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Recent Isareli military action in Gaza

Killian Kalthorne

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I'm not impressed by pictures of dead babies, Yuusha. And I don't think anyone else is. We could have a massive dead-baby bonanza and post pictures of them from every war zone on Earth. It doesn't convince me of anything, and it certainly doesn't shock me any more.




It seems that for all Hamas' protestations, the people are asking awkward questions.




As for the exploded mosque, I agree it's shocking, but I take it you'd object to mosques being used as warfighting centres?

Edited by Walsingham

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Hamas admits to killing Palestinians it suspected of being sympathetic to Israel: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/mi...rs-1488649.html


Meanwhile, Iran moans about the arms crackdown on Hamas, complaining that it will now be difficult for Hamas to get the guns they need to mindlessly shell Israel: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/mi...ms-1475968.html

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Sounds like Hamas and their delusional followers are baying so loudly about their 'victory' out of desperation. Like that person who thinks proclaiming something loudly and repeatedly makes it true.



"I think the Israeli army is very weak. Very weak."


For example, if that quote is true why doesn't Hamas just invade Isreal? I mean, the Isreal army is weak, right? L0L


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And its obviously not working, is it Krezy?


They had a peace deal, Israelis left the area, and what does Hamas do? They attack. SO, tell me Yuusha, how do you justify that? Obviously diplomacy has failed. Israel should go back in and finish the job once and for all.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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And its obviously not working, is it Krezy?


Pay attention, mate. It's working fine in The West Bank, and Gaza all depends on the next couple of years; don't conflate normal Gazan Palestinians with Hamas - Hamas is the brick wall to stability in Gaza and Gazans rightly blame both Hamas and Israel for the damage that just occurred (rather than solely Israel). It's ludicrous that you expect immediate change. Stop seeking quick fixes, and stop being so nihilistic.


They had a peace deal, Israelis left the area, and what does Hamas do? They attack. SO, tell me Yuusha, how do you justify that? Obviously diplomacy has failed. Israel should go back in and finish the job once and for all.


A few Hamas cells will keep attacking for the next couple of weeks or months and Israel will squash them as they pop up. But the rules of the game have no changed a lot. Hamas is no longer so popular, and arms into Gaza is about to be far more heavily monitored. If the West Bank can manage stability and democracy after all these years, so can Gaza.

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What is ludricous is to have patience with people who want to kill you, who then right after a peace deal is signed attacks you again. Israel should keep fighting as they were til all of the Hamas, and those who support them, are dead.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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What is ludricous is to have patience with people who want to kill you, who then right after a peace deal is signed attacks you again. Israel should keep fighting as they were til all of the Hamas, and those who support them, are dead.


That is retarded. The Palestinians don't deserve that, it wouldn't work, and it would probably just stir up extremism in Palestine while utterly destroying Israel's foreign (and probably domestic) image.


No, this way Hamas is weakened, international support is against Hamas, and Egypt and co can clamp down further on arms smuggling.


Seriously, I can't believe you are advocating what is basically preemptive genocide.

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You reap what you sow, and Hamas' continued attacks need to be addressed. The only right way to do it is to put a bullet in their brain. If Israel backs down that will only make Hamas and organizations like them even more bolder and give them time to rearm and reorganize. My mother taught me to never start a fight, but if someone attacks you you make damn sure they can never do so again. A peace was made, Hamas broke the peace, time to make sure Hamas never does so again.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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You reap what you sow, and Hamas' continued attacks need to be addressed. The only right way to do it is to put a bullet in their brain. If Israel backs down that will only make Hamas and organizations like them even more bolder and give them time to rearm and reorganize. My mother taught me to never start a fight, but if someone attacks you you make damn sure they can never do so again. A peace was made, Hamas broke the peace, time to make sure Hamas never does so again.

Yes, because invasion in response to attacks ISN'T going to cause even more people to become members of hamas because their loved ones were "Collateral Damage". Certainly.


Actually right now I'm more worried about Pakistan than Israel. Mainly because if the Pakistani government folds you've got over 150 nukes in the hands of extremists.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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"Pay attention, mate. It's working fine in The West Bank, and Gaza all depends on the next couple of years; don't conflate normal Gazan Palestinians with Hamas - Hamas is the brick wall to stability in Gaza and Gazans rightly blame both Hamas and Israel for the damage that just occurred"


"Hamas is no longer so popular"


We'll see about this at the next palestinian election. When is it due?




"while utterly destroying Israel's foreign (and probably domestic) image."


You jokin' right? Isreal's 'foreign image' is already 'destroyed'.


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I'm not impressed by pictures of dead babies, Yuusha. And I don't think anyone else is. We could have a massive dead-baby bonanza and post pictures of them from every war zone on Earth. It doesn't convince me of anything, and it certainly doesn't shock me any more.

You’re missing the point Wals. I posted those pictures not with the intention to shock you or anyone else here, I was merely showing you that these are the kind of images that are being shown in the Muslim world by Islamic media nowadays. What do you think the effects will be?


Israel’s war in Gaza looks increasingly like a colossal strategic blunder. Far from destroying Hamas, it has given it legitimacy. Far from splitting the Arabs it has united them. Far from achieving greater deterrence, it has driven the Arabs -- and Iran -- to look urgently to their defenses. Far from improving its international image, Israel is now viewed by much of the world as a blood thirsty state.




It seems that for all Hamas' protestations, the people are asking awkward questions.

Provided the numbers in the said article are accurate, then it is indeed strange. The low casualty suffered by Hamas offers these possibilities:


1. Hamas hid themselves well during the Israeli onslaught on Gaza.

2. Israel wasn't targeting Hamas at all.

3. All of the above.


As for the exploded mosque, I agree it's shocking, but I take it you'd object to mosques being used as warfighting centres?

Yes I do. But what about the hospital the Israelis shelled? I mean there's bound to be civilians there right?



They had a peace deal, Israelis left the area, and what does Hamas do? They attack. SO, tell me Yuusha, how do you justify that? Obviously diplomacy has failed.

What diplomacy? Israel never gave diplomacy a chance. The peace deal you're referring to is unilateral in nature. Meaning Israel decided for themselves that they have had their fill for now and it's time to recuperate, rearm and review their brutal tactics.


Israel should go back in and finish the job once and for all.

Another testament to how cheap the lives of the Palestinians really are.

Edited by Yuusha

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"Far from improving its international image, Israel is now viewed by much of the world as a blood thirsty state."


No, certainly not. Israel is pretty much the only stable pro-Western democracy that the Middle-Eastern has. Of course it does reap a lot hate and jealousliness from it's surrounding neighbours for that, but saying it's delibaretly blood-thirsty is silly.


War is never pretty, and difficult circumstances make warfare sometimes "illegal" (i.e. using phosphor weapons). But in the end they have the right to exist, and also the will to co-exist, if there wouldn't always be morons blowing busses and cafes up.

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Another testament to how cheap the lives of the Palestinians really are.


Human life is cheap, Yuusha. That is how the world is today. There are over 6 billion of us all clamoring for space and resources. A few thousand dead here, a few thousand dead there isn't going to hurt the human population one bit. We are endanger of going extinct because of overpopulation, you know.


The point is that Israel has left and no longer attacking. They made a deal, regardless of their motives for doing so, and what does Hamas do? Attack again. I have no sympathy for stupidity, Yuusha, and what Hamas is doing is the utmost example of pure assining stupidity.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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Krez, You have to rkeep uppermost in mind the fact that Killian the Sandaculous operates under the impression that terrorists and their sympathisers wear glowing four foot tall hats, identifying themselves as such. Therefore it's perfectly reasonable in his world for Israel to blow up everyone like that.


Yuusha I see your point, and agree it appears most inflammatory. However, I would suggest that Israel lost the public relations war with the Arab world generations ago.


1. Hamas hid well?


Rather contradictory with their assertion that they would die gloriously resisting. It seems to me that they are determined to fight to the last Gazan rather than themselves.


2. Israel not targetting Hamas?


That is a logically sound hypothesis. But like any hypothesis it needs a more falsifiable premise.


3. Both the above?


I think the absence of the aforementioned glowing hats, and the reluctance of Hamas to fight suggests a failure by Israeli troops to locate their targets. Not terribly surprising.




I notice that you don't comment on the articles from the Independent newspaper, describing Hamas' behaviour within Gaza. I think you should, given the notoriously anti-Western slant of the Independent. I doubt it's propaganda.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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