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[2.03] Switching grimoires sometimes causes grimoire to permanently disappear!



(I know you guys are on holiday for a while, but just wanted to get this in while the memory was fresh.)


This is very hard to reproduce, so I do not have a saved game I can provide.


I have a wizard that has 2-3 grimoires, the extras kept in the quick item slot. I also have Fast Switch, if that matters. Anyway, depending on the situation in combat, I'll click on one of the other grimoires to switch. Very occasionally, however, clicking on a grimoire will--instead of switching my active grimoire with the one I just clicked--completely remove the grimoire from the game, permanently. The only remedy is to load an earlier game (fortunately, out of habit on Path of the Damned I always save before a fight).


I think something is getting confused and the game is treating the grimoire like a normal item, consuming it with no effect. (This may be related to an ongoing issue where sometimes characters will confuse animations and effects, which may be related to queuing up actions that somehow get disrupted.)


Possible related factor: I almost always start casting a spell before doing the grimoire switch. In other words, I click on a spell that I can cast, then click on a grimoire I want to switch to. This normally means that my wizard will cast the spell while I'm still working down my grimoire cooldown. Maybe depending on the timing something is getting confused here?

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I've finally been able to reproduce this. This appears to be an interaction with Kalakoth's Minor Blights (level 3 wizard spell that creates a wand that changes damage types after every attack).


Here's a dropbox link that contains a saved game, the output log, and my system information:  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/oo7n3a7j7v18yja/AABSMMmKosTb2Thwj1WkJXlla?dl=0


Here's how to replicate it: send in Zahua to the northwest to start the fight. As soon as the fight starts, select Chris (wizard, character #4), and cast Kalakoth's Minor Blights (hotkeyed to "O" in my game). After that happens, click one or both of the grimoires in the quick item slots. Instead of switching grimoires, those grimoires get consumed and are permanently gone.


This means that a temporary workaround for now is to never switch grimoires while Kalakoth's Minor Blights is active.

Edited by thelee
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