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SW: The Old Republic - Episode VI (The Old Menace)


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My gunslinger is level 39 or so now and I'm starting to get frustrated with him because for the past couple levels he seems to be doing less damage. I keep his gear up to date but it seems like I've hit a point where his damage is being mitigated a lot more and misses are even more devastating

What are his stats? I.e. damage, hit percentage, critical percentage etc.?


You shouldn't really be missing a lot unless your accuracy is way lower than 100%. I made it my aim (pun unintended) for my gunslinger to keep it at 100-103% and only then start boosting other things, crits and crit multiplier. My smuggler girl was devastating from level 30 something and onwards, occasionally carrying a flashpoint or two (especially after getting both the little shield and the big shield, sorry don't remember what those skills are called, one protects yourself and the other gives damage reduction to everyone within a radius).


I have an assassin character, but never really got around to play him, stuck at level 20. But if he's anything like my smuggler, I learned that melee tanks are invaluable companions and Bowdaar became my regular sidekick ever since. I wonder if you have tried gearing up Khem Val with state of the art gear and let him do the tanking while your assassin backstabs things to death?

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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My Sith Assassin uses a mixture of the Deception and Madness tree, weighted more to Deception.


I used Khem for tanking a lot up to around the 30's, then I started balancing it with Doc for Healing.  Careful use of stealth, Mind Trick to do a bit of cc, and swiftly taking out the rest seemed to work quite nicely for me.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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For my Assassin I usually have Treek tank while I go about my skullduggery. Sorry, I really shouldn't complain about having to switch specs to solo heroics because that's the point, they are supposed to be hard.




It seems like I miss fairly often or the animation and damage floating text are off. I notice a lot of times I'm hitting a guy with aimed shot within 10 meters and they aren't getting knocked back and have no physics resists

Free games updated 3/4/21

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94.84%... that's not good :(


How much accuracy do you have in your gear???


Edit: Just saw. You have effectively none. No wonder you can't hit the side of a barn :grin:


Edit2: I would recommend a good gear review and checking of your mods (armour, mod and enhancement). Priority something like Cunning, Power, Accuracy and then down the line critical and maybe a bit of surge, but less important.


Edit3: looks almost like you are wearing healer gear =]

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Hmm, I've never thought about stacking accuracy pre-50 before but it makes sense since the 30's are when accuracy and other tertiary stats starts showing up on mods. I also never had a non force user past the low 30's so I admit I don't know much about the gun classes


Right now I'm all cunning and power and any accuracy, surge, or crit is only because it was all that was available from the planetary comm vendor at the time (excepting maybe enhancements which I just didn't pay attention to beyond power). I just hit 39 so I am due for an upgrade from my 37 stuff


Thanks for the tips

Free games updated 3/4/21

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For a gunslinger (in my experience), alacrity and surge are the dump stats. Your skill tree should provide some critical bonuses, so it's not a priority (although it doesn't hurt to have some extra). Damage (cunning/power) and accuracy is where it's at. Don't forget augments as you reach higher levels . In case anyone wonders why you would want accuracy to be higher than 100%, it's because it starts negating enemies innate resistances and dodge/evade abilities. The "ranged" tab on your character sheet is the one that matters :)


Hmm... isn't it time for a bit of a fashion show again. I think I'll try taking a shot of my gunslinger (and character sheet)  when I get home.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Another hint; get relics.

The only ones pre-lvl 50 are mostly bought from the LS/DS vendor. They should give you a useful boost, for a fairly small price. Never really bothered with the ones on GTN (but selling them, since I got lvl 55 ones, and any that do drop for me in flashpoints and such just go to the GTN.)




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Let me guess, you like Chiss? :p

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Cat ate my post... :/



Looking at my own main char (72-78 shadow) obviously most stats are higher. Yet, oddly enough, your Force Critical Chance is about 10% higher. Is that some active power or a purchased skill?


And have some of what I think are my most succesful GSF flights (Jaellan is me btw).

Really depends on the team though wheter the performance is good or abysimal. In that way it is truly a teamgame.






I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Yeah, I only have about 3 pieces of 69 gear and the rest is 66 augmented stuff and in that shot I think I have all the class buffs on but that's it


EDIT: I don't think I'll ever get any of the 72+ stuff until they raise the cap again because my schedule conflicts with all my guild runs

Edited by ShadySands

Free games updated 3/4/21

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You realise 72's are now given for Elites (which means several weekly's, lvl 55 hm fp's)?

They are rather easy to get and I generally get the max of the week (200) rather fast... as in, I already have it this week. And I'm pretty casual. Not that casual, but no-where near hardcore.

Okay, that was probably a bit confusing, but the point was... you don't need to do that mcuh for them.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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What is wrong with these KOTOR1 designs?

I mean, if you copy your OWN game, do it right dammit. That they ruin Sion I can understand, but damn, they can't even remake their own stuff proper...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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I just started upgrading my 66 gear on my main character


66 gear and a splattering of low level blue augments. Relics, ear piece and implants way overdue for upgrade (were state of the art around level 27 or so).




I do have a dozen purple level 55 augments and kits in my storage bay, 1 for each slot (mix of cunning, accuracy, power and critical). Just need that last level (then I can also use some of those basic coms she has accumulated to buy 69 mods).


@Hassat: Yeah, some of their designs really look like... not sure what really. I wouldn't want to be caught dead in it. The Kuat uniform was nice though, actually bought that one off the market.



Edit: Didn't take a picture of my Sith Warrior as that one is a bit embarrassing at the moment. I just bought some nice gear for him off the GTN (purple something vindicator etc.). Problem is just, while purple level 50 stuff, some of it was tank gear and some dps. I play him as dps, but hasn't bothered replacing the mods in the chest piece yet. Besides, he wears the bounty hunter mask and look more silly than funny, but it was the only thing I had that covered his face under the hood without removing the hood entirely.



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Accuracy pre level 50 really shouldn't be that important. Sure, it won't hurt, since every attack that doesn't miss is better, but the amounts you get on gear at that level is so miniscule that it won't really make that much of a difference. But sure, accuracy is a lot better than alacrity and surge, which are the stats it competes against.


Shadysands, are you perhaps slightly underleveld for the content you're doing? Enemies that are higher level than you get a boost to their resist chance iirc, which could explain why you're missing more.


@Gorth: I think you instead need to ditch some accuracy and get more surge. Anything above 100% ranged accuracy is wasted.

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@Gorth: I think you instead need to ditch some accuracy and get more surge. Anything above 100% ranged accuracy is wasted.

Sort of. 110% tech accuracy and 100% ranged accuracy is the aim. Don't want to tweak it before adding decent relics, implants and ear pieces, then all my "expensive" level 55 augments, adding one at a time so I can see when I hit the target.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Well, for my two 55th level characters - Currently they're looking like this (although the Gunslinger hasn't got any really flash gear yet, he's pretty much on the 58 gear):





"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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@Gorth: I think you instead need to ditch some accuracy and get more surge. Anything above 100% ranged accuracy is wasted.

Sort of. 110% tech accuracy and 100% ranged accuracy is the aim. Don't want to tweak it before adding decent relics, implants and ear pieces, then all my "expensive" level 55 augments, adding one at a time so I can see when I hit the target.



Yeah, was just commenting because you had 103% ranged, which is overkill by a lot. 100% ranged means you'll also have 110% tech, so it's superfluous to quote numbers for both. which is why I only mentiond ranged (since that's the one that was showing in your screen shot).



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If everyone else shows off their toon, might as well do so too.

It's pretty much 1 cartel market item, rest Verpetine (72) armor with the 69 (forgot name) helmet, since the 78 gear looks ugly and the 72 helmet did too. Of course updated with proper mods (78). I like this look :).




EDIT; Looking through my screens, I see it's not exactly up to date... so in here still a few items are 72.

Edited by Hassat Hunter
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I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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I have a few elite comms and even a couple ultimate from who knows what but I barely ever get a chance to run HM FPS. Most of my play time is at odd hours and for short bursts and I've had to drop mid FP more than a few times. So thing I can't do solo tend not to get done


I do play a lot with my wife whenever I have more time available because she gets caught up in and wants to keep going all the time but 1) she's not very good and 2) she doesn't like grouping with strangers. It's effectively a co-op game for her in which I do most of the heavy lifting

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It's effectively a co-op game for her in which I do most of the heavy lifting

Isn't that the very definition of "marriage"??? :p


I'm a slightly similar situation most days, because of time zones, but I *do* have the option of playing Saturday and Sunday mornings, which is where I mostly do flashpoints and weeklies that has heroics in them. Most work days, if I show up in section x, there will be between 1 and 3 people (myself included), so no chance of doing the Aurora Cannon for example. On a Saturday morning, there may be 20 there, takes no time to organise a group for it.


Yeah, was just commenting because you had 103% ranged, which is overkill by a lot. 100% ranged means you'll also have 110% tech, so it's superfluous to quote numbers for both. which is why I only mentiond ranged (since that's the one that was showing in your screen shot).



I could have sworn my screenshot showed both :huh:


Yeah, went a bit overboard with the accuracty. The story behind it is the random number demon that dogs my every attempt at reverse engineering. Doing a batch of 5, no success. Doing another, all failed. after a total of 25 failed attempt, I set 5 companions to craft them for a total of another 25. Of course it now succeeds on the second out of the 25, so I was stuck with an inventory full of mid level accuracy augments. I added a number of mk5 (or was it mk6) augment slots and added the augments rather than just wasting a lot of them (mailing a bunch to some other alt) ;)


As said, not going to do much about it before reaching level 55. Got close to 300 basic coms (270 or so) for buying a few armour pieces with 69 mods and then I'll see what I come up with after whatever distrubution Bioware put into those and then get the relics/implants/ear pieces etc. I noticed (when equipping my dps commando) that the vendor armour is somewhat frugal on accuracy, which is why I still made a least some of those augments for level 55. Of course, if I was obsessed enough, I could probably start adding up all the numbers beforehand in a spreadsheet, but frankly, I'm too lazy. Augments I don't need gets handed down to my Sniper who is approaching level 50.


@Hassat: Nice character. Social X, huh... not much for doing stuff alone??? :)

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I'd say skip basic gear, use the comms to get Isotope-5. But that's just me... don't mind not listening, the less competition the better. Then again, you're on a different server :).

It's why I prefer basic (good money) over elites (rather useless for me at the moment... just spending them on 72's for alts with legacy gear now.


As for Social X, I leveled from lvl 15-55 with Zbyl (you know, also from TSLRCM?), which already made it to level 6 or 7 or something? After that it was just from the ops, fps and other similar stuff.


But yeah, the game is basically a duo-game for me too, especially 10-50. In the endgame you group or get gear so powerful anything dies when you look at it, but during the plot you need to really keep replacing gear, spending planetary comms, spend long times fighting thrash, healing that doing it alone is a chore to me. If I was forced to play alone I would never have made a single char 50. My opinion during the free weekend was pretty much 'this game sucks', but together it makes it so much more bearable by lowering the always respawning fights to tolerable levels of time spend to kill them.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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I noticed that at the vendor store... what *is* isotope-5 used for (too lazy to google)?

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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