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EURO2008 Prediction League


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Guest Accept
I believe Accept picks up a cool 3 points and leaves the rest of us with 0. How about that.

Thank you, Tigranes. :o I believe Croatia really have some potential in this tournament, especially if Srna and Krajncar is playing like they did today. And The Kov

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You're a fool if you think Croatia will beat Germany. Jackass. :shifty:



Now you are a frikin jackass :o



To all the German and those whose favorites are Germany and who speculated how Germany will easily beat Croatia:





:):sorcerer: :sorcerer:

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Nice triple, Hilde. :o I definitely like Croatia, if not for Eduardo, then for their entertaining style of play. They are a good team. I predicted a narrow German win because I believed that after the first game, Low would see reason and drop Gomez, and supply Podolski with more (and you saw what he can do), and also start Schweinsteiger. I was wrong, and Low showed a total lack of creativity or ambition when he fielded that exact same side. The same culprits that were useless in the Poland game (Gomez, Ballack, Jansen) let down the whole team again, and this time Croatia was a lot better than Poland.


I still believe that without Eduardo as the mercurial finisher, there will come a game in the knockout stages where Croatia will just not be able to find that goal - but I do hope they go far, and think they can.


Truly a monumental match ahead in Austria v. Poland.

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Nice triple, Hilde. :lol: I definitely like Croatia, if not for Eduardo, then for their entertaining style of play. They are a good team. I predicted a narrow German win because I believed that after the first game, Low would see reason and drop Gomez, and supply Podolski with more (and you saw what he can do), and also start Schweinsteiger. I was wrong, and Low showed a total lack of creativity or ambition when he fielded that exact same side. The same culprits that were useless in the Poland game (Gomez, Ballack, Jansen) let down the whole team again, and this time Croatia was a lot better than Poland.


I still believe that without Eduardo as the mercurial finisher, there will come a game in the knockout stages where Croatia will just not be able to find that goal - but I do hope they go far, and think they can.


Truly a monumental match ahead in Austria v. Poland.


Although Germany is a good team, my opinion is that they were a bit over-hyped after the game with Poland and we were underestimated because most of the people judged us based on our play against Austria and that was a huge mistake to do.


I hope we will advance to the next stage, Eduardo is missed and as a result we are not as good as we can but I know the rest of the guys will do their best and that's the only thing I could hope for and then what happens happens :)

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Our Vastic saved the day. Still, it's a shame that Austria missed in the first 20 min very often, when they played so agressive and precise at the beginning, but jaded out later.


Vastic is ours :lol:


Hehehehehe kidding....Austria deserved a draw but it shouldn't have come from that questionable penalty in my opinion although my country now directly qualifies to the quarterfinals.

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Our Vastic saved the day. Still, it's a shame that Austria missed in the first 20 min very often, when they played so agressive and precise at the beginning, but jaded out later.


Vastic is ours :lol:


Hehehehehe kidding....Austria deserved a draw but it shouldn't have come from that questionable penalty in my opinion although my country now directly qualifies to the quarterfinals.

Questionable? That guy dragged the other violently down. I rather think this aloofly-goal from Poland was questionable, but the referee didn't see it!

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I missed both matches today, too bad about the GER - CRO too, sounds like it was really interesting :lol:

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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It's not questionable unless you're Italian and you think shirt-pulling is okay. It's true that refs don't always give this kind of foul a penalty, but that's because the refs are wrong, not because it's not a penalty. It's a foul anywhere else in the field, so why shouldn't it be a penalty there? It's only not given because the refs have allowed it to become so prevalent, youd' be giving 20 penalties a game by now.


Austria did deserve it, but it was really sad watching them - they really lifted their game for the Euros and were giving it their best, but they just didn't have it in their repertoire to finish cannily or coolly. The Germany-Austria game is going to be very interesting.


Diogo Ribeiro and Pidesco now lead with 5 points, thanks to their 1-1 prediction. Table updated:




Finally, it seems everybody forgot about the Top Scorer prediction:


At the same time, we will have a Top Goalscorer prediction that is valid until the start of the first game of the competition. If you are correct, you will get 10 points!


Offer expires by the end of Round 2. I know half of you will pick Villa, but that is not always the wisest course of action (queue cruciate injury)...

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"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Guest The Architect
You're a fool if you think Croatia will beat Germany. Jackass. :shifty:



Now you are a frikin jackass :bat:



To all the German and those whose favorites are Germany and who speculated how Germany will easily beat Croatia:





o:) o:) :x


:lol: :lol: :lol:


You should thank me, I opened my big mouth and ginksed Germany! :biggrin:


Still undecided on top scorer.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


You should thank me, I opened my big mouth and ginksed Germany! :biggrin:


Still undecided on top scorer.



Hehehehehe :)


Yeah you actually helped, because we just love it when they underestimate us :shifty:






Hey punk nobody is laughing :*

Edited by Hildegard
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It wasn't that entertaining for me, Italy continue to be dour and they're going to have tow ork hard to qualify.


That said, they don't have the greatest of opopnents in France, who are really out of sorts and their morale has surely been shattered by not only the results, but the fact that qualification is out of their hands.


Incredible game from the Dutch again, Van Persie's goal was fantastic team play and Robben's was crazy (if flukey). If they continue to play like this all tournament this team is going straight into legend.


I'll update scores later today.

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Guest The Architect

The new table is:


1. Diogo Ribeiro ~ 6pts

2. ****face Accept. :shifty: ~ 5pts

3. Pidesco ~ 5pts

4. Hildegard ~ 4pts

5. Gorth ~ 3pts

6. Me ~ 3pts {****in' linesmen **** disallowing Toni's header}

7. Tigranes ~ 3pts

8. Atreides ~ 2pts

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Guest The Architect

Indeed. I, however, am merely taking it slowly, timing my charge to inevitable victory with perfection. The load of suck isn't over for you just yet, Tigranes. It's only going to get worse when I surpass you. :shifty:

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Guest The Architect

You can stick that hidden Aussie modifier where the sun don't shine. A have a new goal now. Finishing above the Swede and most importantly, you, the Kiwi mod boy. :shifty:

Edited by The Architect
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Guest Accept
Sorry, but there's a hidden -5 Aussie modifier


Roll to save.

Make that a - 7 and a disqualification before the beginning of the semi-finals.

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