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Xbox 360 Respawned


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Here's part 2 to the 'awesomest post ever' (typos included):



I'm the first one tod efend NHL 09/NHL 08/EA from the likes of Abiner, and his ilk; but as much fun as I'm having with NHL 098; there are quite a few annoying problems - espicially in the online sueprstar mode.


1. Everybody knows about the stat reset. Beforehand, I was 7-6 with very good stats, and since then I've been 2-10 with lacklustre stats. Will EA have a way to fix such unfairness? At least give me a full reset. L0L You reste my good stats so reset my bad stats. L0L


2. The game freezes a good amount when loading up a EASHL game. This makes one suffer losses. About half my losses from before and after the reset ar ebecause of this. I should be something like 7-4, and 2-6 respectively before/after the reset. Interetsingly enough, once I'm in the game, it';s very stable, and I don't crash. Ever. It's dumb to suffer a loss because you crashed when you didn't even get in the game yet.


3. Computer should take more penalties. Thanks. I often get slashing penalties with stick left (which is fair); but the computer nearly never does.


4. The following issue is more a rant against the peons you get stuck playing in the game. It's common fact that user goalies tend to be worse than computer goalies so it's annoying when someone gets stuck with goalie they'll quit. This, for soem reason, often happens against me which means I'm stuckl on a team with a human goalie trying their best but sucking versus a computer goalie who makes theft after theft. L0LLERZ@


Overall, it's a very fun game; but it certainly has issues.


P.S. EA, fix my stats! I'm a stats ***** - but fair one - and, I hate it when my stats don't reflect my actual level of play. At least in 08, when you did crash before the start of the game, you didn't get an auto loss for it. Urgh.


I mean, with my 2-10 record, I am still somehow managing a +1. That's because half of those games I lost when I didn't even play! HAHA!


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I'm not surprised the online play is buggy, it's the same with every EA sports game. They make some fixes every year, but one issue is the fact these games only really last a year. So every year they introduce a new title with new bugs. MMO's usually take the first year to get really stable, and they also have the benefit of a longer development time. EA has created a very difficult task for their developers.


Anyways,s orry to hear about the wipe. Hopefully we'll see a patch soon that should fix stuff.

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"it's the same with every EA sports game"


Nah. 09 is a lot more buggy than 08 certainly was. I'v enever really had a problem with Madden either. Those are the only two EA games I've really played online so *shrug*.


Until they get the EASHL issues fixed, I'm just gonna avoid one fo the features I was really looking forward. Certainly hurts an otherwise awesome game.


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Started a new game because the Devil's offense is TERRIBLE. 30 games and my center had 40 goals and only 10 assists because Elias and Roloston can't finish for their lives. Not to mention that I had played half the games the other centers had but they still only combined for 8 goals.


Now I'm on the Sharks AHL team but I haven't played my first game yet.

Edited by Krookie
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Um.. instead of quitting entirely, why not play out your contract and then join a new team as free agent? Hmmm..


Anyways, EASHL seems to be working smmother now so it is safe for everyone to take part. My stats are still sabatoged but hopefully, I cna fix them through sheer skill and determination. R00fles!


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Um.. instead of quitting entirely, why not play out your contract and then join a new team as free agent? Hmmm..


Anyways, EASHL seems to be working smmother now so it is safe for everyone to take part. My stats are still sabatoged but hopefully, I cna fix them through sheer skill and determination. R00fles!


I didn't want to play a whole season with the sucky first line Devils

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My next purchase is lined up for the xbox 360: NBA 2k9. Definitely incredibly excited for this one and they've made a few really awesome changes since last year's game. The big on for me is the ability to change your shot in the air which means that every time I drive the lane on the Bulls I'm not going to get my ass blocked and I can actually adjust my lay in and make it.

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Well, I finished my first season. My team lost in seven games in the conference finals. I sucked pretty bad during the post season, but I must have impressed somebody, since I ended up winning the rookie of the year award, despite finishing second in rookie scoring.


I simmed ahead to the next season, and the whole makeup of my team has changed drastically. So much so I'm going to restart Be A Pro, except this time I'm going to try being a dangler, not a sniper.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I find my d-men totally miss the pass back to the point more often than not. And my team doesn't like to shoot pucks at the net, it seems to be my job somehow to score empty netters. Every time i dish off the puck and hit the right bumper they always seem to **** it up somehow.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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"Do you guys pass to the point?"


Despite my 90% pass rating, my passes to the point tend to go wild or when I do pass it right, the D acts like an idiot. ie. They have alreayd elft the zone. This even happens soemtimes in 'normal' mode. L0L The AI plays too rigid sometimes, and doesn't use creativity. (not too surprising, though).



"And my team doesn't like to shoot pucks at the net"


Wweird. My teammates have no problem shooting the puck.

Edited by Volourn


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I find my d-men totally miss the pass back to the point more often than not. And my team doesn't like to shoot pucks at the net, it seems to be my job somehow to score empty netters. Every time i dish off the puck and hit the right bumper they always seem to **** it up somehow.


That's how I get half my assists. Carry it over the red line and dish it off to someone to hit the empty netter

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