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From Gamespots preview:

Your role in this darker world is rather vague at the moment. You're something of an enigma at the start of the game--even to yourself--due to the time-honored tradition of memory problems. You'll play as an amnesiac Jedi who, memory loss be damned, has a pivotal role to play in the battle against the Sith and in the fate of the galaxy. Discovering exactly what this role is will be something you'll have to find out as you go through the game. Your journey of self-discovery will also shed some light on why the Sith appear to have it in for you.


They will have to travel to seven different worlds in their efforts to defend the now-turmoil-plagued Old Republic against the machinations of the Sith Lords.
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I can see it now:


TNO, on a little R and R from the blood wars, gets drunk on Mandalorian ale and forgets his identity again. Now, he's on a rampage, kicking Sith ass and trying to remember where that portal was to the seventh plane of hell. With his trusty floating computer, named Morte, and a cute wookie, named Annah (voice over by Sheena Easton), he masters the force and his own mortality yet one more time.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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so then...questions anyone? =)

Yes, how does this effect the chances of Fallout 3 being your first game?

its a trick to throw you off the trail. MCA said it before, they will be the first company to announce a game after it hits stores.

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Hooray! I suggested a Sith storyline, now where's my royalties?


Oh well, it was probably obvious and posted many times before and after me. I'm just happy a certain company that created a certain buggy product will not produce the sequel, and that Obsidian is being given a chance to make a name for themselves in the CRPG industry. However, if conscience should fail you and you decide to award me royalties, I shall not refuse.


I have a question/concern about the storyline. Is it really going to be some memory wipe thing again? Surely there are better lead-ins like...


A promising Sith Jedi with a conscience, facing expulsion from the academy (you usually only leave feet first) flees in hopes of evading that fate. On fleeing, while in the space lanes he's assisted by another promising jedi who left the regular academy for similar yet mirrored reasons. Together, they find a common goal (staying alive, say, or a simple power grab) while fighting both LS and DS jedi who seek to thwart their advancement (one tries to bring them back, the other tries to kill them). Rogue Jedi, there's a better storyline IMHO.


Can we also have Darth Sidius tatoos? Pretty please.

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It's not... don't expect you to know, but it's been mentionedin several other places on the board. You're a former Jedi who was in exile during the events of KOTOR, starting after the mandalorian wars, which you're a veteran of. Chris has also explicitly stated that there won't be ANY amnesia or personality disorders.

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I'm not sure if that is mentioned in the FAQ but since when could anyone rely on people finding information for themselves anyway ;)


What do you make of the construction on the 4th Concept Art picture? Dyson Sphere or Ringworld or something ?

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Might be some kind of energy collector. It seems to be built around a nebula, or at least close to one - a similar concept to the star forge. A dyson sphere sounds too ambitious even for star wars.

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