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Mod to keep the same clothing

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I can't find anything like it, but I'm not very involved in the KoTOR 2 community so maybe some of you guys know. Mostly because the armours and helmets are damn ugly, I'm looking for a mod that makes at least the party members wear their normal outfit no matter what armour you give them, and doesn't show helmets at all. Not sure about the Exile, perhaps something that makes him or her look like she's wearing Jedi robes by default. I seriously hate most of the armour and helmet designs in this game, so...


Thanks in advance.


EDIT: Also, KoTOR 1.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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Like Kreia and Visas?




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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Aw... but I LIKE playing dress-up.


I don't know of any mod that is like the one you speak of. Only thing I can maybe suggest, is just keeping them IN their origanal clothes (the armor bonuses aren't that important, anyway), especially in K2, since their original clothes already have bonuses - I do this with Mira, since her clothes are so cool, and Brianna and Atton after I Jedi-fy them.


I know, I'm not very helpful... =]



Check out my KOTOR fan vids on YouTube. And no, they're not of legos.

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Well, the thing is, I have something approaching OCD when it comes to items. I always want to fill every item or crafting slot. Plus I dig attribute bonuses. I guess I could make an attempt at not doing that.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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Only char I prefer with norm clothes is Bastila and only armors I really hate is the Mandalorian with a built-in helmet, and oddly colored armors such as Daviks suit.

Edited by walkerguy

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