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POE Theme to soft?


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Composers only compose what the Directors and producers have in mind for the music.  The Composer and Orchestra has nothing to do wtih Epic. 


A composer can put on the producer hat over dub the orchestra tracks and create Epic no sweat.  Throw on a better Reverb over the whole thing (every track) and you can make it sound like the best Orchestra/Concert Hall in the world!


Epic to bring in emotion and bla bla bla is just Romantic Style of Symphonic Composition.  pp to FF and FFF.  Throw Choirs in there as Stabs or playing on top of the Brass.  Super Epic, throw Timpini or Taiko Drums under that on FFF and FF for super super epic!


In other words Epic is  just an arrangement of the music and bringing out emotion through dynamics the same Techniques as the Compositions of the Romantic Style Symphonic Works.


The Theme of Music in a game that sets the over all mood or is the theme track or title track or whatever can be orchestrated and arranged for Epic^_- 


Maybe there will be some Epic music in PoE for you!   Who knows.

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Down boy. I'm not expressing an opinion on the music at all. Just pointing out the quality of a composer goes down the cheaper you go.

And I am expressing how the composers quality has nothing to do with the monetary of a project it's all hocus pocus.



I could explain this and go on and on about music and composing for media but it would pretty over the top.


Truly a projects funding has nothing to do with how much quality a composer can bring verses the money.   If the composer can't bring it on a low budget game then they need to study up.  A composer can't pick the project there composing for a lot of time there lucky to get something cool.

  If you have experience in composing for a such and such game and delivered then the company would hire you and expect as much from you for there project.

Since I am talking about games.   Indie Game, AAA game, the music should be no different unless, unless live solo musicians are hired.  Now a days we can totally handle the orchestra and fool you:P   Throw a singer on top with some Celtic , Welsh singing and we can totally FOOL YOU.

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Where would huge budget Project help with the music.  I mean big big budget.  Well....That would be with the real orchestra and time.  Yea time is everything.  Thanks to these silly Unions Time is everything.


How good is the conductor how well does he communicate to the musicians.  Are the Musicians into it or is this just another day on the job.   God how many breaks do musicians need. 


All of that factors in to how well your score will be played.   Then there is the Sound of the Orchestra.   What Concert hall are the stems going to a pro mixer to add his own Reverb?


Yea that would help with Huge Budget Project.   If you wanted the Film Sound and were using A real orchestra then you would need a huge budget unless you are having it recorded in Budapest or something.     Or some Smaller European Orchestra.


Ok that's all got later.

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Seems like the music dosent get your Adrenalin pumped up like BG or IWD did. When you hear that IWD theme you know your in for a barbaric epic adventure POE seems like elevator music.   

Why, what's wrong with elevator music? When I want to listen to music, I pick my best elevator and start going up and down for hours :p

Edited by Sedrefilos
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It depends on what the atmosphere and style of game and story will be like.

If it's supposed to be epic, the main theme should be epic. If it's a melancholic game, the main theme should sound melancholic. If the story is about mysterious things happening, then the main theme should sound mysterious.


No way to tell if the main theme fits at this point.

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