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Alpha Protocol New Screens

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Of course, but it's funny because the original was pretty stupid already.


Let's not try to justify a video game design decision, three goggle-thingies was more than enough.


If memory serves they are based of real goggle-thingies. So it isn

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Well, think about it dudes; it makes sense.


The cameras, (I assume) are processed by the goggles to form a composite image. So, if you have more cameras like that, you are going to have a wider field of vision. You are greatly enhancing the amount of area you can see at one time.


It'd be pretty useful to increase your field of vision, up, down, and to the sides, by a bunch of degrees.


I imagine eventually they'll even get goggles with cameras on the back of the head, if they don't already. As far I've read, the human brain is capable to adapting to that sort of computer-composite field of vision, with a little practice. I'm sure if you took them off you'd have a head ache for a bit, but still...

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i LOVE the new box art style, bring this game out NOW or tell me when to come get copy from your office please

Some Trolls, arnt looking for anything logical, they cant be questioned, talked to, reasoned or negosiated with, some trolls just want watch the forums burn

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