a bear named spigot Posted March 29, 2015 Posted March 29, 2015 My PC now moves at a very slow jog. All other characters move at normal speed when they are selected, however if the main character is selected while moving party all other characters will move at a walk. Save and output files here. 1
0 zanny Posted March 29, 2015 Posted March 29, 2015 I'm having this problem with Durance. Hes talking super slow and everyone else is normal speed. He has no debuffs or anything and we just rested.
0 zanny Posted March 30, 2015 Posted March 30, 2015 It might be getting worse. He cannot even move when in Scouting mode, he just stands in one spot and ignores movement orders.
0 Warden Posted March 30, 2015 Posted March 30, 2015 same here, but different characters Eder moves at like half speed and Aloth at like double noticed it too late (all my saves are ******), becuse the movement speed is capped at the speed of slowest selected character, in stealth the cap disappears and everyone moves at different speed which results in Aloth moving at speed of light and Eder ... im faster sitting then he is walking!! XD
0 a bear named spigot Posted March 30, 2015 Author Posted March 30, 2015 Yeah, you're right, I just noticed that a number of my characters are moving at different movement speeds, just not to the extreme that my PC is.
0 Warden Posted March 30, 2015 Posted March 30, 2015 is there any console command with which i could repair movement speed of the bugged chars ? should be just one variable right ?
0 captaingigglepants Posted April 1, 2015 Posted April 1, 2015 Bump, anyone have a solution for this? quite anoying bug! 1 of my characters move faster in slow/fast mode then the others and 1 moves slower.
0 OblivionDanny Posted April 2, 2015 Posted April 2, 2015 Having this exact same problem... Is the reflex stat tied in with movement speed at all? For some reason my reflex stat is really low on my PC and wondered if it had anything to do with it?
0 a bear named spigot Posted April 2, 2015 Author Posted April 2, 2015 I haven't seen any mention of a workaround fix yet. Am hoping this is one of the things they'll have a fix for in the first patch.
0 vraika Posted April 3, 2015 Posted April 3, 2015 I had the same issue today... Aloth was slowing my entire party to a crawl - luckily I had a recent save... only had to refight one big battle. Just wanted to bump the visibility of this issue.
0 Stillquest Posted April 5, 2015 Posted April 5, 2015 Well, I encountered the same problem - one character slowed down, another sped up. I have a solution, of sorts, but it requires some hex editing. The following might not make much sense if you've never done it before. Use at your own risk, you can bork your saves, etc, etc: I used Cheat Engine, it's free and relatively simple to use. It seems each character has 3 variables that determine his/her movement rate. One seems to determine walking/sneaking speed, one is used for running/combat speed, the third one is derived from the other two - I'm not 100% sure as to the mechanics, but it's the first two you need to worry about anyway. The default movement speeds of each of your characters is 2 & 4, respectively. Animal companions seem to have higher running speed but the same walking speed. In my case, Aloth was sped up (values 3 & 5) and Itumaak was slowed down (Values 1 & 5.5). I suspect some speed debuff was used against Itumaak, which was supposed to reduce both speed values by 1 temporarily. However, when the debuff expires the lost speed was added to the wrong character. BTW: I think this problem was introduced with the last patch, as all the complaints about it seem to be from the last couple of days. How to locate your characters' speed values: Search for float variables: The running/walking speeds for each character are located one right after the other, so they should be offset by 4 bytes. The derived speed value is offset a further C0 bytes down the line from the second variable, useful to make sure you got the right addresses. I used Kana's "Blessed Was Wengridh, Quickest of His Tribe", which increases all speed values by 1.2. Then, by alternately looking for variables that increased/decreased as the speed buff kicks in and runs out, I located the relevant variables. I assume we all suffer from the same bug, so you can also simply look for the exact values, which might be quicker (1 -> 2.2, 3 -> 4.2, etc). Simply set everyone's speed back to 2 & 4 (except animal companions, I assume original speeds of 2 and 6.5 for Itumaak), save, and you should be OK. 2
0 frotenbagel Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 I have this bug, and it happened before the patch. Primary character is moving like a snail, while another party member is moving faster than everyone else. Before I use cheat engine as a last resort, has anyone found a workaround besides using memory editing?
0 Waukeen Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 On 4/5/2015 at 2:10 PM, Stillquest said: Well, I encountered the same problem - one character slowed down, another sped up. I have a solution, of sorts, but it requires some hex editing. The following might not make much sense if you've never done it before. Use at your own risk, you can bork your saves, etc, etc: I used Cheat Engine, it's free and relatively simple to use. It seems each character has 3 variables that determine his/her movement rate. One seems to determine walking/sneaking speed, one is used for running/combat speed, the third one is derived from the other two - I'm not 100% sure as to the mechanics, but it's the first two you need to worry about anyway. The default movement speeds of each of your characters is 2 & 4, respectively. Animal companions seem to have higher running speed but the same walking speed. In my case, Aloth was sped up (values 3 & 5) and Itumaak was slowed down (Values 1 & 5.5). I suspect some speed debuff was used against Itumaak, which was supposed to reduce both speed values by 1 temporarily. However, when the debuff expires the lost speed was added to the wrong character. BTW: I think this problem was introduced with the last patch, as all the complaints about it seem to be from the last couple of days. How to locate your characters' speed values: Search for float variables: The running/walking speeds for each character are located one right after the other, so they should be offset by 4 bytes. The derived speed value is offset a further C0 bytes down the line from the second variable, useful to make sure you got the right addresses. I used Kana's "Blessed Was Wengridh, Quickest of His Tribe", which increases all speed values by 1.2. Then, by alternately looking for variables that increased/decreased as the speed buff kicks in and runs out, I located the relevant variables. I assume we all suffer from the same bug, so you can also simply look for the exact values, which might be quicker (1 -> 2.2, 3 -> 4.2, etc). Simply set everyone's speed back to 2 & 4 (except animal companions, I assume original speeds of 2 and 6.5 for Itumaak), save, and you should be OK. Bold is mainly to inform that the issues has been happening since patch 2 which is when I had this happen to me. As for the memory editing I haven't tried this yet but I might give it a go if I get the ambition and if so I might try to clean up the directions a bit for those who don't know what you are referring to exactly. Anyway good catch regardless and I do agree with you on the cause of it (except that it isn't a debuff being applied to the wrong character persay) in that it is expiring but not remove the affect as it should. This happened to me on an Ironman save and I didn't have another to go back on, but I decided to continue a play through from an earlier one until there was a fix and it happened again. Both times this occurred to me was when I fought druids (ogre or other) though I never caught what was causing the slow movement to be applied. It reminded me of something else that happened with those type of mobs and the plague of bugs (or whatever it is called since I just called it 'well S***' when it got stuck on a couple of my characters each time as well).
0 bananamrs Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 On 4/5/2015 at 2:10 PM, Stillquest said: Well, I encountered the same problem - one character slowed down, another sped up. I have a solution, of sorts, but it requires some hex editing. The following might not make much sense if you've never done it before. Use at your own risk, you can bork your saves, etc, etc: I used Cheat Engine, it's free and relatively simple to use. It seems each character has 3 variables that determine his/her movement rate. One seems to determine walking/sneaking speed, one is used for running/combat speed, the third one is derived from the other two - I'm not 100% sure as to the mechanics, but it's the first two you need to worry about anyway. The default movement speeds of each of your characters is 2 & 4, respectively. Animal companions seem to have higher running speed but the same walking speed. In my case, Aloth was sped up (values 3 & 5) and Itumaak was slowed down (Values 1 & 5.5). I suspect some speed debuff was used against Itumaak, which was supposed to reduce both speed values by 1 temporarily. However, when the debuff expires the lost speed was added to the wrong character. BTW: I think this problem was introduced with the last patch, as all the complaints about it seem to be from the last couple of days. How to locate your characters' speed values: Search for float variables: The running/walking speeds for each character are located one right after the other, so they should be offset by 4 bytes. The derived speed value is offset a further C0 bytes down the line from the second variable, useful to make sure you got the right addresses. I used Kana's "Blessed Was Wengridh, Quickest of His Tribe", which increases all speed values by 1.2. Then, by alternately looking for variables that increased/decreased as the speed buff kicks in and runs out, I located the relevant variables. I assume we all suffer from the same bug, so you can also simply look for the exact values, which might be quicker (1 -> 2.2, 3 -> 4.2, etc). Simply set everyone's speed back to 2 & 4 (except animal companions, I assume original speeds of 2 and 6.5 for Itumaak), save, and you should be OK. Could you, please, make a full instruction how to do it? I've newer used Cheat Engine and not interested to learn hex-editing, so if you could explain in a "Push this button, select this option, press this button to save results"-way - that would be gold. I've tried to use it, but I don't get exact 2.2 values, only like 2.2123124123 and they are constantly changing. Even after 4-5 scans, when only 1 result remains it seems I don't get Mspeed, cos I change value to 2, but nothing in game changes. Please,please,please? Can't play with my rogue stalling behind the party.
0 Stillquest Posted April 6, 2015 Posted April 6, 2015 On 4/6/2015 at 10:40 AM, bananamrs said: I've newer used Cheat Engine and not interested to learn hex-editing, so if you could explain in a "Push this button, select this option, press this button to save results"-way - that would be gold. I've tried to use it, but I don't get exact 2.2 values, only like 2.2123124123 and they are constantly changing. Even after 4-5 scans, when only 1 result remains it seems I don't get Mspeed, cos I change value to 2, but nothing in game changes. Please,please,please? Can't play with my rogue stalling behind the party. Well, I'll try: For starters, the way float variables work means you often don't get round numbers. 3.2 would appear as 3.20000014, or something like it. The speed variables should be stable, though, so the ones you found aren't them. Let's try doing this the long way, which I'm sure will work: Start the game. Make sure you backup your savegame. Now start Cheat Engine. Click the blinking button on the top left corner, and select the game's executable from the list. On the right side of the screen, set Variable Type to "float", Scan Type to "unknown initial value". Then click "First Scan". Wait for the green bar on top of the screen to fill-up. At the top left you can see the number of variables found, should be a few hundred millions at this point. Go into the game. Find a nice spot with relatively weak enemies. Set Kana to chant something that uses "Blessed Was Wengridh, Quickest of His Tribe" as the first verse, and a random second verse. Now, send Kana and the characters having speed problems into combat. You should keep the other characters away, no reason to add noise to the system. Now: The moment you enter combat, Kana should start chanting BWWQHT, which will cause the speed of nearby characters to rise by 1.2. You'll notice the small winged boot icon appear on affected characters. Pause the game, alt-tab back to Cheat Engine, change the Scan Type to "increased value" and click "Next Scan". What we're trying to do here is locate all the variables that increased in value between the initial scan and this one, as you've just raised your characters' speed using Kana's chant. The second scan should take considerably longer time than the first, don't worry. You'll notice the number of variables found decreased dramatically. Now, go back into the game, and wait for Kana to start his second, non BWWQHT verse. The moment the winged boot icon disappears from your characters' portraits, pause the game and go back into CE. The speed values should be back to non-buffed level, so now you need to change Scan Type to "decreased value" and click "Next Scan". Again, you'll notice the number of found variables significantly decreased. Rinse, repeat. That is, go back to the game, wait for speed buff, scan for "increased value", back to the game, wait for the buff to wear off, scan for "decreased value". And so on. A bit tedious, but after a few scans you'll narrow the list down to a couple hundred variables or so. In order for the next bit to have the correct numbers, you should stop when your characters are NOT buffed. * I must mention that it would be FAR quicker to choose "increased/decreased value by" and, say, a range between 1.1 to 1.3, but I'm trying to keep things simple, not efficient. At this point you can skim the list. If you got hit by exactly the same bug that I did, you have one character which is too slow, another one that is too fast, the first had their speed values reduced by 1 and the second had them increased by 1. If you took just Kana and the two problem characters to combat, you're looking for 3 sets of two consecutive variables each, which should be "4,2" for Kana, "3,1" for the slow character, and "5,3" for the sped up character. As float variables are 4 bytes in size, consecutive addresses would be, for example, 5C9C1A44 and 5C9C1A48. However... You might NOT have exactly the same bug. Perhaps your numbers will be different. What we can be reasonably sure about is that the run/walk values for each character differ by 2, and that they're in the, say, 1-8 range. * A handy trick to make sure you got the pairs you want is to add "C0" to the larger address - in my previous example, it will mean 5C9C1B08. It should contain a number that should be equel to the larger speed value of the pair. You can use an online hex calculator, just google for it. Double click the addresses you've located. That should add them to a list in the bottom of the screen. I suggest you double click the "no description" next to each added address and choose descriptive names ("Probable Kana Running Speed", etc) so you won't get mixed up later. Now, by double clicking the values of the variables in the list you can change them. Change the 5,3 couple to 4,2. Same with the 3,1. Go back into the game. Test the characters' speed. If all went well... Congrats! Save your game, and hope the bug doesn't strike again. Let me know how you managed, or if you have any questions.
0 sylvain Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 I have the same problem, 1st Durance was slow now the all party but my monk are slowed. Pallegina can't even move in stealth mode. Durance slow has been for a while now, the rest of the party happened in Od Nua level 10 after being slowed by crystal spider AoE and charmed by Vithrack.
0 schleicher Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 I ran into the same issue a few days back and was hoping that it might be fixed with the first updates or hotfixes. Sadly, this was not the case and since I have no savegame where this issue is non-existent, I have to be content with sitting around and waiting for the fix.
0 a bear named spigot Posted April 7, 2015 Author Posted April 7, 2015 On 4/5/2015 at 2:10 PM, Stillquest said: BTW: I think this problem was introduced with the last patch, as all the complaints about it seem to be from the last couple of days. neg, issue since launch.
0 domathon Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 i have this bug now and i have stopped playing, so disappointing.
0 Merina Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 *sigh* I just replied in a different topic, because I didn't find this one ... I'm facing issues with Fast Mode not working or not making a difference anymore. It's supposed to be double-speed, but it used to be really visible and audible also in Stealth Mode. Could it be that the updated game fails at loading old savegames? Does anyone know whether newly started games will also be affected.
0 Stillquest Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 On 4/7/2015 at 11:59 AM, Merina said: I'm facing issues with Fast Mode not working or not making a difference anymore. It's supposed to be double-speed, but it used to be really visible and audible also in Stealth Mode. Possibly this is a separate issue from the one the rest of us are having - ours seems to manifest as characters moving at different speeds, some lagging behind when you move your party, some shooting forward. In my case, at least, Fast Mode still worked.
0 Merina Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 Let's agree on that the developers somehow broke movement speed in their latest hotfix. It has been fine until today for me. Then after applying the update that arrived at Steam, my latest savegame is affected. Speed in a new game feels strange, too.
0 vinni Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 I'm now facing this issue or a similar one too, right after a fight in slow mode, it seems now that my chars, especially Eder, move at a snails pace while out of combat (even with fast mode turned on) - while in combat this seems to normalize. Here's my savegame -> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70930274/57cd6ffa5b804829862f839a6a5286f4%2012746019%20Elmshore.savegame
0 Merina Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 vinni, I can reproduce that with your savegame here as well. And with that I'm back to IWDEE once more. These new bugs introduced by PoE hotfixes ruin the game for me. I've yet to enter Defiance Bay after several restarts and game-breaking issues.
0 vinni Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 After some more testing I'm positive it's Eder who bugged out for me after that fight and now drags the speed of the whole group down. Even after dismissing and recruiting him again in a tavern the bug persists - I've dismissed him for now and created a custom fighter as replacement until this is resolved.
a bear named spigot
My PC now moves at a very slow jog. All other characters move at normal speed when they are selected, however if the main character is selected while moving party all other characters will move at a walk.
Save and output files here.
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