Magister Lajciak Posted July 2, 2008 Posted July 2, 2008 I have recently become enamored with Pathfinder and am wondering whether Obsidian Entertainment might ever consider making a Pathfinder CRPG. I would certainly love to see one!
steelfiredragon Posted July 2, 2008 Posted July 2, 2008 Id like to see one to Strength through Mercy Head Torturor of the Cult of the Anti-gnome
Blarghagh Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 Are we talking about the Indians vs Vikings action movie or am I missing something here?
ramza Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 Are we talking about the Indians vs Vikings action movie or am I missing something here? What kind of movie is that??? I really have to watch this one!!! What's its title? "Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc "I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it.
Magister Lajciak Posted July 7, 2008 Author Posted July 7, 2008 Are we talking about the Indians vs Vikings action movie or am I missing something here? It's not the movie. Check this out:
RangerSG Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 I'd absolutely love to see one. Please, don't touch 4e with a 50' pole. Pathfinder looks far more fun, and playable.
Magister Lajciak Posted August 3, 2008 Author Posted August 3, 2008 I would sure like to see a fullblown Pathfinder game, but a mod for NWN2 would also be nice. Regretfully, I am not a modder - otherwise I would try to make one myself.
Magister Lajciak Posted August 3, 2008 Author Posted August 3, 2008 I'd absolutely love to see one. Please, don't touch 4e with a 50' pole. Pathfinder looks far more fun, and playable. I don't want to turn this thread into a debate on 4e, but interestingly enough, at least one of the developers (I believe it was Mr. Sawyer) has stated several times that despite some of the video-game-inspired mechanics in 4e, it is not easy/suitable to translate well to the CRPG environment due to certain rules inherent to the system, such as marking.
Magister Lajciak Posted August 3, 2008 Author Posted August 3, 2008 On another note, since the Beta of the Pathfinder RPG ruleset is only just coming out, any potential Pathfinder CRPG would at this time not be able to proceed far beyond the early stages of design.
Sand Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 I rather see an Arcana Evolved CRPG. Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer. @\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?" Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy." Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"
J.E. Sawyer Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 It's unlikely that any developer could legally make a Pathfinder game since Pathfinder itself is a d20 product. The d20/OGL license specifically restricts electronic d20 rights. It's likely that any licensing would have to go through WotC, not Paizo. twitter tyme
Stephen Amber Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 (edited) They should make their own rules system, sort of like what Bioware is doing with Dragon Age, and shed themselves from the responsibility, the millstone, of people's pnp expectations. I know that their previous attempt years ago, Torn + special, fizzled, but they should give it another go. Don't know what they are doing with Aliens and rules, but that seems like more of a scary shooter than an in depth rpg... maybe if the material had an actual bestiary and settings outside of derelict space craft & terraforming planetary colonies. Another system shock 2 is the best we can hope for there. Edited August 3, 2008 by Stephen Amber
Magister Lajciak Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 It's unlikely that any developer could legally make a Pathfinder game since Pathfinder itself is a d20 product. The d20/OGL license specifically restricts electronic d20 rights. It's likely that any licensing would have to go through WotC, not Paizo. Pathfinder RPG is not a d20 product. It is an OGL product, which essentially means that Paizo can do with it almost whatever it wants. Paizo can certainly license it for electronic products. Paizo people are well aware of that fact and have even expressed an interest in doing so: As a matter of fact, the d20 license for all publishers has been revoked by WotC with the advent of the 4th edition, though there is a grace period to sell of existing inventories of d20 products until the end of this year. By contrast, the OGL is irrevocable and cannot be pulled by WotC, plus it gives almost total freedom to publishers who use it. Here are the exact terms of the Open Gaming License (OGL): OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; © "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. 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From: As you can see, there is absolutely nothing there preventing the creation of an electronic product.
Magister Lajciak Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 They should make their own rules system, sort of like what Bioware is doing with Dragon Age... Paizo is doing exactly that with its Pathfinder RPG. It is creating its own system that will have a degree of compatibility with the D&D 3.5E system, but will be somewhat different. The process is currently in the Alpha stage and the Alpha release 3 can be downloaded for free from here: In about 2 weeks (at GenCon), the Beta Release of the Pathfinder RPG will be become available. The Pathfinder RPG system uses the OGL and not the d20 license (which has now been revoked anyway) and is thus not subject to the vagaries of WotC.
Stephen Amber Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Still basically just 3.5. Bioware cited the frustration of adapting pnp rules to 'puter as part of the reason for it's own system for Dragon Age. Imagine they got tired of releasing a couple dozen odd patches just to get all the spells right... I'm looking forward to seeing what they've come up with. Suppose it could be greatly simplified compared to what we've seen in NWN/NWN2, which would be disappointing, but we shall see. Obsidian should do the same. Forget about the pnp world and come with something novel.
Magister Lajciak Posted August 16, 2008 Author Posted August 16, 2008 Still basically just 3.5. Bioware cited the frustration of adapting pnp rules to 'puter as part of the reason for it's own system for Dragon Age. Imagine they got tired of releasing a couple dozen odd patches just to get all the spells right... I'm looking forward to seeing what they've come up with. Suppose it could be greatly simplified compared to what we've seen in NWN/NWN2, which would be disappointing, but we shall see. Obsidian should do the same. Forget about the pnp world and come with something novel. Obsidian is doing the same - look at Alpha Protocol and Aliens, which are not going to be beholden to any PnP rule set. And that is perfectly fine. Still, I often like it when I can play PnP RPGs and CRPGs with the same ruleset. Positive externalities of learning one ruleset and all that!
Magister Lajciak Posted August 16, 2008 Author Posted August 16, 2008 Pathfinder RPG Beta has been released. You can download it here for free: Alternatively, it is possible to order a hardcopy of it, which is apparently being distributed at cost.
Stephen Amber Posted August 16, 2008 Posted August 16, 2008 Obsidian is doing the same - look at Alpha Protocol and Aliens, which are not going to be beholden to any PnP rule set. And that is perfectly fine. May have to do that, though again, I'm not very enthusiastic about the Aliens universe for a space rpg setting. I think back to the "star frontiers" days of my youth and how cool that was at the time. Flash Gordon, John Carter... there are several properties I'd have preferred, though everyone automatically thinks star wars, star treck, or aliens when it comes to space. Not sure how much rpg juice can be squeezed out the old, dead alien's husk...
steelfiredragon Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 the thing with the armors, yeah can see where Mr. Sawyer is coming from there.. but then i prefer light to medium armors. and I tend to pour enough to dex or cheat at it, to make max use of armor planed for the character. Strength through Mercy Head Torturor of the Cult of the Anti-gnome
Magister Lajciak Posted September 18, 2008 Author Posted September 18, 2008 Obsidian is doing the same - look at Alpha Protocol and Aliens, which are not going to be beholden to any PnP rule set. And that is perfectly fine. May have to do that, though again, I'm not very enthusiastic about the Aliens universe for a space rpg setting. I think back to the "star frontiers" days of my youth and how cool that was at the time. Flash Gordon, John Carter... there are several properties I'd have preferred, though everyone automatically thinks star wars, star treck, or aliens when it comes to space. Not sure how much rpg juice can be squeezed out the old, dead alien's husk... Well, I would prefer another KOTOR title to Aliens, but Aliens can be pretty good too.
Magister Lajciak Posted October 17, 2008 Author Posted October 17, 2008 the thing with the armors, yeah can see where Mr. Sawyer is coming from there.. but then i prefer light to medium armors. and I tend to pour enough to dex or cheat at it, to make max use of armor planed for the character. Well, I think wearing armor should have advantages - there has been too much emphasis on High Dex. - High AC builds compared with Heavy Armor - High AC builds.
Magister Lajciak Posted August 5, 2011 Author Posted August 5, 2011 (edited) It has been over two years since I first started this thread with the suggestion of a Pathfinder CRPG and although it seems that the idea has not made progress thus far, but I am wondering if the situation has changed since? After all, the Pathfinder RPG ruleset has now been finalized for some time and the game is enjoying great success. In fact, according to ICv2, Pathfinder is now the best-selling RPG on the market, beating even D&D* (link: Pathfinder RPG's Creative Director, James Jacobs, has even stated he would like to see such a game in the future: *I am unsure what methodology they use - I would suspect D&D would still come out on top if the digital offerings subscriptions were included, but it still attests to the fact that the Pathfinder RPG is rather successful and might make for a good CRPG license. Edited August 5, 2011 by Magister Lajciak
Nightshape Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 Yeah, but Pathfinder is basically tweaked 3.5e anyways. I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.Down and out on the Solomani RimNow the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!
Magister Lajciak Posted August 5, 2011 Author Posted August 5, 2011 (edited) Yeah, but Pathfinder is basically tweaked 3.5e anyways. Sure, which is part of its appeal for me. It has 3.5e roots, yet has a fresh coating and fresh shoots in different directions (e.g. classes such as Witches, Oracles, etc.). As an aside, the Gencon convention is taking place at the moment and Saturday will feature the future of Paizo seminar: It would sure be a nice surprise if they announced a Pathfinder CRPG during that event. Edited August 5, 2011 by Magister Lajciak
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