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I am looking for some help and advice for my SOLO rogue. I played for him few times, but not in 3+ patch.

I want to have dual wield - sabres or daggers.


Early game (you can have all of these items VERY soon):


Weapon 1: Azureith's Stiletto

Weapon 2: Oidhreacht

Head: Hermits hat +2 int

Armor: Jack of wide waters

Gloves: Rotfinger Gloves

Belt: Blunting Belt/Girdle of Maegfolc Might +3 might

Feet: Shod-in-faith

Ring 1: Ring of deflection +9

Ring 2: Ring of Wonder +1con/mig/res

Cloak: Lilith's Shawl +3 per


Mid game (pretty much beginning of WM 1):


Weapon 1: Resolution

Weapon 2: Purgatory

Head: WM 1 Garodh's Chorus +3 might

Armor: WM 1 Wayfarer's Hide

Gloves: Rotfinger Gloves

Belt: WM 1 Girdle of Eotun Constitution +3 con

Feet: Shod-in-faith

Ring 1: Ring of deflection +9/Ring of protection +9

Ring 2: Ring of thorns +3 dex

Cloak: Lilith's Shawl +3 per


Late game:


Weapon 1: Purgatory/The Unlabored Blade

Weapon 2: Purgatory (with Helwax Mold)/Drawn in Spring

Head: WM 2 Maegfolc Skull +4 might

Armor: Wayfarer's Hide

Gloves: WM 2 Siegebreaker Gauntlets +4 res

Belt: WM 2 Looped Rope

Feet: Shod-in-faith

Ring 1: WM 2 Gwyn's Band of Union +4 int

Ring 2: WM 2 Iron Circle +4 con (enchant armor with +2 dex to compensate ring of thorns)

Cloak: WM 2 Mantle of the Excavator +4 per


Quick slots:

2x Figurines, llengrath potion +25 def/+20 reflex, purple healing potion.


So, this is how I imagine his gear. However I have few questions.


1/2. Weapons. After this Sabre nerf, what would be better/more powerfull?

a - double Purgatory

b - double Drawn in Spring

c - Drawn in Spring + Unlabored Blade

d - Which "lash" is the best? I suppose I should use two different ones.

e - Against which type of monsters should I enchant sabres/daggers? Again, should be two different ones.

I dont want to wait for Legendary enchatment to weapon, its really late game, which means I could use it like for another 5 hours. No thanks.


I have never played with daggers, so I dont know how strong DiS is.

I think big plus is that I could have +4 accuracy for daggers with Flick of wrists.


2. If I decide for double Purgatory, I suppose I should have enough healing, so I could switch boots for those +4 dexterity. What do you think?


3. Head. What ability should I choose for Garodhs helmet? Retaliation or Preservation?


4. Gloves. Rotfinger are great, do you think Siegebreakers are better? I do, but I didnt test it.


5. I would like to use Cape of the Master Mystic however I dont want lo lose +3/+4 perception bonus - I dont think there are any rings for at least +2 perception.



Athletics - 0

Stealth - 0 (at the beginning its nice to sneak close to enemies, but in WM1+2 I feel it isnt working properly and also I think its better to initiate fight from some distance)

Lore - ?

Survival - ?

Mechanics - around 11/12 should be ok


Strategy as I played it before WM 2:


After maybe 1/3 of the game I should have enough coins to eat Dragon meat dish before every "medium difficulty" encounter, also +3 DR drink from WM1 is great.

As soon as I see creatures, I cast figurine, then drink llengrats potion and kill everything :) Worked well before, hope it will work now :)




I have soloed a Riposte Rogue on Hard. Outside of boss fights it was a breeze without food or potions for the most part. I dual wielded a few fights but found without potions that up survivability I would get cut up pretty bad. I liked the extra protection of a bash shield.


I prefer Fire lashes. On everything. I also like the Jolting Touch Stilletto. It can be abused.

No matter which fork in the road you take I am certain adventure awaits.


How can Azureith's Stiletto be abused with a rogue (I know how a monk can do it)? I always thought it's inferior to Bleak Fang.


By the way: Jolting Touch, since it's a melee attack, works with the monk's lashes (see monksterlasher). That's quite cool.

Does anybody know if it would also work with a paladin's FoD? Like when you score a crit with Azureith's Stiletto while you use FoD, will th Jolting Touch also get the burning lash? I don't think so, but who knows? Sorry for being offtopic.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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