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Serrano last won the day on September 5

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About Serrano

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    (9) Sorcerer
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  1. I'm surprised they didn't get the Shadowrun licence renewed, I thought the last three games were well recieved? I guess the publisher wants to go bigger or something and make the next Cyberpunk. Their loss.
  2. Company of Heroes is still looking and playing really good for a game released in 2006. I cannot believe it's been that long, I feel incredibly old.
  3. I really enjoyed the Coteries of New York games, the first one had a bit of a slim plot but the art is super appropriate and atmospheric for the setting and they did a really good job with the cast of characters who really feel like they belong in the VtM setting. Shadows of New York was just chef's kiss. Loved the main character and the story was awesome, you had a good mystery that delt with a lot of the faction politics and it also had that bleak nihilistic element as well which fits in perfectly with Vamparism being a curse and not a fun existence. Apparently the third in the series will be the last one, which makes me a bit sad because these games filled the void for me now that LA By Night have stopped doing their show but if they stick with their tragectory then Reckoning of New York is going to be really good. I did enjoy Heart of the Forest, I'd been very curious about Werewolf at that point but had never seen a rulebook for it. I guess it was a good introduction to that world but it felt really brief and I didn't really understand the structure of a werewolf tribe and basically was left wanting more, it did help me understand what werewolves were in the World of Darkness though and I think it did a decent job of introducing the concept of Gia. I need to pick up the second one, I hope now that they've done some world buidling they focus a bit more on the plot and characters because I feel like the studio has it in them to make a great Werewolf game that's on par with the New York trilogy. I know visual novels have always been a niche market but I think Different Tales and especially Draw Distance are doing a great job with their iterations of it. I think if they added a good narrator and made a longer story they could tell a pretty epic adventure. We need more World of Darkness games, it's such a good setting.
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