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Cancelling Check Allows Multiple Card Uses Per Check



I ran across a very odd interaction last night playing Adventure 2, Scenario 3 - Foul Misgivings.


Characters in Party: Valeros, Kyra, and Seoni

Characters at this Location: Kyra and Seoni

Card Encountered: Villain -- Skinsaw Man

Mode: Story Mode

Location: Hard to Remember, I believe it was the "Cave" location that causes a monster to be placed at an open location when encountering a monster

State of other Locations: All Closed


During Kyra's turn, I explored and encountered the Skinsaw Man Villain.  This card requires two checks to defeat "14 Combat then 16 combat".


Kyra reveals a "Bastard Sword + 1" and the appropriate die are added to the check.


I do NOT initiate the check.


At this point, I notice a strange icon at the top of the screen.  It looks like the "Give Card" icon, but it is located in the vertical top horizontal center of the screen.


I tap this icon and a dialog box appears titled "CHECK" that displays a picture of Seoni.  This dialog is similar to the type of dialog shown when encountering a "horde" of creature, but did not have the right arrow inside the dialog, only a picture of Seoni.


Since I didn't (and still don't) know what this was going to do, I taped the "Cancel X" button of the left vertical center of the screen to cancel this "CHECK" dialog.


At this point the "Bastard Sword + 1" has been returned to my hand, BUT the D10 added by the reveal of the card is still on the table.


For the second time, I revealed the "Bastard Sword + 1" and a second D10 was added to the check.  I didn't attempt to do this again, but it seemed possible that I might be able to repeat this bug to continue to add an arbitrary number of die to the check.


I have not attempted to look for this odd icon on any other encounters.  Perhaps it appears whenever two characters encounter a monster/villian?  I'm not sure and haven't had time to look into what prompts this weird icon to appear.


I am writing this all without the game in front of me from memory one day later, so please forgive if I've forgotten a detail. 

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At this point, I notice a strange icon at the top of the screen.  It looks like the "Give Card" icon, but it is located in the vertical top horizontal center of the screen.


I tap this icon and a dialog box appears titled "CHECK" that displays a picture of Seoni.  This dialog is similar to the type of dialog shown when encountering a "horde" of creature, but did not have the right arrow inside the dialog, only a picture of Seoni.


Since I didn't (and still don't) know what this was going to do, I taped the "Cancel X" button of the left vertical center of the screen to cancel this "CHECK" dialog.


I have not attempted to look for this odd icon on any other encounters.  Perhaps it appears whenever two characters encounter a monster/villian?  I'm not sure and haven't had time to look into what prompts this weird icon to appear.



This icon appeears whenever you encounter a monster (villain or not) with two sequential checks to defeat, AND there's another character at your location. That charcter may attempt the first OR the second check of the encounter, instead of the original character.


Don't ask me why they chose the "Give Card" icon for this (even if they were in a hurry and discovered they lack art in the last possible second - they could still reuse Valeros' "teamwork" icon it would've done a better job) , but even when you press it, the communication is still terrible: hero portraits and a single word "Check?". Yeah, I'm in the middle of a check, game, what about it?  (similarly unclear is with villains that summon monsters pre-combat - again you get a single "Encounter?"; I understand space is at a premium, but there should be clearer way to communicate...)

You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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Thanks for the explanation of the intent of the feature!  I will try to see if I can reproduce the bug tonight.

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