Brainwave Posted May 11, 2016 Posted May 11, 2016 (edited) Ok all is clear now. And that does explain why it took awhile to find the deathbane crossbow, probably wasn't available until recently, and why I still haven't encountered the ever elusive Father Z. However I still think you'd be better off renaming the party tier levels because when they are the exact same as the deck descriptors, it's easy to make the incorrect assumption that they match and I'm doubting I'll be the last person confused by it. Plus I'd been entertained if my starting party said "Tier Level - Noob". Edited May 11, 2016 by Brainwave
Hannibal_PJV Posted May 11, 2016 Posted May 11, 2016 I am at level 17 and has not seen one level 1 boon or level 1 bane, except Villains and hensmans. So I keep on stormin to level 20 to see if the thing change. The one thing that is bugged for sure is that cards that should be harder with higher adventure levels Are not getting that adventure level bonus even at level 17... And that may be problem. 1
Brainwave Posted May 11, 2016 Posted May 11, 2016 Huh. Sounds like the system could use some tweaks, that's a ton of adventures to go through without hitting any deck 1 cards. I have a feeling that the better B deck cards are spread out from like levels 8-15 or something, since I finally found the deathbane somewhere around level 10, and still haven't seen father z, masterwork tools, augury and probably a couple other cards that I can't think of right now by level 12.
FatePAC Posted May 11, 2016 Posted May 11, 2016 I got the masterwork tools pretty early around maybe around lv 5.
delpheki Posted May 11, 2016 Posted May 11, 2016 I am confident this system needs to be looked at. I've played about 20 missions as tier 1 without a level 1 boon/bane. I don't mind a grind but I feel like the level 1 boons and banes were supposed to kick in at 10 to keep a little closer to Story modes progress of character feats to loot progression as well as provide tougher banes worth more experience to push through to the next tier and keep the game somewhat challenging.
StormbringerGT Posted May 11, 2016 Posted May 11, 2016 This definitely warrants some looking around no our end. Thanks for reporting and the patience! :3 1
haloa92 Posted May 12, 2016 Posted May 12, 2016 Party of four, level 17. Not a single boon or bane from adventure 1 except for villains and henchmen. I only found the +1 sickle from adventure 2 (which may be one of the "bumped down") and I played a scenario where I had to fight the skinsaw cultists as henchmen. I find quite often some level 2 locations, like the mill.
Matsu Kurisu Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 (edited) On 5/10/2016 at 9:45 PM, StormbringerGT said: Right it is not a direct correlation. That being said once you hit Tier 1 you should be seeing a lot of new things. Definately not the case my side. My party of Meresiel, Ezren, Lini, Sheelah are now level 15 and I am still only seeing basic cards for boons Edited May 13, 2016 by Matsu Kurisu ------------------------------------------------------------ Playing with iPad mini 4th Gen iOS 10.3.3 Primary party MERISIAL, EZREN, LINI, SEELAH
Hannibal_PJV Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 Now at level 18 and B-level boons and minions. But level 20 is not far any more! Maybe then ;-)
Rhygar Posted May 13, 2016 Author Posted May 13, 2016 I'm not sure sure if the Dev actually read post and bother to answer the queries. Perhaps general discussion is really for self discussion amongst players eh. By now though , I'd advanced enough in quest mode to answer my own questions and here's for those who may be interested. Level cap as of now is lv 30 . Can't gain any more exp after that. It's tier 3. Character development at this point is abit further along than the story mode allows, like one more power at and one more card feat. Just short of the very intriguing character role specialization. I'd expect exp and char growth to continue once expansion packs are released. As for loot table, it's abit quirky but as a general rule of thumb, , other than tier b and 1 which basically share deck b loot, other tier mostly has access to one tier lower ie tier 2 will access deck 1 stuff, tier 3 access deck 2 etc. Some exceptions to this for certain cards exist as far as I can tell. For instance war razor +1 , light crossbow +1 , chime of unlocking , merchant are deck 2 which can be found at , well, tier 2. For most other boons, expect deck( tier -1) loot. banes and barrier, going off my memory I don't pay them as much attention though: barriers are encountered as per your tier level -1 ,just as your loot . Villains are encountered at your tier level. Although I think I might have seen deck B black fang at late tier 2. Henchman are an oddity. At tier 2 I'm encountering deck 3 henchman. Neat for those who like abit of challenge 1
Rhygar Posted May 13, 2016 Author Posted May 13, 2016 And if anyone look at their vault during quest mode and sees an incomplete looking vault missing several cards , like I do, just ignore it. The loot table as far as I can tell follows the vault in gallery view.
Hannibal_PJV Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 Levels 31-40 will be unlocked when adventure Path 3 is released.
Hannibal_PJV Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 (edited) Ok, now at level 20 and I can confirm that there Are level 1 boons. Have to see if there Are any level specific leveling in boons and banes, but there definitely Are other than B-level boons in quest mode. Have to play more and see how this leveling actually works. But first scenario after level 20 was the first to encounter them. So Boon level seems to be your adventure level minus one. Tracking for more info... Ps. Also level 1 banes has been appearing. Pss. At level 21 banes does not get adventure deck modifiers, so that part seems not to be working. There is scenario bonus, but no level bonus. Ofcourse I can not be sure, if that is intentional. Edited May 17, 2016 by Hannibal_PJV
raptorixx Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 Hi everyone! First sorry if this has been explained before... I am soon about to finish the story mode as far it can go now.. Can I then use the same characters that I use in story mode to do quest mode and lvl them futher? If so can I then use them again in story mode when more content has been released? Thanks in advance! /R
Brainwave Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 Quest and story modes are completely separate due to the fact that characters "level up" in completely different ways. So no, they aren't compatible with each other. The good news is now you can try out some different characters! 1
Rhygar Posted May 14, 2016 Author Posted May 14, 2016 (edited) On 5/13/2016 at 9:13 PM, Hannibal_PJV said: Ok, now at level 20 and I can confirm that there Are level 1 boons. Have to see if there Are any level specific leveling in boons and banes, but there definitely Are other than B-level boons in quest mode. Have to play more and see how this leveling actually works. But first scenario after level 20 was the first to encounter them. So Boon level seems to be your adventure level minus one. Tracking for more info... Ps. Also level 1 banes has been appearing. Congrats and welcome to the grind to tier 3 ;-pI'm still hunting for my third fiery bolt and 2nd scorching Ray and frozen Ray. I'm beginning to think there's a hidden cap on number of a specific card for a given party on quest mode. Ie, if you got only one arcane caster in your party you don't get 5 fiery bolt cards dropping to incinerate a goblin at your fancy . So if you find an inordinate amount of the same spell cards do give a shout. This could apply to other card type as well like I'd never found a second amulet of life. In other news, more proof the loot table is either random or a jumbled up database wholly different from the decks we know of from gallery ... At tier 3 I stumbled on arcane lizard which is a deck4 ally . Of course I don't got a use for it with my setup but still.. Maybe I'll stumble upon that clockwork librarian soon.. Just maybe .. Edit : devs if you happen to know or can find out info on the alleged cap on the same specific card in a given party , do chime in Edited May 14, 2016 by Rhygar
OmegaDestroyer Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 Quest Mode certainly needs to be looked at. I'm level 13 with my characters and pretty much only find B and C level junk. Every so often I have stumbled upon a level 1 weapon, which is nice, but I haven't seen a single level 1 attack spell pop up other than Divine Light. Also, I understand penalties for failing, but why do we lose the exp we earned in the quests? We overcame the banes, we should get something for it. I can understand not awarding players gold but it is really tedious to lose all the exp gained form defeating the banes. Also, why would anyone want to bother with the difficulty tiers? The gold rewards are so minimal, I find it difficult to want to slog through a quest with two awful effects hindering me.
Rhygar Posted May 15, 2016 Author Posted May 15, 2016 On 5/15/2016 at 4:57 PM, OmegaDestroyer said: Quest Mode certainly needs to be looked at. I'm level 13 with my characters and pretty much only find B and C level junk. Every so often I have stumbled upon a level 1 weapon, which is nice, but I haven't seen a single level 1 attack spell pop up other than Divine Light. Also, I understand penalties for failing, but why do we lose the exp we earned in the quests? We overcame the banes, we should get something for it. I can understand not awarding players gold but it is really tedious to lose all the exp gained form defeating the banes. Also, why would anyone want to bother with the difficulty tiers? The gold rewards are so minimal, I find it difficult to want to slog through a quest with two awful effects hindering me. I assume you meant holy light instead of divine light? But as things stand now yea the deck B and c is what you can access in terms of loot until your party hit tier 2. Perhaps they consider the combined modified database of B n C plus a few exception from other higher deck is enough for the levels from 1-20? But keep at it and you should get the deck 1 stuff at lv 20 which when it happened for me, was quite rewarding. One of the Dev ladykaieta I believe mentioned in another post that we should get xp for killing banes or defeating barriers on top of the scenario completion reward . So they may be fixing that issue . As for difficulty tier, everyone plays the game differently so just pick the mode that suits yourself which you can enjoy . The good thing with quest mode is you can repeatedly do normal and still get gold reward
Hannibal_PJV Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 (edited) I think that the game very boring with normal difficulty so I always play in heroic or legendary. The extra gold has no meaning to me. I just want that the game is challenging to me and so more interesting. So these difficulty levels Are really good to allow different people to modify the game so that it suits the skill of the player! Definitely one of the best thing in this digital version! Have to get these to my tabletop games too, so that They will be more interesting too! Edited May 15, 2016 by Hannibal_PJV
Brainwave Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 On 5/15/2016 at 4:57 PM, OmegaDestroyer said: Quest Mode certainly needs to be looked at. I'm level 13 with my characters and pretty much only find B and C level junk. Every so often I have stumbled upon a level 1 weapon, which is nice, but I haven't seen a single level 1 attack spell pop up other than Divine Light. Also, I understand penalties for failing, but why do we lose the exp we earned in the quests? We overcame the banes, we should get something for it. I can understand not awarding players gold but it is really tedious to lose all the exp gained form defeating the banes. Also, why would anyone want to bother with the difficulty tiers? The gold rewards are so minimal, I find it difficult to want to slog through a quest with two awful effects hindering me. I think they need to (and from some posts I believe it is being looked at) tune the card distribution a bit more. I'm lvl 16 and it's still the same. I think the only "new" card I've seen in the past 5 levels has been Augury, which I can completely understand if they want to make it higher level than other B level cards, but there should be other cards popping up in that range as well. I expect, based on other posts, to see a lot more cards appear as I approach lvl 20, but yeah more really need to be redistributed between 10-20. As it is, while I find it somewhat entertaining to "level" a group of guys in quest mode, I'm only really doing it because the story mode is unfinished. Long term I'm much more interested in playing groups through the set unique story missions than replaying endless random quest missions where you encounter the same stuff over and over. Which is even less exciting if you're not even encountering much in the way of interesting cards from around level 8 (by that point you have all the good boons that are available early other than 1 or 2) to at least level 16. Personally I think you should get both gold and XP for time spent rather than having gold be somehow tied to difficulty / ability to complete missions (except as maybe a completion bonus) but that's just me. Agreed about difficulty tiers. I'm usually someone that likes the challenge of playing on a higher difficulty but that difficulty needs to be balanced and winnable if you know what you're doing to be interesting for me. Right now it needs some major tuning (Night Approaches alone is extremely unbalanced) so I've just been playing on normal. If balancing happens, I'll look at it again.
Hannibal_PJV Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 Night approaches is easy. Just use augury and avoid getting any boons. All cards that allow you to avoid and destroy boons Are good when Night is coming! ;-) So Augyry, Seelah and other deck manipulation cards Are very effective. Also you have to go fast. And if you Are unlucky and meat some boons, you have to use blessings to get those...
Rhygar Posted May 15, 2016 Author Posted May 15, 2016 So it sounds like the table top version has no difficulty mode ? For me grinding and being rewarded with character progression and potential card beyond current content of story mode is the lure of the quest mode. The gold isn't meaningless , wherever possible without compromising speed and efficiency in completing the scenario I play in legendary. I'm well over 1000+ cards in my vault and I still seeing lots of locked cards in my vault. But I'm certainly looking forward to multiplayer mode too and seeing how it will be implemented.
Brainwave Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 Normal difficulty here is the same as the card game. There's no additional modes in that game, correct.
Rhygar Posted May 15, 2016 Author Posted May 15, 2016 In the other news.. I found my third fiery bolt spell after salvaging away the ridiculous amount of paralysis spell and the likes of which I have no use for in my party setup, current salvage bug notwithstanding. Discarded the spell though since ezren is overloaded with many attack spells as it is hah. Seems like there isn't a cap on how many of the same card the game permit itself to generate for you in quest mode, as I'd earlier conceived. Does anyone know if the number of the same card in the vault correspond to the max amount of that card you can have in a single party ? Ie, if vault says you have 2 holy light, and your party already has 2 or more of that card , the game will not generate any more of that card in any play through with that party. Or is the number just indicative of probability of spawning the card in any play through ?
Brainwave Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 For story mode it's definitely not supposed to generate more copies than the number available in the vault. I believe this is the same in quest mode but less sure as it doesn't always operate under the same rules.
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