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Let's Talk About Easter Eggs ...

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"I logged into that stream for five minutes. I read IRC messages galore of pathetic adolescents throwing unwarranted sexually inappropriate comments towards all female Obsidian employees (visible, of course, for everybody in that room and all the 1450+ people logged on to the stream), with practically no-one speaking out against that, I saw a bunch of people sitting around on couches and not doing much and I saw people downing shots of (presumably) hard liquor (accompagnied by shouts of encouragment by the rest of the staff) in front of small children.


It was one of the most depressing things I've seen on the internet so far. If anything, it decreased my respect for the people at Obisidian and vastly decreased my respect for its fanbase. "



Oh, please.


Women goggle and catcall men all the time and nothing is said. Why? It's not a big deal. So, people think certain women are hot. Big deal. Do you cry when girls stampede after Justin Beiber? Do you pout aboutf emalkes beings exist when they watch soaps for the sexy men or football for their tight uniforms showing off their asses? The list goes on.


Big deal. Nobody was hurt. Buck up, squirt, nothing to see.



P.S. Don't blame me as I didn't watch the stream.


But, hey, next time I'm walking down the street, and some gal catcalls my ugly butt 9and boy am I ugly); I'll sue her for sexual ahrassment and call her sexist! Deal?


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I've got a growing list in my mind of stuff I'd like to see oblique references to in the game from the KS campaign (especially after watching the live stream today)


1. "Green shirt girl"

2. the word, "wooooooooooooo"

3. lots and lots of vodka



I've got more, but what do you think would be funny/cool/witty/whatever?


Drunk Chris Avellone drinking alcohol in every pub screaming "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DRINKS ARE ON ME!" and then everyone tells him to take his shirt off and he doesn't.


Jesus Christ, this would be great!



- A pregnant spider (a reference about the mortuary of Sigil);

- A tombstone with "Adam";

- Some references about other great rpg games and fantasy books;

- A "dungeon master";

- Monty Phyton!

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Is it really an Easter Egg if it was planted, in public, by the people who are supposed to be searching for it?


Who gives a shoop.


Hey, I just backed you,

and this is crazy,

but here's my money,

so stretch goal maybe?

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"I logged into that stream for five minutes. I read IRC messages galore of pathetic adolescents throwing unwarranted sexually inappropriate comments towards all female Obsidian employees (visible, of course, for everybody in that room and all the 1450+ people logged on to the stream), with practically no-one speaking out against that, I saw a bunch of people sitting around on couches and not doing much and I saw people downing shots of (presumably) hard liquor (accompagnied by shouts of encouragment by the rest of the staff) in front of small children.


It was one of the most depressing things I've seen on the internet so far. If anything, it decreased my respect for the people at Obisidian and vastly decreased my respect for its fanbase. "



Oh, please.


Women goggle and catcall men all the time and nothing is said. Why? It's not a big deal. So, people think certain women are hot. Big deal. Do you cry when girls stampede after Justin Beiber? Do you pout aboutf emalkes beings exist when they watch soaps for the sexy men or football for their tight uniforms showing off their asses? The list goes on.


Big deal. Nobody was hurt. Buck up, squirt, nothing to see.



P.S. Don't blame me as I didn't watch the stream.


But, hey, next time I'm walking down the street, and some gal catcalls my ugly butt 9and boy am I ugly); I'll sue her for sexual ahrassment and call her sexist! Deal?


Well this is going in the right direction.

Perhaps we should stop this discussion, as my points bring all the misogynists to the yard.


*EDIT* Oooooh wait, I just noticed it's Volourn. No suprise there then, I guess.

Edited by Jebus
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Well, I followed the stream on ustream. All of the fun, none of the stupid remarks. So I don't know exactly how depriven it turned on the other place(s? Where was it hosted all)


So yeah, I don't really see the stigma with "green shirt girl" and it would be a fun easter egg to have.

Also agree with Adam's door :).


I am sure there are ways to add decisions easter eggs or IE reference easter eggs in the game.

How about an adventurer who just killed a bunch of goblins (and his only goal in life is killing goblins) and complains not getting stronger for it even if he ignores all quests and NPC's and bosses and just hunts goblins everywhere (Objective-XP vs Kill-XP).

"In my old days, this would have made me LEGENDARY!"




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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How about kerflufflepuppyguppy?

"This is what most people do not understand about Colbert and Silverman. They only mock fictional celebrities, celebrities who destroy their selfhood to unify with the wants of the people, celebrities who are transfixed by the evil hungers of the public. Feed us a Gomorrah built up of luminous dreams, we beg. Here it is, they say, and it looks like your steaming brains."


" If you've read Hart's Hope, Neveryona, Infinity Concerto, Tales of the Flat Earth, you've pretty much played Dragon Age."

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