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Lvl 4 chant is a 30 point damage shield for allies is nice (+25% fire damage to ally melee/ranged attacks and spells, and 10 damage per second passive AOE from lvl 3 are still stronger imo)


Fights rarely last long enough to use them, but nvocations are summon a dank spore, self haste, and freeze aoe nuke

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It was predictable that chanters would get abandonned by most players who are interested in discussing builds for White March. You can check the thread called "the state of the chanter".


10s chants to build 6 phrases is just an improper scaling.


I didn't even looked for the information because their abilities simply couldn't be good enough to match their flawed progression : in White March you will simply never cast any invocation. You are basically limited to use 1 and a half ability (due to linger).


It's pity because their principles are so good and fresh, and their low levels so much balanced... just the way their ressources scale is a failure.


Much have been said about fighters in 2.0 / White March, but I believe that chanters just suffered a silent death.



Ok, this might be a bit exagerated, but it is probably not far from truth.

Edited by Elric Galad
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I don't think chant length needs to be tied to chant level, no reason they couldn't have made a short duration level 4 chant. 


I do think the high level chanter I've been using is pretty decent though, even though I don't use invocations much and still mostly just use Ogre summon when I do.  Basically a weapon and shield tank, with the Famyprs Gaze and Dragon Wailed on infinite loop and the Paladin cross class, so it provides a lot of use just sitting there doing nothing.  High lore and INT also makes it one of my best scroll casters.


I do wish ranged chanters or melee damage chanters, had a few more tricks available to them though.

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I don't think chant length needs to be tied to chant level, no reason they couldn't have made a short duration level 4 chant. 


I do think the high level chanter I've been using is pretty decent though, even though I don't use invocations much and still mostly just use Ogre summon when I do.  Basically a weapon and shield tank, with the Famyprs Gaze and Dragon Wailed on infinite loop and the Paladin cross class, so it provides a lot of use just sitting there doing nothing.  High lore and INT also makes it one of my best scroll casters.


I do wish ranged chanters or melee damage chanters, had a few more tricks available to them though.


In theory, chants was made to last longer as a "trade off" for high powered invocations. So either choose weak slow duration chants to build up to invocations quick, or use the high level chants for their longer lasting and more powerful benefits.


But yeah, the chanting system doesn't scale well at all.

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Like the cipher, a lot of the chanter's goodies come at early levels. And they tend to get used way past where it normally would be ignored.


Things like cone aoe paralyze/stun, summons although nerfed to 20s, and passive aura buffs like the paladin except customized, makes them a big boost to other characters. Just in less than obvious ways.


The chanter is generally either chanting phrases all the time, or using invocations all the time. There's no time to do both at the same time. Like the cipher, the "build" is pretty non diverse, but it makes up for it with different tactical options and limitless ability use like the cipher. However unlike the cipher which can use pots and do more dps to get more focus for abilities, the chanter is time limited. And unless you use long range pulling, you won't have any extra time.


The chanter has some of the same limits as the paladin. Since it fulfills 3 party roles at the same time or in a sequence, I'm not too worried about their high level abilities not scaling with their earlier ones.

Edited by Ymarsakar
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The more efficient you are in combat, the more the invocation mechanic fails, but the chanter is still probably the highest damage contributor on your team. However, 2 of the damage sources won't record in his/her log. The lvl 3 fire chant boosts all direct damage by 25% for everyone in the party and the damage over time chant is exploitable because it stacks with itself. Canon build chanter: auamua with 4 blunderbusses, armed to the teeth, penetrating shot, bloody slaughter, and quick switch is about 140 damage each shot depending on how many hits/crits and you average 11 damage per second to every enemy standing inside your flame/slash aura radius.The few damage over time spells that deal that much damage have the disadvantage of having cast times.  If you have 6 chanters that's 66 AOE damage / second, the first 10s. If something somehow was still alive, it jumps to 122 damage / second the next 10s and so on. 

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It was predictable that chanters would get abandonned by most players who are interested in discussing builds for White March. You can check the thread called "the state of the chanter".


It doesn't help that chanter summons were nerfed and no longer last until the end of the fight.

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As someone who adores chanters, I would LOVE an overhaul of their resource scaling. Right now, I mostly just use my PC Chanter as a buff machine, item dispenser, and occasional offtank. Despite playing so much chanter, I can't tell you how well the level 4 invocations stack up, because I never get to use them.



I stream every Friday at 9pm EST: http://www.twitch.tv/ladaarehn  Currently streaming: KOTOR 2.


Pillars of Eternity homebrew tabletop thread: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84662-pillars-of-eternity-homebrew-wip/


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It was predictable that chanters would get abandonned by most players who are interested in discussing builds for White March. You can check the thread called "the state of the chanter".

10s chants to build 6 phrases is just an improper scaling.

I didn't even looked for the information because their abilities simply couldn't be good enough to match their flawed progression : in White March you will simply never cast any invocation. You are basically limited to use 1 and a half ability (due to linger).

It's pity because their principles are so good and fresh, and their low levels so much balanced... just the way their ressources scale is a failure.

Much have been said about fighters in 2.0 / White March, but I believe that chanters just suffered a silent death.

Ok, this might be a bit exagerated, but it is probably not far from truth.

The time limited summons was uncalled for considering the time it takes to build up phrases. It's not even fun to play as one anymore.

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Basically, chanters would need to be able to cast their highest level invocation while singing their highest level chant around every 15s.


This 15s stuff is to make it similar to the chanter multiclass talent.


On low level, this is true (12s) and chanters works well.


How to make it is another problem.


Chanters could be able to stack several chants, according to level. The additional bonus would be that it enables them to use more abilities, and using abilities is what makes class cool. I guess this would require rebalancing their abilities a bit, and maybe suppress linger.


Furthermore, a couple additional class talents would also be very nice...


And finally, chants not stacking with items. It would be more logical if they didn't stack with spells.

Edited by Elric Galad
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