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When people ask about builds, the answers assume usually that you have the best possible equipment.

But somehow you have to survive until you get there.


So if you have a char without special equipment who wears an armor, is it better to dual wield normal sabres or a normal greatsword?

I think about paladins, fighters and barbariens who use auto attacks (you have only a few per encounter abilities).


In my current game I failed the battle to start the white forge the first time (the golem army around the white forge), then I did the rest of act2 and the side quests in WM1 and now I will try again.


As for rimecutter and some other things, Azurro did not appear in my game so far, even though I have build all buildings of the stronghold and I had several guests and quests.

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Ok i was wondering this for quite some time so im just gonna ask it here


What do i combine to :

Reach 0 Recovery with Rogue using Nightshroud + Steadfast or basically weapons that cant have Durgan enchants , i assume i will have to stack those potions from early game :D

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Without potions:

* 1.25 from Outlander's Frenzy

* 1.15 from Gauntlets of Swift Action

(*1.2 from Ulabored Blade)

+ 0.2 from Two Weapon Style


which would result in 1.64 (1.93) - you will never reach 0 recovery, but with the Unlabored Blade and no armor penalty and no Vulnerable Attack you will be very close to 0 recovery (=2.0).


With potion of Alacrity:

* 1.5 from Alacrity

* 1.15 from Gautlets

(* 1.2 from Unl. Blade)

+0.2 from Two Weapon Style


=> 1.93 (2.27) - with the Unlabored Blade you could use Vulnerable Attack (-0.2) without slowdown OR wear an armour with up to +25% recov penalty. 

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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So many choices for weapons twin sting , steadfast , mace with shadowing beyond , unlabored blade, double vent pick anyone , resolution+purgatory ? Crazy :D

Using Twin Stings + Alacrity and then switching to melee is nice idea i guess

Also what about dexterity , does it help with recovery ?

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Sure. What is left of recovery will be shortened by DEX per %. If you already have 0 recovery, DEX does nothing for recovery. However, it also reduces also your attack, drink and spell animations, not only the recovery. 

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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When people ask about builds, the answers assume usually that you have the best possible equipment.

But somehow you have to survive until you get there.


So if you have a char without special equipment who wears an armor, is it better to dual wield normal sabres or a normal greatsword?

I think about paladins, fighters and barbariens who use auto attacks (you have only a few per encounter abilities).



I would go for dual sabres, given the normal element. The greatsword or estoc if you are dealing with particularly high DR enemies, perhaps, or those immune to slash.


The issue is that when you take the 15% damage talent or the 20% dual weapon speed talent, you tend to start using the weapon you have a talent for, and that can lock you down in freedom. 


Early game, before level 5-6, I mostly use weapon/sshield combos and ranged weapons with high base damage. The ranged weapons act better to bypass dr than two handed weapons, and has the advantage of long range. The ones I have who use two handed weapons or dual weapons, tend to be specialized builds and classes. Such as barbarian pike. Or those like Kana with more than 2 weapon slots.

Edited by Ymarsakar
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Has this build idea been played yet? I'm really curious how it performs. Any reports? :)




I've used a kinda similar paladin but had  resolve at 15 instead of intellect. The intellect version would probably be better other than dialogue and deflection. Also I did not take Sword and Shepherd.


It makes for a really enjoyable paladin that has a big two hander, can hit reliably and hard, just not that fast. Definitely not an aura bot or someone that the enemy will run past but a sturdy melee that can dish out damage. Grab TideFall and an Arquebus or two and you are an Alpha Striking machine.


Now that Strange Mercies scales the heal is quiet noticeable, about 2/3 rds of a LoH but in an AoE. Just one per battle is appreciated, multiple activations is just insane. It also has a nice on screen effect with a flash and a big ringing noise. It is my favorite Paladin order ability.

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very nice, the more I read about it the more I like it.

When I play again, I will use this.


Maybe I go Aumaua instead of moon godlike.

I like the concept that whatever I do will cause healing, but more might is nice and there are many good helmets in the game.

The problem is that strange mercy and sword and shepard are not self heal, and as front liner who wants to kill things with a huge sword he will take some hits.

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Cool. Would be really interested to see this combined with Sword & Shepherd, Shod-in-Faith and Silver Tide. ;) Might result in an unbending party. 


The thing about Sword and Shepherd that I don't like is that it activates off of FoD which I generally use for my first and sometimes second attack. That early no one has been damaged and the heal is wasted. Strange Mercies kicks in during the fight when damage has been taken, can be used an unlimited amount of times and with some micro can be activated when needed. I've always had more beneficial talents to take besides Sword and Shepherd, but Strange Mercies I'll take at level two.


As long as one of the front liners has Shod in Faith it works fine. I usually throw them on the guy with the lowest deflection which is usually not the Paladin, even a two hander one. Maneha is a great candidate for the Shod in Faith. The extra defenses from Fenwalkers or similar boots go well with Faith and Conviction to double down on your Paladin's already high defenses.

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some more thoughts:


- I go for aumaua, max might and high int. While playing I rarely needed to change weapons, so maybe resistance to prone and stunn is better than 3rd weapon slot. Those ghosts are annoying.

- For weapons, st. rumbalt may be a very good option. With annihilating and bloody slaughter you might have many death blows. Prone on crit is a nice extra (tall grass goes to a barbarien). Firebrand and st. waidwen for vessels seem also nice.

- Role playing wise (not game mechanics) a fire godlike would be good. Firebrand, flames of devotion, sacred immolation and scion of flames, everything is about fire.


bonus question: The eyeless are vessels, right. So both the hammer and st. waidwen can kill them with one hit and it makes no sense to give both weapons to the same person, right?

In that case I (paladin) take the hammer (more might, yes) and a barbarien gets st. waidwen for carnage on vessels. Since I use only story companions, maneha will become a saint.

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some more thoughts:


- I go for aumaua, max might and high int. While playing I rarely needed to change weapons, so maybe resistance to prone and stunn is better than 3rd weapon slot. Those ghosts are annoying.

- For weapons, st. rumbalt may be a very good option. With annihilating and bloody slaughter you might have many death blows. Prone on crit is a nice extra (tall grass goes to a barbarien). Firebrand and st. waidwen for vessels seem also nice.

- Role playing wise (not game mechanics) a fire godlike would be good. Firebrand, flames of devotion, sacred immolation and scion of flames, everything is about fire.


bonus question: The eyeless are vessels, right. So both the hammer and st. waidwen can kill them with one hit and it makes no sense to give both weapons to the same person, right?

In that case I (paladin) take the hammer (more might, yes) and a barbarien gets st. waidwen for carnage on vessels. Since I use only story companions, maneha will become a saint.



Correct about the eyeless=vessel, splitting up the hammer and the sword is good. A Barbarian with a 25% chance to kill on strike with Carnage is roflstomp.


I like the Island Aumaua for starting with an arquebus, Long Feller, for a FoD, swap to Silverflash blunderbuss for another FoD and then wade in with TideFall greatsword. Mechanics wise going with more, 15, Intellect and less, 10, Resolve would be better but I really like the high Resolve hard ass dialogues, even with my Kind Wayfarer. He is Aggressive but not Cruel.


I like my MC to be the action movie hero and the hard hitting, durable team leader Paladin built around this template is exactly that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Currently rolling with KF Paladin as my sole healer in the party and i wanna say that Paladin has simply the strongest and fattest heals in the game , meanwhile priest has very decent buffs their heals dont even get close to raw healing power KF Pala has .

Strange Mercy - It started with 40 endurance heal at lvl 2 , and is healing around up to 100 endurance by level 8 ( to each party member in range ) , this heal is insane and with decent INT it has enormous range and will heal your front and back line together .

Sword and the Shephard - It did not seam so OP as strange mercy at first , as it only starts as 20 Endurance Heal but it scales even better than Strange Mercy and now is healing 50 endurance to everyone every time i use FoD its really very very good 

Moon God-Like - i took this to test full healing power of KF paladin but honestly , this heal is only good in prolonged fights compared to other heals u have its nothing special and i would really just go for Death God Like next time so i can secure more Strange Mercy .

Stats - I would not waste my resources rising might over 20 , yes having high might is decent but your heals are so fat anyway , that difference between 20 and 28 might is null and void as u will heal to full anyway , INT - this is the stat i would raise to atleast 26 with items and buffs , having 24-26 int means your strange mercy and sword and the shepherd will always heal all 6 party members , now currently i have 22-24 int and sometimes my heal can miss one party member in a back line 

Weapons : For act 1 i used Outworn Buckler+Fine Sabre (26 damage ) as primary set , and Durance Staff as secondary weapon its very decent for all the door blocking in act 1 and does fire damage vs shades .

Act 2 - Firebrand Gloves , Outworn Buckler + Highest Damage single handed weapon . Obviously last hitting with Firebrand + FoD is easy when u do 100 damage per swing :) and then u heal for a ton .

White March - I took Coil of Resourcefulness and added an Arquebus to my weapon Arsenal , Start Fights with Outworn Buckler , use firebrand when you need to last hit , always have that Arquebus loaded for emergency switch and kill for heal .

WM 2 - Vent Pick , Double with Mold even better im yet to reach this stage gonna start picking dual wield talents @ lvl 10 

Talents - There are only 3 very important and all the others depends on playstyle , the important ones are obviously both KF talents , which are mandatory at lvl 2 and lvl 4 , at lvl 6 you have many choices but the one i found most important is Bloody Slaughter , with Bloody Slaughter u can secure last hits more safely and that is all that matters for Kind Wayfarer .

You can safely ditch priests in your party , use paladin for healing and finally get to use some consumables for buffing yourself instead of using those same 3 of the faithful spells priest can cast , tho i cant say bringing KF instead of priest increases challenge because those heals... no priest will ever heal like that .


And the biggest bonus are the animations u get from using Kind Wayfarer talents 8)

Edited by Blunderboss
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Sounds nice. Did you try Acolyte's Radiance? It also scales and gets decent at higher levels. It's 1/encounter and has a huge range. For the times you can't kill immediately, your LoH, FoD and Healing Chain are used up. ;) And it also does ok damage to vessels - not comparable to a priest's Holy Radiance, but ok.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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I tried it at lvl 6 and it was kinda weak compared to KF talents so i retrained it into bloody slaughter , maybe its better to take it later in the game when heal and damage it does are more noticeable and talents arent so scarce 

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I kinda have to put it into melee because of moon godlike racial, i try to form a frontline that holds enemies from my casters and i put paladin on the side of the frontline so he can moove freely , i use it as a tanky "Ks'ing support" so to say :D imagine ur supporting ur team in MOBA but ur main goal is to KS as much as possible , anyway if one would decide to choose Death Godlike or any other race it is perfectly viable to play him as DD Flanker or Even ranged with firearms i just use outworn buckler because it gives defenses from the start of the fight when my team needs it the most , however on tough fights i trigger firebrand after buffing with scrolls so outworn buckler can be a bit misleading it only really shines at act 1 when u can buy fine sabre and outworn buckler in gilded vale and ur sabre does more damage than any other weapon in act one , later in the game its just for early defense , and im definitely going to go for dual vent pick later


I think that weapons and armor choice is where most adjustments can be made (whatever u find good to last hit enemies) especially early to mid game , tho in WM2 Vent Pick looks like best choice , i havent got there just yet to see how good it is


Edit Week later : Finally got to Vent Pick and it wont proc Sword and the Shephard so it is kinda weak for last hiting enemies and there is no point to mold it , might still work when using with Unlabored Blade if you choose to dual-wield with KF paladin , i kinda gave Unlabored blade away to barbarian so just gonna use Firebrand , and some other 2handers and Arquebuss in second slot

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  • 3 weeks later...

So , the "damaging" part is real in this build ,


Im trying Kind Wayfarer with 2-Handed Scion of Flame build , started with Durance Staff in Act1 which is pretty nice , but now that im in defiance bay at level 5 and have firebrand im amazed by the numbers , i took Scion of Flame talent at lvl 4 and strange mercy at lvl 2 , my paladin with 22( 20 Base +2 Food ) Might is hitting for 40+ , critting for 80+ and can crit up to 135 ! with Flames of Devotion . Next level up im taking 2-Handed Style talent for even more damage 


Here is screenshot of 135 FoD Crit :D




Also strange mercy works with scrolls , using fan of flames scroll with 20+ MIG and Scion of Flame works wonders 

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