It seems that this modal is heavily bugged. I'm not referring to the fact that all DoT's stack with each other (which might be intended, but is kind of too powerful in my opinion) and the duration is quite long (60s). Unfortunately when several bleeding cut DoTs are active, one of them will generate their sum as raw damage, while the others still do their own damage as well. For example, in the pictured attached I performed 3 attacks all of them generating each a DoT of 1 raw dmg per tick (don't be fooled by this petty amount as the character performing the attack was a tank and not a DPS). Unfortunately the result was that at each tick I was seeing 3,1,1 as float text damage instead of 1,1,1. This happened in all my tests. I'm not even sure that each DoT has its own duration or all of them are refreshed to 60s after stacking a new one as the attacked character dies quite fast.
It seems that this modal is heavily bugged. I'm not referring to the fact that all DoT's stack with each other (which might be intended, but is kind of too powerful in my opinion) and the duration is quite long (60s). Unfortunately when several bleeding cut DoTs are active, one of them will generate their sum as raw damage, while the others still do their own damage as well. For example, in the pictured attached I performed 3 attacks all of them generating each a DoT of 1 raw dmg per tick (don't be fooled by this petty amount as the character performing the attack was a tank and not a DPS). Unfortunately the result was that at each tick I was seeing 3,1,1 as float text damage instead of 1,1,1. This happened in all my tests. I'm not even sure that each DoT has its own duration or all of them are refreshed to 60s after stacking a new one as the attacked character dies quite fast.

Edited by kmbogd2 answers to this question
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