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Update Notes: 1.06



Hey, everyone. Here are the patch notes for 1.06.


Of particular note are the fixes for:

  • Fixed a crash that some people were experiencing on startup. This had to do with Unity attempting to load a corrupted font.
  • Fixed slowdowns that could be caused by certain network adaptors or programs like Hamachi.
  • Fixed an issue where grimoires were getting corrupted when sending a wizard to the Stronghold.
  • Fixed an issue where a door in the Stronghold's Great Hall could become locked after the Steward unlocked it. This is a retroactive fix that should fix a saved game on load.
  • Fix for cases where hurting a Crucible Knight during the Forge Knight attack on Crucible Keep would cause Lady Webb to assume you had burned the bridges with the knights' faction, thus forcing the invite to the hearings to come from Dunryd Row. This fix is also retroactive for cases where Lady Webb still waits to hear your word about getting an invite - head over Hadret House and speak with Webb to continue with the Crucible Knight's support as intended in your playthrough.
  • Attacking any main faction after acquiring their invite will now properly result in a quest update that asks you to talk to Webb about getting an invite in some other fashion (Dunryd Row support).

Full patch notes below.



  • Blacsonn was modified to have a focus gain multiplier (+20%) instead of a flat gain.
  • Added the Flanking and Engagement entries to the Glossary. Also updated the Flanked entry to link to Flanking and Engagement
  • Minoletta's Concussive Missiles AoE is now set to foe only.
  • Lay on Hands increased from 1/Encounter to 2/Encounter. Base healing value was increased from 20 per tick to 25 per tick and Greater Lay on Hands increased from +7 to +12.
  • Flames of Devotion was given a +20 Accuracy bonus.
  • Spell Holding: Blessing Accuracy bonus reduced from +10 to +5.
  • All Zealous auras set to the same size. This decreased the size of Charge, but increased the sized of Focus and Endurance.
  • Bonus Graze to Hit rate added to Zealous Focus.
  • Bonus Hit to Graze rate added to Zealous Endurance.
  • Sworn Enemy will no longer call a hit reaction when applied.
  • Endurance reduction on the end of Reviving Exhortation was reduced.
  • Suppress Affliction base duration lowered from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • All Exhortations are now set to recover immediately.
  • Reinforcing Exhortation now grants +25 deflection instead of +15.
  • Hastening Exhortation lowered to 9th level (was 11th).

Items, Spells, Abilities

  • Arcane Assault and Flagellant's Path have received animation polish.

Quests and Companions

  • Fixed an issue where a door in the Stronghold's Great Hall could become locked after the Steward unlocked it. This is a retroactive fix that should fix a saved game on load.
  • Fix for Against the Grain where you were able to convince Trumbel after convincing Sweynur. Players in broken states can speak with Trumbel to complete the quest.
  • Entering Lle a Rhemen will now force an update to The Bronze Beneath the Lake to the proper step if it's somehow been reverted to an earlier stage, allowing the Engwithan weapon container to appear.
  • Fix for cases where hurting a Crucible Knight during the Forge Knight attack on Crucible Keep would cause Lady Webb to assume you had burned the bridges with the knights' faction, thus forcing the invite to the hearings to come from Dunryd Row. This fix is also retroactive for cases where Lady Webb still waits to hear your word about getting an invite - head over Hadret House and speak with Webb to continue with the Crucible Knight's support as intended in your playthrough.
  • Attacking any main faction after acquiring their invite will now properly result in a quest update that asks you to talk to Webb about getting an invite in some other fashion (Dunryd Row support).


  • Added the correct icons for items that were displaying an incorrect icon.
  • Fixed a minor issue with Scripted Interaction images not animating correctly at times.
  • When dragging items in the inventory, you can now see their stack counts.
  • UI fix made for some localizations that were seeing text flow over their button's bounds.
  • Highlight shader will now properly render behind objects in the scene.
  • Added notifications on skill level up that lets users know that skill points may be saved for subsequent levels.
  • Spell bars now clear out correctly when users switch party members with hotkeys.
  • Fixed a bug where the second line of an object could get covered by newly gained objectives.
  • Fixed a UI issue where icons on an expanded spell bar could show blue or gold glows behind them.
  • Added notification when a player attempts to target a spell or attack when Paralyzed or Stunned.
  • Reordered spells and abilities on the character sheet UI. This was a fix to abilities being displayed under the spells category.
  • Fixed a bug where placeholder icons might appear in combat tooltips.
  • Suppressed effects on the party portrait icons now show their effects with a "suppressed" qualifier on tooltip.
  • Added a "per X sec" clause to beam spell descriptions to indicate how often they hit.
  • Transition icons will now revert to their non-glowing state if you attempt to transition, but click away before completing the transition.
  • Stronghold upgrade "purchase" buttons are now greyed out when another upgrade is already in progress.
  • Fixed issue where the Ability Bar sub menu could get locked into not disappearing if a hot key bar was ever shown.

General Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that some people were experiencing on startup. This had to do with Unity attempting to load a corrupted font.
  • Fixed slowdowns that could be caused by certain network adaptors or programs like Hamachi.
  • Fixed a problem where interacting with the ability bar in certain ways could disable mouse input.
  • Fixed an issue where SFX were not playing properly on containers.
  • Fixed a bug where Deceptive disposition was gaining ranks too quickly.
  • Wolves now have an ambient animation for knocked-down state.
  • Fixed an issue where grimoires were getting corrupted when sending a wizard to the Stronghold.
  • Fixed Commander Clyver's barkstrings to be hostile if the Keep is hostile.
  • Retroactive fix for characters whose Endurance multiplier was broken in save games.
  • Like 21


Recommended Comments

Nice to see you guys are still pumping out the patches.


Saddened to see my bugreports still not fixed but hey, give it time I guess ;)

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but hovering over the aura's modal button still doesn't show/draw the area of effect like it does for chanter's songs :(

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Please add an option to either disable autosaving or reduce its frequency. It adds significantly to load times later in the game for my old machine.

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Could you change Scion of Flame to work with the Chanter's fire chants in this patch? The last patch notes claimed that everything was fixed, but it hasn't been.

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@renlynn: I think if you install IEMOD you will have the option to change how autosave works

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"Fixed a bug where Deceptive disposition was gaining ranks too quickly."


So THAT'S why I've spent my whole campaign trying to convince people I'm not a liar. Heh. Did make for some interesting RP value as I was intentionally honest in an attempt to repair my reputation. But I'm glad it'll be fixed for future playthroughs. :p

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Sad to see that there is still not a fix for the slow loading times.

I has completely ruined my gaming experience, I have even stopped playing it.

Besides that, the game is awesome, It really has the spirit of old rpgs.

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How come NONE of these in this thread have been addressed?




These were supposed to be fixed in this patch at least:




  • Developers
  • dev.gif
  • 241 posts

This is the status of some of the issues mentioned as far as I am aware:


#2 Companion dialogue skipping - Probably an issue with the computer running a parallel server or virtual OS, addressed here

#4 Permanent status effects - Fixed and retroactive

#5 Paladins in Noonfrost disabling passives - Fixed and retroactive

#6 Dual-wielding with unarmed and 1 weapon not working properly- Fixed

#7 Retaliation on friendly spells - Fixed

#12 Losing items when dismissing companions - Fixed, cannot be retroactive




Seriously, what is going on with this game and its treasure trove of game-play bugs? And the sound bug was established by users as NOT being related to anything on the post linked.


And how on earth can this not be fixed yet?







Good job customer beta testers, you are doing a nice unpaid job for obsidian. Me too with all my bug report compilations. If I was business savvy I would be asking for some kind of compensation for all this. :D


Even the devs admit we ate doing their work:




"Two-handed weapons are intended to cost twice the amount of ingredients to enchant, but very nice job discovering that the x2 ingredient requirement does not properly get reset when viewing the crafting menu. This issue has been reported to the team. Keep up the great work!"




So, keep it up guys, your great unpaid work for the devs!

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How come NONE of these in this thread have been addressed?




These were supposed to be fixed in this patch at least:




  • Developers
  • dev.gif
  • 241 posts

This is the status of some of the issues mentioned as far as I am aware:


#2 Companion dialogue skipping - Probably an issue with the computer running a parallel server or virtual OS, addressed here

#4 Permanent status effects - Fixed and retroactive

#5 Paladins in Noonfrost disabling passives - Fixed and retroactive

#6 Dual-wielding with unarmed and 1 weapon not working properly- Fixed

#7 Retaliation on friendly spells - Fixed

#12 Losing items when dismissing companions - Fixed, cannot be retroactive




Seriously, what is going on with this game and its treasure trove of game-play bugs? And the sound bug was established by users as NOT being related to anything on the post linked.


And how on earth can this not be fixed yet?







Good job customer beta testers, you are doing a nice unpaid job for obsidian. Me too with all my bug report compilations. If I was business savvy I would be asking for some kind of compensation for all this. :D


Even the devs admit we ate doing their work:




"Two-handed weapons are intended to cost twice the amount of ingredients to enchant, but very nice job discovering that the x2 ingredient requirement does not properly get reset when viewing the crafting menu. This issue has been reported to the team. Keep up the great work!"




So, keep it up guys, your great unpaid work for the devs!




These should be fixed, but they didn't get into the patch notes. Reason being is that patch notes are typically generated based on check-ins into our source control between specific dates and those fixes were technically checked in while the build was on lockdown. It was mainly just an oversight on my part.


That said, I want to remind everyone that we are a small team working on many things (including the expansion and new features). Since the release of the game with have fixed around 1000 bugs with the help of the community. There are still bugs in the game, obviously, but just because you don't see specific fixes going into the game doesn't mean we are ignoring you.


There are reasons why we may or may not being able to fix a specific bug that was reported. For example, two of the fixes we did for 1.06 required that we make an incremental update to the Unity engine. While the overall danger isn't huge, upgrades to the engine require that we spend more in programming and testing resources to make sure there aren't new bugs introduced in the base game. Obviously if we divert resources from reported bug fixes/testing we won't be able to do as many in the timeframe we have for each patch.


Also, one developer may be more efficient than another developer regarding specific bug fixes. For example, Brian Macintosh is a beast when it comes to fixing UI issues. It is what he did for a majority of the project. We could divert him to fixing ability/spell bugs, but he may only be able to fix one or two of those in the same amount of time that he could fix 10 or 15 UI bugs. It isn't always cut and dry when figuring out where to place your resources. Sometimes it may be best to do those couple of ability fixes instead of the ten or fifteen UI fixes... sometimes not.


One last thing, we do appreciate the help that our fans and backers give us with finding and reporting bugs. You may view the fact that we are soliciting bug reports as exploiting our player base, but it is just the most efficient way for us to fix bugs. There are many of you, with many different playstyles. It isn't something that we can easily replicate on our side so we will gladly take any help that the community is willing to give us.


TLDR; Thanks for the help. Some issues are fixed but not in patch notes. We are still hard at work on bug fixes. Sometimes, bug fixing efficiency beats out reported bugs. You guys are many, we are few. We love you guys!

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"Since the release of the game with have fixed around 1000 bugs with the help of the community."


Why were 1000 of bugs in a game that was released as a finished product?


"There are many of you, with many different playstyles. It isn't something that we can easily replicate on our side so we will gladly take any help that the community is willing to give us."


So why not early access?


The description of Early Access suits the released version of Pillars of Eternity perfectly, especially version 1.01:


"Early access, alphafunding, or paid-alpha is a funding model in the video game industry by which consumers can pay for a game in the early stages of development and obtainaccess to playable but unfinished versions of the game, while the developer is able to use those funds to continue work on the game."


"This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development."


"These are games that evolve as you play them, as you give feedback, and as the developers update and add content."



Playable but unfinished version of the game: Check

Pillars of Eternity is not complete: Check

Pillars of Eternity may or may not change further: Check

Pillars of Eternity is Evolving as we play: Check

Pillars of Eternity developers are getting feedback from the players and updating and adding content: Check.

If you (i.e the customer) are not exited to play this game in its current state: Check (for many customers)  then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. (POE is developing further, with UI tweaks, bug fixes, additional features, balances and so on, except this was not mentioned as a disclaimer for POE, it was marketed as a completed product, which it is not.)


So next time, please release the game as early access and spare paying customers like me who do NOT want to get involved in the development of an unfinished product and who simply want to play the game.



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"Since the release of the game with have fixed around 1000 bugs with the help of the community."


Why were 1000 of bugs in a game that was released as a finished product?


"There are many of you, with many different playstyles. It isn't something that we can easily replicate on our side so we will gladly take any help that the community is willing to give us."


So why not early access?


This is my last response on this issue in these comments. If anyone would like to discuss this in detail please start a separate thread. I want the comments on this blog to be specifically about bug reports


It is not uncommon for large games to ship with many bugs that need to be fixed. There is no magical bug number that the game should be at when you release a product. You release the product when you feel that the game should be released - because the quality is at the right level, because you run out of money, because you feel it is the best for the game/studio/franchise... a combination of many factors.


The reason that PoE was not released as an Early Access game is because it wasn't an Early Access game. If you take us patching the game as proof that the game is Early Access then we have fundamentally different ideas of what Early Access means. Let me be clear, PoE is a finished product that Obsidian is dedicated to supporting.


The product was deemed a finished product because Obsidian considered it a finished product. It is really as simple as that. If this is not something that you agree with you are free to hold that opinion, but I would argue against it.


Like I mentioned previously, if you would like to discuss this further, please create a thread in the general Eternity forum.

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Thank you sooo much ! Through i don't know you i'd just want to kiss you all ! You delivered us an awesome game, a future classic in my opinion, a game i have an incredible pleasure to play. You can be proud of your work, I hope you are, because PoE is a gem. I just can't believe you - 20 peoples - made that. So it's still possible to make a work like that in 2015, it makes me so happy. Please continue to defend it. To support it. To increase the quality of it. It's so precious. We love you girls & guys.

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Tomorrow we are going to post a new update that will fix a problem with the bartering UI and a problem with spell casting working on teams incorrectly.


Was going to post it tonight, but there was a problem I noticed with expansion content making it into the base game.

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Hey @BAdler, please don't be discouraged by whiners like Baladas who can never be satisfied no matter what. I'm a software engineer myself, working on a big project with multiple conflicting priorities and limited resources, so I totally feel you. Obsidian is doing a great job and making all the right choices here. Keep up the good work, you are awesome!

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 my game freezes briefly every few seconds, i can't choose anything than 120hz within resolution settings.

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Any idea when is going to be released the official 1.06 patch?


Current plan is early next week. Depends on how today's patch update works out for folks.

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 my game freezes briefly every few seconds, i can't choose anything than 120hz within resolution settings.


Hey, Beholder. Sorry to hear this. Was this problem occurring before the 1.06 beta patch?

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ETA on the 1.06 beta 2?


It's pretty late here, so I was wondering if I should stay up and wait for the patch or just go to bed and play Hearthstone. :grin:

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I wouldn't count on it.


We have been having problems with the build process and it seems like we may not be able to solve them until next week.



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