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Last night my second '30 days of gold' ran out.  I had 456 gold and 40 chests at the time.  I have a few dollars of credit with Google so I signed up for a third round of daily gold (fyi, I use google's survey app which is enough to get $2.00 for daily gold every month :) ) .  Now I had enough to buy another chest - 656 gold.  I have been saving the 40 chests for future adventure decks/updates, so I was only going to open the one chest I had bought.  I went to open it and it began spinning the light and moving like it does, but the chest never opened to reveal cards.  After trying several times with short and long taps I found I also couldn't use any buttons on the screen like Back or the other store buttons.  The game was running but not taking any input.  I ended up closing the game and re-opening it.  I went back and tried again.  I ended up with the same behavior.  After opening the game a third time and going to the store I noticed I now had 39 chests.  The game had removed two chests from my count but not allowed me to open either chest.  I was out the gold I spent on the chest, and lost that and a second one I already owned while being shorted 8 cards in my vault.


I'll wait until the update comes to open another chest.  If that doesn't fix the issue then I'll report back and ask for some kind of credit to my account.

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4 answers to this question

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I had the same issue - new to the game - so I only had two chests, but neither opened and both disappeared and prevented anything else from happening until I restarted the ap. I just assumed the cards went to the vault due to being a noob - but I'm guessing that didn't happen.

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Guys, you might wanna check your Galleries. I had the same happen to me and thougth the chests lost, but then, while casually browsing my Gallery, I discovered a previously absent Legendary Slaying Sword! So, turns out those chests gave me the cards after all..

You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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This happened on my tablet.  I don't really play on my phone, but I have it installed to get my daily gold easier.  The PFID on my phone (assuming it is the same) is 72D922DBFB588B8F


Glad to hear it's just a UI thing.  I don't keep close enough track of my vault/gallery to know if new cards were added, but I believe it.

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