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Factionlock fix indicated for 1.04



Basically it concerns not being able to accept further quests from the crucible knights just from accepting the second the dozens quest.


more info in these links, here and here


Developer chimed in indicating a fix with 1.04, but it seems from beta people and patch notes that the fix is not included.


McClure, accepting the quest sufficed to cause the problem. As I've mentioned elsewhere, we've fixed it for an upcoming patch.


Until that arrives, the workaround entails turning each faction hostile before speaking with Webb or loading a save game made before having both Winds of Steel and Bronze Beneath the Lake at once. I know that's probably of little consolation, folks, but I wanted to share just in case it helps someone in the meantime.





Is it possible to get an update on the fix, and might we see it in 1.04 yet?


Sorry about getting all demandy, but I've depleted all other activities, I really don't wanna side with the dozens and I'm getting sort of antsy :)

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Guest Matt Sheets



Once you accept the Bronze Beneath the Lake quest, you won't be able to get favor from the Crucible Knights and won't be able to do their second quest (Winds of Steel).  


There's an issue where one of the dialogue trees allowed you to gain both quests and then you're locked out of getting an invite.


However, if you chose to accept the Dozens second quest, you cannot continue with the Crucible Knights or the Doemenels.

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In my PotD playthrough now (I'm playing plain old vanilla 1.03), I had done one quest for the Crucible Knights and small stuff in Defiance Bay (got my CK-rep to be at Ally (good)), and now I did the second Dozens quest Bronze Beneath the Lake, which aggravated CK (I had to respond with deadly force, I had no choice) - after that my rep with CK was still Ally (faintly good). I even was able to visit the CK stronghold in Defiance Bay. Then, however, I slept at an inn in Copperlane, and when we walked out the door, we were ambushed by assassins and justicars, leaving behind notes saying that CK want us killed. I had to dispose of these assailants, and afterwards my rep with CK is still Ally (faintly good). Is this intended?

Edited by IndiraLightfoot

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Hi Matt,


I understand that accepting the second quest from the dozens locks you out from quests from the CK faction. The general sentiment in the linked threads is that this is not very clear, and being locked out is kinda harsh. 
If you notice the quoted comment from developer Oscuro, he says that this will be retroactively fixed in an upcoming patch. 
This indicated fix did not arrive in 1.03 nor does it seem it will arrive in 1.04, what I am wondering is, if it might be possible to get a status update on the fix. Is it coming at all and if so when?
As other people have mentioned it seems kinda extreme to be locked just from accepting the quest nor is it very clear that this will happen. As you cannot abandon quests it becomes very easy to get locked into an undesirable path.
From a roleplaying perspective it is not uncommon to be able to accept a quest from what the player would consider an antagonistic faction with the intention of sabotage.

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Guest Matt Sheets

The fix for getting both quests and the retroactive fix for having done multiple of the faction quests will be included in 1.05 patch.


It requires a lot of work and testing to make sure that it gets addressed properly and it didn't have time to make it into the 1.04.


However, the design is not going to change.  You will only be able to select one of the factions to side with.

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It's less that people want to be able to side with multiple factions/do their quests, and more that being locked into a faction merely by accepting a quest feels overly restrictive, as well as it not being clear that there's no way to change who you're working with before you've done anything to anger the other two factions - even if you kill the questgiver for the faction you're locked into, you still can't ally with someone else. 


I ran into this myself - accepting the second of a faction's quests early on, then having my mind changed by other Defiance Bay quests and discovering I had no way to change my mind in spite of not having done any of the quest yet.  It's something I know about now for any future playthroughs, and I can understand if you don't want to go changing things to give players more options at this point, but for future games you guys make... it'd be nice if we weren't artificially locked into supporting a faction simply from accepting a quest.

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Honestly, it sounds like something got lost in translation in this choice--it's pretty boilerplate for quests in these kinds of games to (a) not really "count" until you've actually started or finished them (let's be real, a common playstyle is "collecting" all of the quests in the area and then deciding which stories seem fun to tackle at that moment); and nevertheless (b) commonly involve a double-crossing or Come-to-Jesus aspect (e.g., someone tells you to kill person A, and you go and tell them, resulting in a chance to get back at the would-be-assassin mastermind). Much like sparklecat above it didn't at all dawn on me that merely accepting the Dozens' quest (in a mechanical way) would get me locked out of all the other questlines... and through the rich lore and content I encountered through the other game quests, "my" perspective on which faction I would want to join changed. Also, how on Earth do the other factions magically know I decided to embark on a secret mission for the Dozens that I haven't actually enacted as of yet? I don't even think I've done anything for the Dozens other than chat someone into giving up some armor! (I even killed some of their agents on a different quest!)... To me, locking out at that stage doesn't even make sense from an in-universe perspective, nevermind a game-mechanics perspective.


I'm about to dive into the woolly world of altering the game flags manually to reverse the "choice," because it's been probably 15+ hours since I accepted the Dozens' quest way back when. It feels really disappointing--given how fun and reactive the rest of the game is--to not be able to "play out" my character's story due to a somewhat opaque and artificial lock-out. I think it would be fair just to reset that quest threshold for folks who clearly have not done anything beyond accepting the quest, or change the flags to be lockout for completing the quest (either to a certain meaningful point or in total) rather than provisionally accepting it

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This is my first playthrough and I accidentally accepted the Bronze under the Lake quest, thus locking me to the Dozen.


I didn't realise there were mutually exclusive factions in the game and am now unable to join the Crucible Knights. I haven't yet completed the Bronze(...) quest. According to this post, this "factionlock" was fixed but I am unable to abandon the quest.


I saw a hack at https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72460-choosing-a-faction-in-defiance-bay/?p=1672678 to allow me to take the 2nd Crucible quest regardless of my status with the Twelve, but sadly it didn't work - Clyver still doesn't give me the second Crucible quest.


Am I missing something?

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This is my first playthrough and I accidentally accepted the Bronze under the Lake quest, thus locking me to the Dozen.


I didn't realise there were mutually exclusive factions in the game and am now unable to join the Crucible Knights. I haven't yet completed the Bronze(...) quest. According to this post, this "factionlock" was fixed but I am unable to abandon the quest.


I saw a hack at https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72460-choosing-a-faction-in-defiance-bay/?p=1672678 to allow me to take the 2nd Crucible quest regardless of my status with the Twelve, but sadly it didn't work - Clyver still doesn't give me the second Crucible quest.


Am I missing something?



Try to roleplay in the game, next time choose other option.



Yes i know, my english sux.

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