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Revelation Quill bug during Into the Eye scenario



I am unable to use Revelation Quill during the Into the eye scenario. I use it, pick the location Rune Well, as it's the only one there, and then I am unable to see the next 5 cards. It just does nothing. I can't back out or cancel it, or move forward. I'm stuck to forfeit the scenario and start it all over again.

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Not just Revelation Quill. Also happens with Scrying (therefore probably ditto for Augury).


Sleepless Detective works ok. 


Seems to be cross-platform; confirmed the bug in both the Steam version and iOS.


What platform are you on? Steam and iOS
What version of the OS are you running? Win 7 Home and iOS 10.3.2
What model is the device? iPhone 7. PC is custom.
What is your PFID#? 39E05B14E2E75483 for Steam. iOS is cutoff.
Is pass & play on? ...No?  Is permadeath on? No.
Tutorial, Story Mode, or Quest Mode? Don't know what this means. Into the Eye (AD6, S5)
Characters in Party. Veleros, Ezren, Kyra, Merisiel
Location of each character. Runewell
Turn Order. Veleros, Ezren, Kyra, Merisiel
Scenario & Scenario Difficulty.  Normal
What card was encountered when the issue occurred? Scrying and/or Revelation Quill.
Did the issue occur on the first explore or a subsequent explore?  If subsequent, what card did you last encounter?  What was its resolution? Issue occurs whenever anyone tries to use either of the above cards. Confirmed both iOS and Steam versions. I have screenshots from the PC version.
Did other characters aid the check?  What did they use to aid it? Nope.
Was the encounter a Horde? No.
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Also confirmed that playing the Eagle will lock it up. Wayfinder does not.


It appears to be items-that-take-you-out-of-the-location vs those that don't. The former will result in having to restart, whereas the latter function as per usual.

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Fun fact: now playing on a refurbished iPad 4 that I picked up for cyber Monday. Playing with the tablet interface: works fine. Playing with the phone interface (on the tablet) not so much.


Hope this helps!

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No, it means the problem is interface specific and now identified (at least for the bug in 6-4). When I switched back to Tablet mode the problem went away again. Therefore the issue is with Phone mode.

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It happens to me on PC on 6-5, and going to the main menu and then hitting continue doesn't fix it for scrying, it just asks you for the card type again and the location again and then sits there doing nothing.


edit: Also doesn't fix it for Revelation Quill.

Edited by heroic
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Update re: this bug in 6-4 


If you play any location deck manipulation card that takes you to the map *in any location other than Runewell* the card will work. If you attempt to play one of these cards within Runewell, the card type will be bugged for the rest of the scenario.

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Oh yeah, I forgot about Augury. The two allies I mentioned should show up during exploration (Sleepless Detective) or in a Treasure Chest (Pathfinder Venture-Captain) with some luck

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Oh yeah, I forgot about Augury. The two allies I mentioned should show up during exploration (Sleepless Detective) or in a Treasure Chest (Pathfinder Venture-Captain) with some luck

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Don't know if its helpful, but this is still an issue (at least in 6.5). Both Scrying and Revelation Quill caused the behaviour noted above (i.e. you confirm you want to use the spell/item, you pick a card type, you pick a location (Runewell, since its the only one) and the card just sits there next to the deck. If you quit the game and then Continue, you reload at the point where you're prompted to confirm you want to use the spell/item, so at that point you can decline and continue playing.


Very annoying since 6.5 is a real grind without these! Augery and Magic Spyglass (which don't ask you to confirm a location) work absolutely fine.


I'm playing on an iPad.

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Yes, the bug is still present, but there is something more complicated going on. In Assault on the pinnacle (AD6-4) in Normal gameplay (Android, Merisiel+Kyra+Tontelizi) on several replays, the Revelation Quill could be used in the beginning (maybe when no one even entered the Runewell), but in later stage it failed to do anything. I suspect that someone being present in the Runewell crashed the part of the code responsible for scrying into other locations.

Also, Eagle could be used in the beginning, but in the later stages it just stalled the game similar to Revelation Quill. Strange.

AD 6-5: Revelation Quill does not work at all (Runewell)?

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I can confirm that this bug is still present in 6.5 in the Steam version.  Being unable to complete the game because of a bug is a very dissatisfying ending to an otherwise great gameplay experience.  I know I could beat this scenario without using the Quill, but doing so would require a lot of luck and grinding, which I have no desire to do.


This game is amazing in general, and I think it is a shame the developers haven't had the time to fix bugs like this.

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I can confirm that this bug is still present in 6.5 in the Steam version.  Being unable to complete the game because of a bug is a very dissatisfying ending to an otherwise great gameplay experience.  I know I could beat this scenario without using the Quill, but doing so would require a lot of luck and grinding, which I have no desire to do.


This game is amazing in general, and I think it is a shame the developers haven't had the time to fix bugs like this.


Make that without Quill, Eagle, and even Scry in certain circumstances. It seems that any card that lets you look at any location deck and rearrange the cards breaks when you choose the location you're in. In the case of the scenario where the only location is the Runewell, well...there go a ton of useful cards in a really tough scenario.


Hate to make my first post a complaint, but I came here specifically looking for info on this bug. I agree that it's a shame when such an impactful bug doesn't make it into a fix after so many months. Here's hoping they can get to it soon.

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I just ran into the exact same issue on my Android tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab S2).  I captured screen shots with notes, assuming that I was going to be submitting a new error report, but now I see that this is a long-standing issue.


I purchased this game during the relatively recent Humble Bundle board games promotion, and it would be really nice to be able to actually finish it!

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I just ran into the exact same issue on my Android tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab S2).  I captured screen shots with notes, assuming that I was going to be submitting a new error report, but now I see that this is a long-standing issue.


I purchased this game during the relatively recent Humble Bundle board games promotion, and it would be really nice to be able to actually finish it!


Well, you can finish it as it is not a game-breaking bug. You just have to avoid using Scrying and Revelation Quill and Eagle. Augury works fine. Admitedly, the last scenario almost needs as much scrying as you can to get the terrible runelord to the bottom...

Unfortunately, the bug will be with us for a very long time, possibly forever :(

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I just ran into the exact same issue on my Android tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab S2).  I captured screen shots with notes, assuming that I was going to be submitting a new error report, but now I see that this is a long-standing issue.


I purchased this game during the relatively recent Humble Bundle board games promotion, and it would be really nice to be able to actually finish it!


Well, you can finish it as it is not a game-breaking bug. You just have to avoid using Scrying and Revelation Quill and Eagle. Augury works fine. Admitedly, the last scenario almost needs as much scrying as you can to get the terrible runelord to the bottom...

Unfortunately, the bug will be with us for a very long time, possibly forever :(



Thanks for the reply.  I eventually was able to beat it on normal difficulty by hoarding Augury spells and using Shalelu Andosana.  Not sure how the higher difficulty levels will shake out.

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The Scrying/Revelation Quill bug for Into The Eye *still* exists.  What the actual H.  This is the only scenario you can actually lose on normal mode, and when you do, it's a TPK.

I assume all development, including support, has ceased on this project?  Because this bug is seriously bad. Even worse that people don't know to plan for it until after they hit it once.

(Using Steam on a Windows 10 laptop.)

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