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Does anyone know anything difinitive about when this game is coming out? Ubisoft is in no mood at all to tell anyone anything. And it seems every day when I go to look for more info about the game I just get worse projected news. I am now reading online and from game informer sources that its release date is set for anywhere between April 2013 and March 2014. I undedrstand waiting for the game, I know sometimes delays happen. However since canceling the March 5th release date two weeks before hand I have heard no new projected release date. I am really uncomfortable with a preorder that is twisting in the wind for now possibly upto well over a year. I need to know how long I am waiting. Can I cancle my pre-order for now and get a new one when the game has a release date? (probly something I should ask my gamestop.) All and all I hate Ubisoft and this action doesnt gain them any favor with me. Is it really so hard to give us any idea of when the game comes out, how long it will be delayed, and why? IF we are gonna be waiting till  March 2014 why? I thought the game was done and by all accounts Obsidian did a great job. So how much "fixing" does Ubi need to do? And furthermore is this even gonna be the game I have been waiting for and anticipating if Ubi needs this much time to tune it?


Why did this need a new thread when there is already a few where this is discussed?


Anyways, if Ubisoft has not announced the release date then no, there is no new official info.


The game was delayed from the March 5th release date to fiscal 2014 (which is April 2013 - March 2014) back in November by THQ so it shouldn't be a surprise.


Pre-order questions should be addressed to the store where you pre-ordered it from.


And who said Ubisoft is "fixing" it? They spent 3.2 million dollars for the publishing rights so I believe they want to check it and possibly evaluate what has been done, what still needs to be done etc.


Thankyou for you input.


Firstly I started this thread as the others have gnerally gone dark or devolved into other issues over this topic.


Secondly I have never heard of this delay infro from November, also inversly as I stated up untill two weeks prior to launch the games relase date was set for March 5 thusly making talk of fiscal 2014 in novmeber meaningless. So when the game retuned to this prior deadline as you say it did I was suprised.


I did discuss my perorder with my game store and have work that all out thankyou.  Somthing I even admitted to myself in my post. (in reflection somthing I should have just removed.)


And finally who is spreading this talk of Fixing you ask? Well the interviews with Ubi to start "saying the game needs to be looked over and checked out by our studios before it ever sees the light of day"  Now intitally I took that as a natural "inspect our purchase before marketing" statment. However with increasing frequency I am finding (largly net articles) that talk about Ubi using this time to "fine tune, adapt, or fix the game" These articles are where I get these impresions of ubisoft. Furthermore the number one thing I hear from everyone on most sites is " The game for all intents and purpouses is finished". This supposed fact only makes the lack of a date announcement (even a loose one like two month window) all the more puzzling. The last real info I have was over a month ago when my game stop told me the relase was canceled. I personally dont think a evalutaion and statment on the projected wait due to these new circumstances after this amount of time is unfair.


Ultimatly the issue is moot and I am sorry for wasting your time. No one has any info I havent already found. I am also just going to cancel my preorder and move it over to Defiance. Opting to simply re-preorder the game when it has a release date.  I would add though as some one who didnt make any move or really follow this game till the March 5th date announcement. That up till two weeks before launch THQ, Obsidian, and my local game store all said " launch date intact dont cancel your preorders" That followed with continually increasing assumptions over the games expected launch date irritated me. I am used to missed launch dates and delayed games. However this is a first where the launch date is canceled and not even a tentive one has met to replace it. But you need not worry. I shall not be making any further posts on this matter less ofcourse I have any sort of offical info to share.

Posted (edited)

When THQ delayed release date back in November, it never was set back for being released on March 5th. At least not officially by Ubisoft or THQ. Steam had release date set to March 5th and THQ as a publisher a month after Ubisoft bought the rights. 


The point is, if Ubisoft or THQ didn't announce after the November delay that the release date is back at March 5th then it wasn't meant to be released then. If you didn't hear about the delay and some store or website still had the release date set as March 5th that does not mean it was the actual release date two weeks prior and it does not make it meaningless. There are some stores that say it's release date is December 31st 2013 but it is a placeholder date. Zavvi.com has April 26th 2013 as a release date but that too is a placeholder. Only "sure" thing we know about it that it will be released in 2013 and we have to wait for Ubisoft's official announcement for exact date.


  On 3/15/2013 at 6:44 AM, Promethyus said:

And finally who is spreading this talk of Fixing you ask? Well the interviews with Ubi to start "saying the game needs to be looked over and checked out by our studios before it ever sees the light of day"  Now intitally I took that as a natural "inspect our purchase before marketing" statment. However with increasing frequency I am finding (largly net articles) that talk about Ubi using this time to "fine tune, adapt, or fix the game" These articles are where I get these impresions of ubisoft. Furthermore the number one thing I hear from everyone on most sites is " The game for all intents and purpouses is finished". This supposed fact only makes the lack of a date announcement (even a loose one like two month window) all the more puzzling. The last real info I have was over a month ago when my game stop told me the relase was canceled. I personally dont think a evalutaion and statment on the projected wait due to these new circumstances after this amount of time is unfair.

Do you have any links for these Ubisoft's fixing etc. comments? I know they wanted to look it over, check it and such but if you have something where they said the other things, that would be helpful, thanks.

That up till two weeks before launch THQ, Obsidian, and my local game store all said " launch date intact dont cancel your preorders" That followed with continually increasing assumptions over the games expected launch date irritated me.

That can't be true. While your local game store might have said that (and maybe they actually thought it would be released in March 5th) but THQ already sold majority of their rights back in January, including South Park, and Obsidian has nothing to do with release dates, they just develop the game so I doubt they said anything about the game being released in March.


And you are not wasting any of my time. If you were, I wouldn't be posting anything.

Edited by Apatia
Posted (edited)

I can not seem to find the main article that claimed Ubi was "fixing" the game. I even pulled up my recent searches to try and find it to no avail. The article was published online on march 12th so if it was taken down this fast it must have had incorrect info.


On your note about the release cant have been true, Everyone and everything I looked into when I got my pre-order in Dec said Marhc 5th was the release date. Retailers and the internet all said March5th At the point of the games sale in january I was reassured by my game stop the date was still intact. Also Bing and google Searches alike linked Amazon and other online stores All kept the March 5th date up even after March5th. This game may have been delayed back in November. However if what you say is true no one recinded the date to reflect the truth of the matter. Personally I was skeptical about this game. Every south park game promisses to be great most miss the mark. For that reason I didnt get into the game at all until the Spike VGA's. It was the world premire that they launched in DEC that really got me to look into the game. So if what you say is true and this delay is nothing at all new and infact has been in the works since Nov. I am rather pissed that no one told me that the date was false. Even more annoyed that so many online and local stores could push this date with nothing being put out to the contrary. It was my understanding with my Darksiders II insert that the game was set for Feb2013. Then when I looked into it again in dec, the dates all said march5th. And as I said earlier after the sale I was reassuered the March 5th date was intact. THQ or Ubisoft really should have tried harder to keep that false info in check. Because as this very forum proves I am not the only person who was under the impression that March 5th was the intended release date.

Edited by Promethyus

Publishers have no control over what retailers say at their own locations and websites. As such, it has been the policy of many retailers to set release dates without any verifying information in order to drive up preorders. While some are nice and alert people if the date is pushed back, most tend to be rather lax in this regard.


Also: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/11/05/south-park-stick-of-truth-delayed-again.aspx


The beginning of November revealed it was being pushed back around two months. THQ's collapse only made things worse. So please stop blaming the game and Obsidian for what completely unaffiliated retailers did or did not do.

  On 3/17/2013 at 11:34 AM, TSBasilisk said:

The beginning of November revealed it was being pushed back around two months. THQ's collapse only made things worse. So please stop blaming the game and Obsidian for what completely unaffiliated retailers did or did not do.


To be clear I am not blaming the game or Obsidian. If I am blaming anyone its Ubisoft and the Retailers that didnt at least acknowlege that there date was nolonger valid. I keep getting told that this was the way of things in november. The point I keep trying to make is that I never found that information till after febuary when the retails said the date was canceled. Most info on the net kept the March 5th date. Personally I was never aware that a retailer could put up a untrue date without legal recourse. It seems unfair that the publisher cant stop stores from posting untrue dates.  All of this adds up to me being dissappointed, mostly with Ubisoft. My issues right now are simply the lack of info and rampant speculation on the status of this game. I simply want some straight forward info. I dont even need a specific date for release. I would just like to know a rough estimate. As now this game is nolonger my "pre-Defiance" time killer. As well my immersion into that game will make my desire to play this much much less depending on when its released. I just want some straight info.


I figure I might as well throw my theory out there, if it helps.  Now, this is strictly my thoughts and not based on anything concrete/rumors or anything.  But I personally am not expecting a release before June.  Specifically, I believe Ubisoft is holding off releasing any info so that they can announce/promote the game themselves at E3 (June 11-13).


That would also fit along a purely logical timeline.  If the game was nearly finished anyway, Ubisoft acquired the rights two months ago.  Transferring those rights and settling all the legal issues with South Park Studios would take some time -- let's say a month.  They then need to go thru the game to see what they have, and see if there is anything they want added/changed -- let's give that a couple weeks.  That'd put us at the beginning of March.  Give this month and next to implementing those changes, bug fixes and submitting for certification.  Then the month of May is spent waiting for certification and maybe working on creating future DLC (which we know is going to be coming).  Go Gold end of May/beginning of June, then 2-3 weeks for actually creating the game discs, packaging and shipping, and you're at E3, ready to release.  Maybe they need more time than that in certain areas, and maybe they need less, but that's how I'm seeing this going.  Either way though, I'm thinking no later than July, as after that, Splinter Cell comes out in August (another Ubisoft game), and GTA V in September.


After some minor changes, Ubisoft releases this game:



  • Like 1

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

  On 3/20/2013 at 8:25 AM, JSwartz0181 said:

I figure I might as well throw my theory out there, if it helps.  Now, this is strictly my thoughts and not based on anything concrete/rumors or anything.  But I personally am not expecting a release before June.  Specifically, I believe Ubisoft is holding off releasing any info so that they can announce/promote the game themselves at E3 (June 11-13).


That would also fit along a purely logical timeline.  If the game was nearly finished anyway, Ubisoft acquired the rights two months ago.  Transferring those rights and settling all the legal issues with South Park Studios would take some time -- let's say a month.  They then need to go thru the game to see what they have, and see if there is anything they want added/changed -- let's give that a couple weeks.  That'd put us at the beginning of March.  Give this month and next to implementing those changes, bug fixes and submitting for certification.  Then the month of May is spent waiting for certification and maybe working on creating future DLC (which we know is going to be coming).  Go Gold end of May/beginning of June, then 2-3 weeks for actually creating the game discs, packaging and shipping, and you're at E3, ready to release.  Maybe they need more time than that in certain areas, and maybe they need less, but that's how I'm seeing this going.  Either way though, I'm thinking no later than July, as after that, Splinter Cell comes out in August (another Ubisoft game), and GTA V in September.


I hope your right. My issue isnt that the game may take that long or longer to release. My issue is the lack of info from Ubisoft. I agree with everything you have said about this taking time and Ubisoft taking there time with it. However latly I have seen too many titles ruined by hand changing, Colonial Marines, Star Wars Battle Front 3 just to name a few. The rampant speculation needs to be qwelled. The only way to do that is to release somthing offical. Yet so far we have nothing.


best thing for them to realize is that it needs to stay the way it is and for them not to go to make the game more pc intuned to what they "think" the people will want. Also they need to release it during summer or before, because otherwise its gonna get swallowed up in the games around christmas and next february. If they wait til next february, ill take drastic actions like blowing up their forums or something, but ya it does need to be released sooner and not later.


The biggest best theory right now is Ubisoft is waiting for E3 for the big unvail. It makes some sense. Get some more best in show awards or atleast some big recognition. Personally I am getting fed up with waiting for more info. Kinda just said screw it for now and moved my money time and intrest over to defiance. Seems the better investment right now.


I WORK FOR AMAZON WE ARE RECIEVING 300k (150k per console W/ no PC till following week after console release) THE RELEASE DATE IS APR 16, 2013


I hope that's true.


Is there an idea of what system specs will be? Can I still play it with XP SP3, or does it require a newer version of Direct X that will require a newer version of Windows?

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.


FingerBang....I hope u aint trolling. If u are I will find a way to reach thru my internet connection and smack ya lol. If u aint lying.....u are ****ing awesome!

I hope its the latter or else im gonna get my go-go-gadget hand rdy.


That guy FingerBang is very wrong. There is no possible way we are seeing this game that early. Unless it's gonna be like "Family Guy: Back To The Multiverse" which released back in November 2012. That game had very little info and got it's first trailer 1 week before release. I expect a release date this summer. Which really ****ing sucks but I don't wanna lie to myself.


Earlier on Twitter I read they would make an announcement mid April.

Hopefully they will announce the release date then and give us more info as soon as I have a confirmed date I will pre order.

  • 5 weeks later...

Unfortunately there was no new info in that interview. Everything in it has been said by Mr. Avellone before. Yes, even the part about South Park:

  Chris Avellone said:

I will say that there’s nothing better than being in a room with Matt and Trey and they start getting excited enough about a questline that they’ll start acting out the quest line in the character voices. Pure gold.

From an interview from June 2012.


No new news on this is making me a sad panda.



You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.


They don't even have a dedicated spot there for it.

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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