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What the heck? This week's episodes were pants-on-head crazy, jumping all over the place with the plot advancement. I guess the story had to go there eventually, but I'm not a big fan of super-Echo. Also Adelle just decided to be an evil bitch at a drop of a hat.


The best parts were Victor and Sierra with all the different imprints.

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Adelle has ALWAYS been an evil bitch. She runs a palce that brauinwashes people, has no problem with cold blooded murder, or pimping people out without permission. Sorry, Adelle has neverbeen a nice person.


I love Super Echo. I really find Victor, and Sierra overrated. Espicially Seirra. She is just plain boring. At least Victor gets laughs out of me at times.


But, yeah, the plot advancement is crazy. the 3 months advancement thing was nonsense. Soemthing liek that should only be done at the beginning or ending of an episode not after the first couple of scenes. L A M E


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I'd imagine the plot advancement was forced by the cancellation.


In any case, Sierra and Victor are far and away the best thing to have come out of this show. I hope they get more opportunities in other productions.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Adelle has ALWAYS been an evil bitch. She runs a palce that brauinwashes people, has no problem with cold blooded murder, or pimping people out without permission. Sorry, Adelle has neverbeen a nice person.


I love Super Echo. I really find Victor, and Sierra overrated. Espicially Seirra. She is just plain boring. At least Victor gets laughs out of me at times.


But, yeah, the plot advancement is crazy. the 3 months advancement thing was nonsense. Soemthing liek that should only be done at the beginning or ending of an episode not after the first couple of scenes. L A M E

Well, Adelle got more evil then, what with betraying Topher and dooming the world for pretty frivolous and unspecified reasons.


I guess my problem is more with where the plot went, even though I kind of knew it was going that way, I can understand that they had to compress all of it into the last few episodes. I feel that having super-Echo undermines the whole premise of Dollhouse, I would have liked to see more cool stuff done with the technology in place instead of inventing totally new stuff every time and having Echo have a "glitch" practically every episode. All in all it has just been too scattershot and directionless for me with a few awesome stand-alone episodes thrown in.


EDIT: I guess not liking Ballard at all doesn't really help either...

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Wow the last episodes were really cool, lightning speed plot and all. Joss really layered twists upon twists, M Night Shyamalan would be proud. Can't wait to see where all this ends up.


Next time, Amy Acker. Yay!

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'Twist' was lame, and retarded. It's a twist for the sake of a twist. The woman is still a piece of crap.


Holy crap! Volourn disagrees. SHOCKING!


Overall, the last 6 episodes have been some of the best TV in a while.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Because the government/someone was going to use the remote imprinting technology to control whole cities and turn everyone there into zombie-dolls.


Geez people, haven't you been paying any attention at all? It was all explained in Epitaph One. :(

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