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Before the Dark Times....

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Don't worry, you can breathe normally. I'm not taking writing as a career. I'm just doing it for fun. I mean, hell I get atleast 3-4 free games a month and I get invited to industry events like E3/TGS/CES etc.... (I didn't go this year cause of college exams, but I'm going next year....for FREE!!!!).

So its all good. :)

Atleast I'm closer to the gaming industry then YOU. I mean....what are you doing for/with the gaming industry besides just playing videogames and posting in videogame forums? I had my work published in OXM before, I had my work published in SW Insider before. I speak with industry insiders almost everyday (Handling Public Relations work, it gets tiredsome at times :(  ). I mean, what have you done?

So by trowing in that "But I'll breathe a lot easier knowing you aren't pursuing writing as a full time career." line as a cheap way to get at me isn't going to work. I'm not even pissed off at it. I think its just a funny immature way to try to bring someone down. Well like I said, I'm closer to the gaming industry then you so some line like that isn't going to effect me. Again like I said, I get feedback like that everyday so I'm used to it.

Hehehehe that line wasn't even meant as an insult. You've got some insecurities. I couldn't give less of a s*** what you do for the gaming industry. I don't care if you are Gabe Newell's personal fluffer. I like how you just assume my dream career is what you do. :(


Stop trying to use what you do to offset the fact you are a ponce. No one is going to kiss your ass. At least no one with any dignity. If I had been using that line to get to you it obviously worked. You feel the need to post after every minor criticism with how great your life/job is. It's terribly unconvincing. Why don't you go back to enjoying those free games and stuff? And I will go back to my life. I'd give you a long description of it but wait I'm not an uptight insecure, little prig.


You're on a frigging message board man. There's nothing lower than looking for respect and admiration on a message board. And finally I'm rather glad you have so much going on in your life. It will lessen the pain of being a crappy writer. OXM sucks. So does SW Insider. I'll stick to the Economist.


My life doesn't revolve around this game or any other game. I know this must be shocking to you. I realize you must think you are the envy of every one on the message board ;) But I don't cry that I don't go to E3 or any other convention. And at most 1 truly good game comes out every few months so i don't envy you having a large library of mediocre games. Hey if you have so much to do go create your own website to worship you. And post all the articles you want. You could even set up a message board and be a mod. I know that is kind of a wet dream for you.


Now let's see if you feel an overwhelming need to post how great you are and nothing I have said has affected you. <_< Guess I'm just immature. I like goading people on a message board and seeing who takes the bait. (Jiggles the line) Come on little fishie. Look at the yummy bait.

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Bloody HELL! This Tyrell fellow seems to be a bit of a poser. On and on about doing this and that....who cares. Post your little "article" and be gone. And would it hurt to do a proof read....this way I can bloody understand your ranting. If you are doing articles for different mags. or sites then you must have the spell/grammar check working oooooovertime. BUT, you are the "professional" and I'm just a lowly game player. G'day.

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Except that proper artists don't create for fans. they create for themselves. you could claim that lucas is a lousy artist, or a good artist who has become lousy over time, and you might not be wrong, but the idea that he should write for the fans is utter BS. fans are, by and large, whiny idiots. ask 100 star wars fans to write the prequels and what would you have gotten? judging by the average SW fanfic, probably some retarded mush about anakin and boba fett being brothers who were seperated at birth and how yoda was actually their father...

And instead we got what? Crap. So at least it could have been crap fans would have liked. :) SW fanfic is by and large crap and has nothing to do with anything. I was thinking more of professional writers that work in the SW universe. Actually the best WRITERS create for others. Art is different. One painting isn't the same as a series of movies. Unless you don't care about commercial success.

fans control SW? LOL. delusional much? yeah, GL has "legal" control that nets him billions of dollars annually, but it's the fans who give him all that money who are the ones with the real power, right?

No it is called reality. GL has legal control of a creation that nets him millions of dollars annually. This money isn't given to him by god for his genius. :) It comes from somewhere. But where??? Oh yeah. Customers aka fans. You piss off your fan base at your own peril my friend. What do you think would happen if every SW fan decided to do the smart thing and not see Ep. 3? Massive tanking of the film that's what. Let's see GL absorb those losses.

as for lucas approving books on boba fett and screwing over the fans, ROTFLMAO. i grew up on star wars, as i assume pretty much everyone else on these boards did. i remember being about 10 when alan dean foster's 'splinter in the minds eye' was released and thinking, "if george lucas didn't write it, then i'm not interested". i was also able to grasp that something wasn't canon just because something was written on the back of a star wars baseball card.  so plainly if a 10 year old was smart enough to work out the difference between canon and non-canon, then i don't know how anyone else can have an excuse.

Uh huh. Well first of all excuse me for not being an old man and growing up in the 70's on star wars. But I never said something on the back of a baseball card was canon. Unfortunately Lucasarts has said Movies, books and games in that order are canon. So what you know something LA doesn't? I'd like to think GL could at least have been smart enough to maintain a tight control on his creation. Arnold Schwarzenegger maintains complete control over his image especially his image as the Terminator. NO ONE uses it without serious litigation. He even goes after some incredibly minor offenses. If GL had the same tenacity and business savvy we wouldn't be in this mess. I'm glad you decided 20 years ago or whatever that if GL didn't write it then you weren't interested but a vast majority of publications have been written with LA approval that have been read by a lot of people. So excuse me If I don't care about what one guy decided decades ago.

ah, the outrage of the clueless...

Ah the arrogance of the old. Ender Wiggin actually bothered responding with some fact to back up his argument. I see you couldn't do the same. How sad. Fact: GL should have maintained a tight grip on his own creation. If not I am more than in the right to blame him for his carelessness. Fact: Anything with a Lucasarts stamp is canon but is trumped by the movies. Fact: The vast majority of Sw fans hate the new movies. Piece it all together. If GL wanted to take a few decades getting the prequel sorted out in his mind the least he could have done is actually made the story better than what other writers have come up with over the years. Ah the outrage of people that expect quality for their money. <_<

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When in hell did the rules change? Suddenly writing isn't an art and writers are only out to shove their s*** under people's noses? Any art, writing included, is only art when done for the self. Maybe that's why Star Wars isn't as good now, because it's not about what GL sees inside, it's not the fantasy world that's been building up inside his head until he can think of nothing else and it's clawing its way out of his brain . . . no, now it's about the public. What everyone else will think. Trying to attact consumers (but hey, that's the plague of North America) to get more more more, buy more more more. No, art isn't supposed to be like that. If he has stuck with him original dreams, ignored everyone else and said f**k the world, he would have created something truly wonderful.

Instead he allowed the public and what he thought others would want to see rule his sight. And it ruined it.


All art, writing, drawing, painting, dancing: it's about the self. Because only when you take from inside you and present it can people truly appreciate it. Sure, some will hate it, but that's their perogative. Only if you appreciate your work will someone else appreciate it. And if you're superficial and pretentious and try and please everyone else, you've lost out on the whole point of art. Expression of the self.


Oh, and all this flaming bullsh!t. Just stop, okay? You're saying that you're baiting Tyrell. Well, he's doing just as good a job baiting you. What goes around comes around. Grow up, voice your opinion, and bugger off already. You say he's doing something wrong by responding to you every time you say something. Well, then you're doing something wrong by responding everytime he says something.


That's my loose change.

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Bloody HELL! This Tyrell fellow seems to be a bit of a poser. On and on about doing this and that....who cares. Post your little "article" and be gone. And would it hurt to do a proof read....this way I can bloody understand your ranting. If you are doing articles for different mags. or sites then you must have the spell/grammar check working oooooovertime. BUT, you are the "professional" and I'm just a lowly game player. G'day.

I don't write for magazines, I just said that some of my work is published in magazines.

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Nice speculation but your writing style sucks monkey nipples.  For Bob's sakes don't quit you day job and stay in school.  :rolleyes:

Actually I don't want to have a future in Journalism.


To tell you the truth, I'm a freshmen in college (18 years of age) where I attend Kansas University. I'm majoring in Computer Science and I'm on a full ride athletic scholarship for Track & Field where I was All-Conference in the Big XII Indoor Track & Field Championships and I was a NCAA Nationals Qualifyer.


I work for TFN cause its the #1 SW site on the net (Besides SW.com) and I'm highly interested in SW. I also work for playmoreconsoles.com a multi-console website.


I have strong PR ties with LucasArts so can set up interviews from LA and it's developers as well as get free reviewable copies of a game. In the future (Like this summer) I plan on conducting an interview with some people from Obsidian about KOTOR 2, and interview that you all will also be able to read and gain more knowledge about KOTOR 2.


This editorial I wrote is just a crack at what might our could be the events that leads up to KOTOR 2 using the LS ending from KOTOR.


If you dont' like it, well thats just you. I'm not looking to win a Pulitzers prize from this, I just want to give fans of KOTOR/KOTOR 2 (People like you) something to read up on. If you like it, great and expect the part two to that article using the DS ending of KOTOR. If you don't, well fine.


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I was thinking more of professional writers that work in the SW universe. Actually the best WRITERS create for others.

nonsense. the best writers create for themselves. you ask any writer what their ambition is: to write something original or write derivative novels based off of someone's elses successful movie franchise for a bunch of desperate fans. i doubt you'll find many whose childhood dream was the latter.


Art is different. One painting isn't the same as a series of movies. Unless you don't care about commercial success.


artists don't care about commercial success. or at least it isn't what drives their artistic vision. van gogh could doubtless have made a successful living selling seaside postcards, but he chose to starve in a garret painting the pictures he wanted and died a pauper.


as for lucas, you might despise the prequels, but make no mistake: he's the living envy of every filmmaker alive (even the ones who think he's lousy). why? he has the two things that any filmmaker would kill to have: near unlimited resources and complete artistic freedom. lucas is the only filmmaker who can release a major motion picture outside the hollywood studio system and make it a worldwide success (although after 'the passion', mel gibson may be next).


so in a nutshell: lucas doesn't need to care what anyone thinks about his movies. and he don't need to care about commercial success either.


No it is called reality. GL has legal control of a creation that nets him millions of dollars annually. This money isn't given to him by god for his genius.

dumber than a bag of hammers

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*Agrees whole-heartedly with newc0253 and feels like her post is being trampled on. sniff sniff*


I have a feeling that this thread will soon be breaching that grey area beyond pathetic . . .

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Every member of this forum has demonstrated their allegiance by being here to Lucas products on some level. That doesn't mean we all agree with ever decision Lucas made, but it does mean that we enjoy Star Wars on some base level.

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Every member of this forum has demonstrated their allegiance by being here to Lucas products on some level.

Talk about faulty logic...


If I drink whisky on the rocks, I get drunk. If I drink rum on the rocks, I get drunk. If I drink vodka on the rocks, I get drunk. Quo est demonstrandum, I should quit the ice cubes, for they make me get drunk.


Some people were here before they knew that Obsidian were making a Star Wars game. :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Every member of this forum has demonstrated their allegiance by being here to Lucas products on some level. That doesn't mean we all agree with ever decision Lucas made, but it does mean that we enjoy Star Wars on some base level.

Allegiance to what? I have an allegiance to good RPGs which I hope KOTOR2 will be. Otherwise the only other SW game I own is Jedi Academy. And other than that I don't own a single SW product aside from the original trilogy on VHS. But I see what you're saying and basically agree.

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Every member of this forum has demonstrated their allegiance by being here to Lucas products on some level.  That doesn't mean we all agree with ever decision Lucas made, but it does mean that we enjoy Star Wars on some base level.

Well, i whatched the original trilogy ONCE at a friend house, but i don't own any of the films (i was too old by then).


I own the entire Dark Force series even considering the last 2 weren't that great, but that's because i'm a FPS whore.


I bought KOTOR only because there weren't many RPGs around and i needed something to play. It turned out to be suprisingly good, but that's that.


Right now i'm here because of Chris Avellone and the reast of his team, and i was here even before KOTORII was announced.


All in all i couldn't really give less then a crap about Star Wars...

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Every member of this forum has demonstrated their allegiance by being here to Lucas products on some level. That doesn't mean we all agree with ever decision Lucas made, but it does mean that we enjoy Star Wars on some base level.

allegiance? screw that noise.


buying or even liking a product ain't an 'allegiance'. before KOTOR2 was announced, most of the posters were here simply because they like discussing RPGs and CRPGs.


i like star wars movies but until KOTOR i'd never bought a single star wars game or product (okay, maybe that model tie-fighter when i was 9). hell, i've bought several CRPGs now that have been set in the forgotten realms and i hate the forgotten realms.


you can't infer anything from the fact that people post here other than the fact that they're human. and i even doubt that about some posters...

dumber than a bag of hammers

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