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I've been playing pathfinder since the rise of the runelords beta (the closed beta for the physical card games.  my name is in the instruction manual as a playtester) and i am myself a software engineer who knows the difficulty of reproducing bugs!  I've done my best to describe all the relevant information here and provide screenshots as proof:





between the main post and the other 6 pages I glanced through, some of the bugs i found have already been reported:

  • adding a specialized blessing that adds 2 dice to a particular type of check, you can then pick any type of check and still get two die (eg, play a callistria on a collapsed cieling, you still get two die if you choose the con check)
  • Acid arrow added wrong die (d10 instead of 2d4 or something)
  • lots of missing dialog after base deck
  • gold reward animation doesn't actually show the increase in gold, though you do get the gold
  • can't use certain powers vs villains, because they don't count as monsters (eg can't bury lamashtus)
  • There ought to be a way to choose to skip the check to acquire a boon (i have a concern here: card wording has been changed from the base game that would make this awkward, eg original burglar vs obsidian burglar the wording was changed from "if you do not acquire this card" to  "if you fail the check to acquire this card", so maybe it should technically be "choosing to fail the check" instead of "choosing to skip the check" but i worry about this causing other problems down the line.  i don't know why the wording was changed in the first place).


other bugs, may not have been reported elsewhere


i checked the main post in the issues thread and skimmed the rest of the thread, but i haven't thoroughly searched the forums for them.

  • reproducible: if kyra starts her turn at an empty location and chooses to close it, she never gets a chance to use her healing power (if she chooses not to try to close it, she can heal after saying "no, don't close")
  • Kyra vs ancient skeleton during horde barrier with no weapon: ui didn't show +2 melee option
  • at post-scenario deckbuilding screen, moving cards is based on my finger location instead of the visual location of the card, eg here it fails to move theives tools to the bottom section because my finger is at the bottom of the card.  there's no reason for there to be a "dead zone" at the bottom, if a move a card down that far, it's clear i want it off of that character.
  • similarly, dragging characters into turn order is pretty difficult.  i was dragging merisiel over to the left, clearly i want merisiel first, but she would pop back to her original location.  instead i had to drag her on top of kyra to move kyra over.  similar to previous issue, there shouldn't be a dead zone to the left of kyra.
  • perception check vs sneak monster, it didn't show any dice. i've seen this happen several times, not just for this particular check, where no dice appear.  usually doing something to add or change the die (like changing skill) will make the base die appear.
  • i couldn't find a way to see what wildcard powers are during a scenario, i only saw them at the start.
  • Token of remembrance, when you pick the spell to recharge, makes you actually drag it to your deck. Why not use a "recharge" button next to the card as most other actions do?  (this applies to some other card actions too. the card dragging in this game isn't perfect, i don't see why not always have buttons next  to the cards)
  • Merisiel at farmhouse on legendary, found scout, chose to fight, took d4-1 = 3 damage, then scout shuffled back in and we never fought.  at no point did i try to evade.
  • Town Square description "this card may not be recharged" is redundant and likely to cause confusion.  this is just a holdover from the original game development when they wanted to be extra clear on the rules, but probably shouldn't be there at all.
  • i know spells say "discard... but if no arcane/divine then banish", but spells should really just say "banish" for the action when appropriate.
  • luckstone action text confusing.  i failed a check by one, luckstone lights up and just says "success" rather than "apply after roll bonus" or something.  
  • buttons on the right hand side get disabled (eg if it's merisiel's turn, but i'm looking at kyra) without any visual indication. in fact the button still has blue glowing rings indicating i should click it. leads to mashing on the "end turn" button without knowing 
  • dagger+1 wasn't allowing me to add it to my combat check with another weapon vs blackfang.  also tried doing dagger first, no discard option.  even without this bug, the "that you haven't already played" text is confusing.  made it sound like i should be discarding the dagger first then revealing the bow...?  maybe related to the "villains aren't monsters" known bug, but the dagger doesn't reference monsters so i don't know if that'd be the case.
  • i completed all 3 brigandoom on legendary but i have no indication what i need to do to get the samisen. i've checked the vault but don't see it anywhere.
  • when inspecting the "card reward" for an adventure, the blue arrow on the right looks like it might allow me to do something with the card, like acquire it or put it in my vault. instead it starts the selected scenario.  this box should be modal.
  • this one was random, i couldn't reproduce and sadly didn't screenshot: when picking difficulty level on a scenario, some combination of minimizing/changing menus caused it to show a "lock" icon instead of the "medium difficulty" icon.  only a cosmetic change, i was still able to pick the scenario and play it
  • when inspecting a card in the vault, all the other buttons respond visually to presses, but don't do anything
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15 answers to this question

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  • Nice report.


i couldn't find a way to see what wildcard powers are during a scenario, i only saw them at the start.

If you look at the scenario name on the left, below the location, clicking on the scenario name will show all the adjustments going on.

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Posted (edited)

more bugs!


all of these were done with attack on sandpoint, driving rain, and night approaches with kyra+merisiel:
  • reproducible bug: hit a goblin raid, was picking which character to fight the raider.  i clicked on the barrier to zoom in on it.  while zoomed in, i was still able to click on the hidden character buttons behind it pick who to do the fight first.  i did this bug applied for both the first and the second character picks (screenshots just for when i was picking the second).
  • usability commentary: not sure why swallowtail festival power (shuffle n cards into your deck, draw n-1) needs a special confirmation that you're not using it.  instead, power button should light up and, if i do some other action like explore, it's no longer lit up (this is how kyras healing power works, once you explore, you can't click it)
  • usability commentary: losing a turn due to an effect (eg the wildcard: lose a card off blessing deck when you fail to acquire a boon) should have a MUCH more pronounced visual effect, losing a turn is a very big deal
  • reproducible bug: pharasma 2 die bonus should not be dependent on the order in which boons were played (aid then pharasma=correctly get 2 die, pharasma then aid = still only get 1 die)
  • bug, probably hard to reproduce: odd sequence of events, not sure what might be relevant, but definitely a bug i observed [tldr: saw the top card of a location deck when i shouldn't have] 1) playing attack on sandpoint hardest difficulty 2) merisiel just defeated goblin henchman at swallowtail festival 3) to close the location, merisiel is acquiring wand of force missile [to help this, kyra plays aid then pharasma] 4) merisiel succeeds 5) zoom back to cathedral so kyra can make aid recharge check 6) kyra fails, card goes into discard - HERE'S THE WEIRD PART: ***during the spell discard animation, i see a completely spurious picture of goblin warchanter on the screen for less than a second, right where the spell was***  as i found out the next turn, it turned out that goblin warchanter was the next card in kyra's location deck, so somehow it being shown erroneously earlier during kyra's recharge check on merisiel's turn.
  • usability commentary: when setting up a dice roll, the red "x" only resets the currently selected character's played cards.  "x" probably means i want to reset ALL cards.  eg, kyra plays a blessing on merisiel, i go back to look at merisiel, i hit the x, kyra is STILL playing the blessing.  i have to go back to kyra then "x" to reset her blessing.
  • BIZZARE GAME BREAKING bug, hard to reproduce: after kyra failed to acquire "stride" at sandpoint cathedral, i lose a turn due "night approaches", then i got stuck: i couldn't end the turn or take any other actions (i clicked everywhere trying to get something to happen).  i went to the store and came back, and the game had reset to before my "stride" roll.  it let me roll again, then i got stuck again.  i repeated this loop, sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing, but the result never "sticks" and eventually the game resets to before the roll.  i killed the app, logged back in, am once again rolling for stride, but now i have TWO KYRAS AND TWO MERISIELS IN MY PARTY.  also i have an extra d6 die for no apparent reason.  i'm then able to have both merisiels play a blessing then i get stuck again.  after another logout/login i'm back to a single kyra and a single merisiel.  i've logged out, left my phone alone for a while, done lots of things, can never get past this roll.  [i was on my home wifi, physically close to my router, i have no reason to believe this was due to connectivity problems on my end.]
  • bug, possibly related?  after the problem above, i started a new set of characters by doing main menu->story->new game (new game was the only option on that screen), i now can't find any way to get back to my original characters as only the new characters appear (can't get at the ones stuck by the bug described above, so not a huge loss).
Edited by oneplus999
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  • usability commentary: losing a turn due to an effect (eg the wildcard: lose a card off blessing deck when you fail to acquire a boon) should have a MUCH more pronounced visual effect, losing a turn is a very big deal

Totally agree with this suggestion.


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bug, probably hard to reproduce: odd sequence of events, not sure what might be relevant, but definitely a bug i observed [tldr: saw the top card of a location deck when i shouldn't have] 1) playing attack on sandpoint hardest difficulty 2) merisiel just defeated goblin henchman at swallowtail festival 3) to close the location, merisiel is acquiring wand of force missile [to help this, kyra plays aid then pharasma] 4) merisiel succeeds 5) zoom back to cathedral so kyra can make aid recharge check 6) kyra fails, card goes into discard - HERE'S THE WEIRD PART: ***during the spell discard animation, i see a completely spurious picture of goblin warchanter on the screen for less than a second, right where the spell was*** as i found out the next turn, it turned out that goblin warchanter was the next card in kyra's location deck, so somehow it being shown erroneously earlier during kyra's recharge check on merisiel's turn.


This one happened to me. Temporarily closed a location, fought a bandit. When it was switching back to my fight with the villain it showed me a large chest for just a moment.

Then next turn, first examine, I encounter a large chest.

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  • usability commentary: not sure why swallowtail festival power (shuffle n cards into your deck, draw n-1) needs a special confirmation that you're not using it.  instead, power button should light up and, if i do some other action like explore, it's no longer lit up (this is how kyras healing power works, once you explore, you can't click it)


Swallowtail Festival's power is an "at the start of your turn" power. For some reason start of turn powers stop the entire game to remind you that they exist. Same with Seelah's, Harks's upgraded power, and a couple other locations. Changing that would also mean changing a lot of things and I'm not sure if people would just "ignore" these powers like Kyra's ability is usually ignored.




  • reproducible bug: pharasma 2 die bonus should not be dependent on the order in which boons were played (aid then pharasma=correctly get 2 die, pharasma then aid = still only get 1 die)


From a rules standpoint nothing is incorrect. If for some reason you want to add only a single die while using Pharasma then this sequence listed is the only real way to do so. Making sure you barely beat a check only matters when using goblin related bombs found in Wrath of the Righteous. Making a prompt for Pharasma whenever both add dice powers are valid would be super annoying for players.




  • reproducible: if kyra starts her turn at an empty location and chooses to close it, she never gets a chance to use her healing power (if she chooses not to try to close it, she can heal after saying "no, don't close")

Kyra's Rebuke Death power is a heal instead of her first exploration. If you attempt to close a location that's completely empty you are past the explore step of your turn and right before the beginning of the end of your turn. Quite unfortunate.

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  • reproducible: if kyra starts her turn at an empty location and chooses to close it, she never gets a chance to use her healing power (if she chooses not to try to close it, she can heal after saying "no, don't close")
  • perception check vs sneak monster, it didn't show any dice. i've seen this happen several times, not just for this particular check, where no dice appear.  usually doing something to add or change the die (like changing skill) will make the base die appear.
  • Token of remembrance, when you pick the spell to recharge, makes you actually drag it to your deck. Why not use a "recharge" button next to the card as most other actions do?  (this applies to some other card actions too. the card dragging in this game isn't perfect, i don't see why not always have buttons next  to the cards)
  • Merisiel at farmhouse on legendary, found scout, chose to fight, took d4-1 = 3 damage, then scout shuffled back in and we never fought.  at no point did i try to evade.


  • Closing an Empty location comes at a specific place in the turn order - immediately after exploration and before ending the Turn.  Kyra can't use her power here after attempting to close as she is officially no longer in her explore phase.  (Per the Wrath rulebook, page 9 (Coming after Explore and before End of Turn): "Close a Location: If your character is at a location that has no cards remaining and has not been closed, you may make one attempt to close it at this time).  So, not a bug, but, I concede that it's not clear that it's not a bug.
  • Sneak BYA invisible Dice: Known issue internally.  Already fixed for the next build. :)
  • Token of Remembrance not having recharge on card: Something I've wondered myself.  Its on the list, though!
  • Runaway Scout: This is an extremely rare issue that we've been trying to track down for a while.  If you run into it again and can provide more information about previous explores/the previous turn, it would help us tremendously!



  • usability commentary: not sure why swallowtail festival power (shuffle n cards into your deck, draw n-1) needs a special confirmation that you're not using it.  instead, power button should light up and, if i do some other action like explore, it's no longer lit up (this is how kyras healing power works, once you explore, you can't click it)
  • usability commentary: losing a turn due to an effect (eg the wildcard: lose a card off blessing deck when you fail to acquire a boon) should have a MUCH more pronounced visual effect, losing a turn is a very big deal
  • usability commentary: when setting up a dice roll, the red "x" only resets the currently selected character's played cards.  "x" probably means i want to reset ALL cards.  eg, kyra plays a blessing on merisiel, i go back to look at merisiel, i hit the x, kyra is STILL playing the blessing.  i have to go back to kyra then "x" to reset her blessing.
  • BIZZARE GAME BREAKING bug, hard to reproduce: after kyra failed to acquire "stride" at sandpoint cathedral, i lose a turn due "night approaches", then i got stuck: i couldn't end the turn or take any other actions (i clicked everywhere trying to get something to happen).  i went to the store and came back, and the game had reset to before my "stride" roll.  it let me roll again, then i got stuck again.  i repeated this loop, sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing, but the result never "sticks" and eventually the game resets to before the roll.  i killed the app, logged back in, am once again rolling for stride, but now i have TWO KYRAS AND TWO MERISIELS IN MY PARTY.  also i have an extra d6 die for no apparent reason.  i'm then able to have both merisiels play a blessing then i get stuck again.  after another logout/login i'm back to a single kyra and a single merisiel.  i've logged out, left my phone alone for a while, done lots of things, can never get past this roll.  [i was on my home wifi, physically close to my router, i have no reason to believe this was due to connectivity problems on my end.
  • Swallowtail Festival's power is specifically for "start of your turn".  It's implemented that way in part to help remind you that you can use it, but only before you do anything else.  Kyra's power, on the other hand, isn't strictly "start of turn", but simply "before exploration".  Theoretically, you could start at another location, use cape of escape to move to the Swallowtail Festival, and you wouldn't be able to use the location power. However, if you were on Kyra and used the cape of escape to move, you could then heal at the new location provided she hadn't explored at the previous one.
  • Losing a turn: I concur.  It is entirely too subtle right now.
  • Cancelling actions: Cancelling only affecting the targeted character is actually a recent change.  This is the case due to problems with the Warchanter (a very problematic goblin, he is).  Its not to say we won't find another solution, but for now this is what best works with Warchanter shenanigans.
  • Game Breaker: Definitely a code issue and not a connectivity issue. 

Thanks for the feedback!  We'll definitely get to work on this list. :)

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When Kyra starts at an empty location, there should be a way to cast her heal then close the location. At the start of the turn I immediately get a dialog box, and if I say "yes, close", this is not possible. While it's true that this is a valid sequence, because I shouldn't be able to close then heal, I'm trying to find the other sequence, heal then close.


Is there a way to say "no, don't close", then perform other start of action turns, then close the location? If that's how this works then it's a usability thing, as the "close location" dialog is modal, and it's the only case where you are so strongly encouraged to skip to a later phase in your turn. Also after saying "no", then casting my heal, I did not see an obvious way to now do my close check.

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Given that there's an actual step for closing a location during the turn order (aside from having just defeated henchman/villain), it's actually NOT a valid sequence to close first, then heal. Kyra's heal is replacing the first exploration of a turn which, by rules as written, must occur before the attempt to close a location step. 


This is actually a bug, if there's any attempt here to follow the turn order as written, or an intentional change of rules for the digital medium. The choice to close the location should be just before resetting your hand; the step to use the cure must have already been passed at this point. There's a step for it in the rules as written, just not as its own step in the digital turn order.


Unlike other liberties I've seen, this one doesn't make sense... the drive to ensure a player is given a chance, and given a highlighted event to do so, could just as easily happen automatically when the double-red arrow is pushed. This really shouldn't guide the player to that behavior outside the actual rules sequence in any way. That behavior is also going to cause confusion to people likely to play the physical game after having tried this.

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Yeah, basically it should be the same as an explore: there's a button next to the empty deck you can click at any time to make the close check. If you end your turn without clicking it, there's a dialog box that says "are you sure you don't want to close", just like there is for unused explores. As soon as you attempt the close check, kyras power becomes disabled.

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Just tested this exact behavior... in the event you have an empty deck with the option to close, the sequence of events appears to be this:


  1. Provide attempt to close - if successful, it automatically bypasses the rest of the turn, and there's nothing indicating it should do so.
  2. Exploration step
  3. Provide attempt to close (if you skip the first attempt, heal with Kyra, then move on, you do get this chance)

So, it appears the initial attempt to close is optional, so I'm not as worried, but step 1 should definitely be removed. It only provides confusion and doesn't do any service to anyone desiring to play the game in intended turn order.

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Include me in the camp of people who misplayed due to UI. Because of the extreme screen change when asking to close at the start of the turn (dim background, stand-out box), I assumed that was the only chance I was going to get to be asked if I wanted to close on her turn, and since closing was more important than healing that turn (although both were desired), I didn't dare indicate that "No, I don't want to try to close this location." for fear of not getting the opportunity later.

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I would surmise it could happen to a player many times. If you always try to take close immediately on starting that turn, you'll never see that you can take other actions before the actual close step. Players who've never played the physical game and/or don't scrub the rules enough to question the process will have no reason to really know any better.

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When Kyra starts at an empty location, there should be a way to cast her heal then close the location. At the start of the turn I immediately get a dialog box, and if I say "yes, close", this is not possible. While it's true that this is a valid sequence, because I shouldn't be able to close then heal, I'm trying to find the other sequence, heal then close.


Is there a way to say "no, don't close", then perform other start of action turns, then close the location? If that's how this works then it's a usability thing, as the "close location" dialog is modal, and it's the only case where you are so strongly encouraged to skip to a later phase in your turn. Also after saying "no", then casting my heal, I did not see an obvious way to now do my close check.



Given that there's an actual step for closing a location during the turn order (aside from having just defeated henchman/villain), it's actually NOT a valid sequence to close first, then heal. Kyra's heal is replacing the first exploration of a turn which, by rules as written, must occur before the attempt to close a location step. 


This is actually a bug, if there's any attempt here to follow the turn order as written, or an intentional change of rules for the digital medium. The choice to close the location should be just before resetting your hand; the step to use the cure must have already been passed at this point. There's a step for it in the rules as written, just not as its own step in the digital turn order.


Unlike other liberties I've seen, this one doesn't make sense... the drive to ensure a player is given a chance, and given a highlighted event to do so, could just as easily happen automatically when the double-red arrow is pushed. This really shouldn't guide the player to that behavior outside the actual rules sequence in any way. That behavior is also going to cause confusion to people likely to play the physical game after having tried this.



It's one of those issues that will only happen once to a player but that one time definitely sucks.


Valid points!  We strive to make things as clear as possible, and obviously we've not done so well here.  I'll pass it on and see what we can do to better clarify this scenario. 

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