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hmmm, i thought you needed resolve for that?

if you dont - i will still kill the dragon - no dragon shall survive (if i can kill it)


I never understood why everyone is so eager to kill dragons. They are wonderful creatues and the Syk Dragon has a baby... you are so cruel Reent... bad, bad, boy!! :devil:


Thelynn´ss got Hyleas Boon - without killing the dragon - and continues questing around Twin Elms. Lvl 10 should be reached tomorrow. Will need some rest. :yes:


i will play around one more hour - should get to level 10 before going offline :D

Killing the dragon... will see, if i can resolve it peacefully, i may - i was thinking about the exp but... the time investment would be kinda huge for the exp, i dont think its needed^^

  On 3/21/2016 at 10:17 PM, Dorftek said:

Godquest? What have I missed? :o


Also, are you confirming that Dex is basically useless for a chanter, unless ur kiting?


to an extend:

if you wear plate 2/3/4 dex will do more than just lower your kiting ability - you loose about 2 secs (dont know if it would be less on lvl 16, but thats what you get lvl 7) per spell - so instead of every 8-10 secs (lvl 16 - if the speed doesnt change) you can use lvl 1 spells every 10-12 secs... i dont know how the recovery changes with higher level spells but i think it doesnt change, so if you want to spam something like charm - level 7 you would need about 15-17 secs per charm, with plate and low dex - it would be something like every 17-19... sure, doesnt look too bad i guess - i just dont like the full package - slow moving, slow chanting... even in a group thats not what i want :x

  • Like 1

I am so bad. The unholy Adragan group in Elmshore - the one where the last bird is - killed my again and again. Yes, it was my own fault because i wanted to rush in and kill them all. But holy cow. Everytime i got them all nearly down they either managed to heal or to petrify or to dominate or to instakill me. Going into Raging-Mode was not a good idea cause i only died more. Back to patience mode the Lurker and Adragan went down easily thanks to chain CC. Damn it. I hate Adragans even more than Lagufaeth atm. At least level 10 is reached... :yes:


I think - i made a wise choice (i may make a "Pervert" post again telling you how the run is going... but here a short few into it!)




Dont you see the high damage my might is doing? Dont you see the range and duration of my spell? Jeaha! My build is paying off!

It took me about 2 tries to kill the first batch broodmother - the 2nd one? 10 tries until everything went right and i could tank her that way :D


I am now fully happy with my dex... JEAH RIGHT!!! I want choices - i dont wanna get oneshot (the DoT kills me - if he casts it i am dead - i have no first strike abilities, the first few secs are running away - they are about as fast... so much fun^^)


hmmm, nalrend - it could be possible, its been a long time for me (ironman - i dont go close to them)... if you manage to get some time for your summons (lvl 1 chant) you could get lucky enough... will try it when i have time^^


Oh dear - things are turning around Reent. While your Chanter now rolls my Druid slowly but surely will run into trouble. I almost can feel it.


Darzir and the Ogre Attack on Stalwart was not that bad but... Darzir and the last Shooters were so much trouble. The only chance was:


Split them and fight Darzir alone. And even than its not that clear. The easiest way was a combination of Sun Beam + Returning Storm + Autumns Decay. If he got stunned -> Summon Blight -> Spiritshift. This put him down relatively safe but it took some time. Maybe i should have waited for Level 11 - with Sunlance he would have died much faster.


Wont have the chance to go much further today so its up to you Reent- keep rolling! :yes:


hmmm - i have really big problems with stuff atm - however i can RNG them to death! Chanter can deal with stuff - thats the only thing he is good at...

Something can oneshot me with one spell? Try again until he doesnt use it before its too late.


Its kinda funny, lvl 9 gave me Dragon chant, it gave me clearspeed - however it didnt give me the potential to deal with much more stuff than i could do before... sure, if enemies outhealed my damage - or if it was closed space where i had to outdamage them - then it gave me a possibility to manage it (and in some cases, it reduced the human factor - you can do 10 secs without a fault, but can you do 10 mins without one?)

Most of the time i use dragon chant to speed the fights up, however the ogres are the ones that give me real possiblities... Okay, i can RNG adragans to death (one - but its hard) however thats only because they have too many spells and i can get lucky enough to kill them before they use petrify - with dragon chant and envenomed strike... thats one of the few cases where dragon chant gives me real possibilities^^

I can deal with most stuff in a few mins if i use a lvl 1 chant and summons - however i can deal with the same stuff in <1 min if i use dragon chant and tank them (sure, i will have to rest more - but its still MUCH faster)

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Level 11 finally reached. Thelynn´ss is slowly making progress in WM 1. Maybe now i will dare to face the infamous Lagufaeth. With my Iron Run Druid they were not that hard but that was mainly thanks to high defenses and the reflection shield. Missing both will make things tougher so the only way will be perma CC. We will see how things are going to work - or not.


Oh, and i will test a spell that i nearly never used before: Rot Skull. Throwing skulls at the enemy sounds funny. And they really hurt badly. And they are AoE. And fast. Why have i never used this spell before? Seems it needs challenges like this to get a new vision on an old class. Things will get interesting soon - hopefully tomorrow. In the meanwhile: Good hunting Reent! :yes:

Edited by Harpagornis

Thx - going strong in durgans battery, just opened the door to the workshop in the mines - tried for the key first (didnt want to go get the resting bonus for mechanics) but man - i get slaughtered before i can move a bit... TP 2 times, CCd once - death xD

Posted (edited)

okay... so i got through to the foundry... but man that was hard! Battery Spirits can kill me even if they are alone - if i dont start running fast xD

however i killed most of the spirits at the barricade (the ones that spawns after you open the workshop and try to go past the barricade again) with a little trick - only to see the way past them after that -.-


(the little trick wasnt little at all... took me so long for something useless)


now its the foundry... and i see many many enemies that are very bad for me... looks like it will be much reloading here - hours of hours of reloading -.- i dont know, i will try... but i could be at the end of "acceptable time"

i will play for a little bit more, but tomorrow should be the day where i see if i manage wm1 or not (PS, i am lvl 11, i didnt do many sidequests after act 2 - so i could try to level up a bit more... however i dont feel like that would make a big difference, its always ogres vs stuff... against weak enemies i help to make it faster, but the hard stuff has MASS RANGE CC so i cant go near... and higher level summons dont look better O_o)



okay... i looked into the map a bit more... i should be able to clear everything stationary with enough time... but there is an enemy spawn after you take the adra disc... someone knows if you can dodge it? (get it without the enemy spawn or something) else i would have to get extremely lucky - i dont know if my char has what it takes to get past that ambush...

Edited by Reent
  On 3/22/2016 at 10:20 PM, Reent said:

okay... so i got through to the foundry... but man that was hard! Battery Spirits can kill me even if they are alone - if i dont start running fast xD

however i killed most of the spirits at the barricade (the ones that spawns after you open the workshop and try to go past the barricade again) with a little trick - only to see the way past them after that -.-


(the little trick wasnt little at all... took me so long for something useless)


now its the foundry... and i see many many enemies that are very bad for me... looks like it will be much reloading here - hours of hours of reloading -.- i dont know, i will try... but i could be at the end of "acceptable time"

i will play for a little bit more, but tomorrow should be the day where i see if i manage wm1 or not (PS, i am lvl 11, i didnt do many sidequests after act 2 - so i could try to level up a bit more... however i dont feel like that would make a big difference, its always ogres vs stuff... against weak enemies i help to make it faster, but the hard stuff has MASS RANGE CC so i cant go near... and higher level summons dont look better O_o)



okay... i looked into the map a bit more... i should be able to clear everything stationary with enough time... but there is an enemy spawn after you take the adra disc... someone knows if you can dodge it? (get it without the enemy spawn or something) else i would have to get extremely lucky - i dont know if my char has what it takes to get past that ambush...

I always cleared that ambush and the key ambush in the mines with a rogue shadowing beyond. I would recommend door tanking I guess and hope a lesser spirit engages you first before a siren so you have time to build up cc. If that fails you have to try to run past the enemies and kite and hope a shadow does not abduct you or stun you. Watch out for slow fireball traps on the panels if you time right they can hit the enemies.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/23/2016 at 3:36 AM, ottffsse said:


  On 3/22/2016 at 10:20 PM, Reent said:

okay... i looked into the map a bit more... i should be able to clear everything stationary with enough time... but there is an enemy spawn after you take the adra disc... someone knows if you can dodge it? (get it without the enemy spawn or something) else i would have to get extremely lucky - i dont know if my char has what it takes to get past that ambush...

I always cleared that ambush and the key ambush in the mines with a rogue shadowing beyond. I would recommend door tanking I guess and hope a lesser spirit engages you first before a siren so you have time to build up cc. If that fails you have to try to run past the enemies and kite and hope a shadow does not abduct you or stun you. Watch out for slow fireball traps on the panels if you time right they can hit the enemies.


Okay - that is what i thought... i dont have enough knowledge about this area, its only my 3rd time here (the first 2 times were ironman runs that both died before finishing it, both didnt enter the ambush), so i created a safe and used cheats after - nofog and invisibility (dont want to redo the whole area because i didnt leave an enemy alive to trigger summons for another fight)... i triggered the ambush for the first time ever - stopped my invisibility and tried to get past it with running in both directions a few times - i dont get far enough to try something... standing still doesnt help either^^

Before that i looked at the big group before the forge - that doesnt look too splitpullable... so i looked and found a big group of weak enemies (only the vessels, no spirits) so my strategy for the area will be: splitpull the vessels and kill all but one, use that one as a fight engage - summon ogres, run near the big group and summon ogres and try to splitpull with the help of the ogres - kill them slowly...

The strategy for the ambush i can think of: pull the lonely vessel i created before to the room with the adra sphere - loose aggro to get the sphere - reengage the vessel, get a summon out, have the summon take the aggro of the ambush and try to run past...


WoW - that sounds like a reasonable plan - too bad that it can go horroble wrong and it should take quite some time pulling the vessel towards the room... maybe i will do some sidequests first and try to get the next tier level... there should be enough stuff to get to lvl 13/14... lvl 15 would be nice... i tried the summon for a bit - 3 weapons with around 160 endurance, around 60 ACC... vs 2 ogres with around 320 endurance and around 80 ACC... however the ogres attack very slow, maybe every 5 secs or something -.- the weapons attack much faster... even with the lower acc they deal more damage in the same time; and if i didnt see it wrong they are immune to at least some of the CC the spirits have... so they would be a much better summon for the fight - however lvl 15 would mean bounties... and bounties are hard stuff... so much to do because i cant clear one ambush :x

If someone knows of a genius way! Please :x

Edited by Reent
  On 3/18/2016 at 6:27 PM, Harpagornis said:

After „Noobers Revenge: A Level 1 Solo Challenge“ this is the another ultimate challenge for Pillars of Eternity. It consists of five basic rules:


    1. Solo: Only use one character for the entire game. Kill Calisca and Heodan right away.

    2. PotD: Set the game difficulty to "Path of the Damned" + Trials of Iron

    3. Naked: Don't use any items or equipment.

    4. Till the end: Beat the Main Game + White March 1 & 2.

    5. One way: You are not allowed to retrain your char.

    6. Set all attributes to minimum.

    7. Pausing the game (spacebar) is forbidden.

    8. Tie yourself to a chair, use mouth and tongue only, blindfold.


There are only a couple of execptions to play through the game:


    1. You may use things like Camping Supply, Lock Pick, Hook, Prybar, Hammer and Chisel, Rope and Grapling Hook.

    2. You may use plot/quest items for their plot/quest purposes.

    3. You may use gold for quests, resting or buying the things named above.

    4. You may use gold to build up your Stronghold.


There, fixed it for you.

  • Like 1

It would be of small avail to talk of magic in the air...


Ha, they really need to do a perfect "10" run. All stats set to 10. No bonuses or penalties....

"Those who look upon gods then say, without even knowing their names, 'He is Fire. She is Dance. He is Destruction. She is Love.' So, to reply to your statement, they do not call themselves gods. Everyone else does, though, everyone who beholds them."
"So they play that on their fascist banjos, eh?"
"You choose the wrong adjective."
"You've already used up all the others.”


Lord of Light


Posted (edited)

perfect 10 could be a thing for chanters - however other classes? I dont see it...


I dont even see myself finishing my current run! I get held back by my low ACC in clutch fights - with 68 ACC i cant try to nuke some enemies with dragon chant and get an advantage that way - with 95 (items, 15 start perception and 1h bonus) it could be possible (not possible with RNG - its not one or two hits, its about ~24 hits - if i can hit it all, i could get lucky enough (grazes arent that big of a problem, graze=4 damage ticks, hit=5 damage hits, crit=6 damage ticks)...

(i still dont see a way to integrate perception into the naked chanter and even if i had max perception, it wouldnt open the possibility to simply duke it out - the ACC wouldnt be enough and no DR is no go either)

Edited by Reent
Posted (edited)

Well, well. The infamous Adra Disc Ambush was the main reason why i did not take a Monk.


With the Ascetic Monk it took my several hours of dying after i finally had to respecc and use scrolls. Even with Summons there was no way to get through the stunning, paralyzing, immobilize & teleporting combo they throw at you. But we have no scrolls....


The only way i can think of - and that nearly worked once after hundreds of tries - is:


1. You somehow manage to summon something

2. You get teleported by a Ghost near the Sirens so your escape path is right in front of you

3. The Sirens do not attack you but a summon

4. The stun you are suffering for sure will expire before the sirens engage you

5. You can run away without anything thrown or teleporting at you

6. if ALL of this works PERFECTLY you have a chance


I nearly quit my Ascetic Monk Run because of this fight. I dont know what Chanters can do but the best way would be a mass stun or charm - or immunity against stuns, immobilze, paralyze. If this is out of reach things will get very, very tough...


EDIT: Or is tanking an option? With Monk - no way... but Chanters may stand a chance... hmmmmmm

Edited by Harpagornis
  On 3/23/2016 at 3:16 PM, Harpagornis said:

Well, well. The infamous Adra Disc Ambush was the main reason why i did not take a Monk.


With the Ascetic Monk it took my several hours of dying after i finally had to respecc and use scrolls. Even with Summons there was no way to get through the stunning, paralyzing, immobilize & teleporting combo they throw at you. But we have no scrolls....


The only way i can think of - and that nearly worked once after hundreds of tries - is:


1. You somehow manage to summon something

2. You get teleported by a Ghost near the Sirens so your escape path is right in front of you

3. The Sirens do not attack you but a summon

4. The stun you are suffering for sure will expire before the sirens engage you

5. You can run away without anything thrown or teleporting at you

6. if ALL of this works PERFECTLY you have a chance


I nearly quit my Ascetic Monk Run because of this fight. I dont know what Chanters can do but the best way would be a mass stun or charm - or immunity against stuns, immobilze, paralyze. If this is out of reach things will get very, very tough...

hmmm? I expected monk to have better chances (higher movementspeed and 50% CC duration)

And charm/stun is out of reach, for every stack i have to be 2.8 secs "not CCd"...  and for paralise i'd need 4 stacks - much too long... and my ACC suxx... so i will try my strategy with the long pull and summons BEFORE the enemies spawn - so there is hope... if that isnt enough and i'd need a charm (since charm >>>>>>>>>paralise if you just want to run) i would have to respecc X_x


but there is hope! THERE IS HOPE!!! (if i didnt have hope, i wouldnt try the big door fight - if i want to do it fast, i will do it in one long fight - that could take me >1h with pauses - since ogres are really easy to interrupt, so many enemies attacking ogres? Not many attacks...)


now back to the bounties... i hope that i can reach lvl 15 for the ambush - that would make it much easier!


If you get through this fight (and the final bosses) the next hours of gameplay are quite easy. The Ascetic Monk rushed through the first parts of WM 2 so easily - it felt like cheating. A Chanter should have easy time too. Second part of WM 2 could be more problematic but.... we will see! :yes:


pfft, i dont think i will do any fighting inside durgans battery today - the sidequests are waiting for me, higher level=less reloads and time spent... i think the big group (in front of the forge) could easily take the whole day if i started now... and thats a fight i want to do before i go to the ambush

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