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Drunk and sit system?

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I'm a roleplayer, but... I know these systems can be silly, but if there is an multiplayer mode, I certainly will like my friends stop at a tavern and drink some beer. Even if that cause effects on the character. 

Nothing better come of a adventure and tell it in a tavern drinking some beer, huh?
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I'd like to create a party of Orlan Chanters. Tellers of tall tales and hallowed legends. And every time before I go out adventuring, I want to stop by a tavern to buy them the strongest ale, to toast the tavern for their success. And have them inebriated and perhaps misplaced courage while they head out of town towards that dungeon. And have all the side effects from that ale. :x  :devil:

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I'd quite like a 'sat in tavern' animation during which you can have some banter with your team / the waiter/waitress.

But, I suspect it'd take too much budget to do not only the animations but also make sure your armour didn't clip the table/chair.


Drinking should be in though, if only BG-style with perhaps rumours from the bartender (hopefully useful ones that you don't just get anyway from doing the main quest) (ie not just "I heard there's a crisis down in Nashkel mines").

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*Casts Nature's Terror* :aiee: , *Casts Firebug* :fdevil: , *Casts Rot-Skulls* :skull: , *Casts Garden of Life* :luck: *Spirit-shifts to cat form* :cat:

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Yeah, I liked how Baldur's Gate at least tried to give characters a reason to drink, even if the execution was flawed.


I rather doubt PoE will see a full system where your characters have needs beyond their health and stamina bars, but maybe if we're lucky taverns will provide some other kind of benefit. Maybe something like a nominal stamina boost in your first couple of fights. Toss that on top of some nice inter-party dialogue during tavern sequences, and make it the only way to meet certain NPCs (not necessarily potential party members), and we'll have our player characters acting like proper fantasy adventurers in no time.

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There are chat rooms and forums on the internet for a reason. And MMORPGs. If there were, hypothetically, multiplayer, you would be playing the same campaign with the person you're "drinking" with, ergo, there would be no "adventure stories" to tell them about because they were there and saw (read) it all firsthand.


There's a line between roleplaying and having bizarre psychological inclinations to sit around in a single spot both in-game and in reality clicking "use beer" over and over for several hours.

Edited by AGX-17
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They've said that there is no multiplayer, yes?


In any case, even if we assume that there is, I would assume that any telling of stories and what would then take place while the people are playing the game. You don't have to do that in a specific spot, after all; you can talk to the person you're playing with, either in person or via text in the game.


I do like having the option to order drinks in inns such as was in Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate and all, though. The rumours were sometimes interesting, and sometimes funny situations would come about by having the whole party stumble off drunk to some battle. I don't really care whether there would be an animation for it or not, though. Rumours that aren't heard other ways would be neat.


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I figure they're doing this kind of stuff with those cool tan illustrated CYA panels, plus dialog. They could always throw a poison status effect on top of that. Don't think there's much point for a whole dedicated mechanic, especially as multiplayer is definitely not on the cards.

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I have a project. It's a tabletop RPG. It's free. It's a work in progress. Find it here: www.brikoleur.com

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I always find it strange that I could do this twenty years ago in Ultima, and yet for the vast majority of modern games i'm limited to combat and conversation. I suppose it's just another sign of the steady decline and deterioration that the medium has been suffering from, in fairness the Black Gate's combat was automated and horribly simplified compared to the earlier iterations. A sign of things to come I wonder.


I always liked sitting in the Blue Boar of an afternoon and watching the inhabitants of Britain come and go, eating, drinking, gossiping, and forming the little house band that played in the corner. Patterson off to his mistress, the Fellowship off to hear Batlin preach etcetera. Lent a real air of verisimillitude that one could easily lose themsleves in. 

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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Yeah, I liked how Baldur's Gate at least tried to give characters a reason to drink, even if the execution was flawed.


I rather doubt PoE will see a full system where your characters have needs beyond their health and stamina bars, but maybe if we're lucky taverns will provide some other kind of benefit. Maybe something like a nominal stamina boost in your first couple of fights. Toss that on top of some nice inter-party dialogue during tavern sequences, and make it the only way to meet certain NPCs (not necessarily potential party members), and we'll have our player characters acting like proper fantasy adventurers in no time.


II forgot to mention that could have benefits when doing so. It's an interesting idea. But if "sit" was only an idea in view that the smallest details are also interesting, especially when - I believe - are not hard to do.

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