiplier was broken in save games.


And are any of the bugs in the common and recurring bug list fixed or not?





#2 Companion dialogue skipping - Probably an issue with the computer running a parallel server or virtual OS, addressed here

#4 Permanent status effects - Fixed and retroactive

#5 Paladins in Noonfrost disabling passives - Fixed and retroactive

#6 Dual-wielding with unarmed and 1 weapon not working properly- Fixed

#7 Retaliation on friendly spells - Fixed

#12 Losing items when dismissing companions - Fixed, cannot be retroactive


and the Endurance bug.


Just wondering cus I am hearing how great this game is, it certainly seems so, but I would like to play it in its optimum state in order to find out for myself.


If these are actually fixed could we have an official word and perhaps see them added to the fix list?

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Two of those fixes are incorporated into the patch notes. Specifically the Ability Bar and Stamina bugs. The other bugs were not added because I think they were introduced by the patch so they didn't need to be listed.


As for the other bugs, they should be fixed, but I need to have QA check their status before I add them to the official patch notes.

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Well. . . I have no idea what's going on, but it shows PoE downloading the patch at 0kbps and once the download is done it restarts again over and over(that's on steam btw). . . Come on guys what are you doing? Do we have to reinstall the game for every patch now?. . .

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So nothing from here was actually fixed then? Since none of these are addressed in the patch notes.




So this statement was not true:


This is the status of some of the issues mentioned as far as I am aware:


#4 Permanent status effects - Fixed and retroactive

#5 Paladins in Noonfrost disabling passives - Fixed and retroactive

#6 Dual-wielding with unarmed and 1 weapon not working properly- Fixed

#7 Retaliation on friendly spells - Fixed

#12 Losing items when dismissing companions - Fixed, cannot be retroactive

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That said, I want to remind everyone that we are a small team working on many things (including the expansion and new features).


As much as I appreciate you effort towards expanding features I'd have to say "No, thanks" - I would rather have an unexpanded game with less features which I could actually play than a constant flow of expansions and new features piled under mountain of bugs.

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That said, I want to remind everyone that we are a small team working on many things (including the expansion and new features).


As much as I appreciate you effort towards expanding features I'd have to say "No, thanks" - I would rather have an unexpanded game with less features which I could actually play than a constant flow of expansions and new features piled under mountain of bugs.




Stop working on "many things" badly and focus on doing one thing right.


Give us the game we paid for please.

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Fix the quests and the gameplay/graphic/sound bugs. Leave the tweaking and balancing for later. Forget new features and the expansion for now. Focus, people, focus.

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I did not start campaign yet, too many frustrating little things that break immersion for me like crashes, freezes(light, but still) and loading screens of eternity.Also, when i hear people complaining about broken quests or other important bugs, i don't want to put hours in an unfinished game.

Now, leave me, i wanna cry...

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Sad to see that there is still not a fix for the slow loading times.

I has completely ruined my gaming experience, I have even stopped playing it.

Besides that, the game is awesome, It really has the spirit of old rpgs.

Yes I am about to do the same - 90 seconds load time!!!  It's got to the point of me actually playing another game on my Android phone between game zones.  Not long before I ditch and feel rather hacked off about  spending the money on it!

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I can't switch resolution after this patch on OS X yosemite(MBP 2014) - the lowest one possible is used. It made PoE totally unplayable for me. :( Really dissapointed.

Is it possible to go back to 1.05 on steam?

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