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I'm pretty shocked at the complete lack of movement. With tomorrow being the deadline, I'm really not sure how big a day it will be.


This trend seems to be getting worse each season.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Last year was extremely active, at least I thought it was. Forsberg signed with the Avs, which I don't think is a huge deal. He's really struggled to make an impact the last few seasons because he can't maintain the physical play that he used to.

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The Avs picked up Adam Foote too.


Sharks got Brian Campbell for Steve Bernier. I haven't really seen Campbell much, but everybody seems to rave about him. This fills a huge whole for the Sharks, they really only had three top defensemen, so now they've rounded that out. They can finally get that big lout Semenov off the ice. Bernier could really blossom in Buffalo, he's got terrific potential.


The other big trade is Brad Richards to Dallas for what seems like almost nothing. That's pretty upsetting as a Sharks fan, but Dallas is a pretty tight defensive team, so Richards might have trouble gelling in time for the playoffs. It's going to be a good deal different than Tampa for him.

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Tampa Bay has locked up Boyle and dumped Richards and Prospal.


Boyle is very important for the Lightning. He's in my mind a top 5 defenseman in the league and very underrated defensively. That team needs defense badly and he can provide it as well as be the major spark on offense. I think and hope Boyle will win the Norris sometime along the line. A great move.


Personally I think Richards was the member of the Big 3 to be cut anyway. Kinda a heavy contract, and he stagnated a bit in Tampa playing with borderline NHL'ers. As the number 1 guy with better linemates he should prosper and stop being unfairly criticized for his play in Tampa which isn't all his fault.


Prospal was dumped for next to nothing which looks kinda bad but he might be resigned which is good. I personally think that Prospal - Lecavalier - St. Louis should stay together as a line. Only two or three other lines in the NHL are in the same league as that one.


I don't know how much of an improvement Mike Smith is over Holmqvist though.

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God I hope Richards doesn't fix his game in Dallas. I hope he stinks up the place :)


I'm really surprised that Columbus seems to be selling. They have a legitimate shot at a playoff spot. Foote is a defensive leader who can still play positional hockey better than most, and it sounded like he wanted to stay with them for the rest of his career. They practically gave him away. It just seems like they don't have faith in the team, and that's too bad. I was actually pretty impressed when I watched them a few times this season.

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Mike Smith isn't a horrible goalie. His numbers are decent enough for a backup goalie playing behind Marty Turco.


I'm glad Vancouver ditched Matt Cooke. I really hate that guy.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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All we did was mourn the loss of our captain, so it's all good!




I don't know about the Hossa trade. Maybe this will be the year he breaks out in the playoffs, but I really don't see it happening.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I'm surprised the Pens traded Armstrong, he seemed to click with Crosby. I'm not saying Hossa won't do good things, but they need to develop chemistry quick and Hossa might not be around for long. They've got to fork over a lot of money in the coming years to keep this current line up.

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I'm surprised the Pens traded Armstrong, he seemed to click with Crosby. I'm not saying Hossa won't do good things, but they need to develop chemistry quick and Hossa might not be around for long. They've got to fork over a lot of money in the coming years to keep this current line up.


That's part of the reason that Pierre McGuire didn't like the deal. Hossa isn't cheap and Malkin only has one more year on his entry level contract before he'll be looking for a big contract as well and then you've got a Tampa situation where you have a damn big chunk of cap space locked in in your top three forwards.

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"Colby Armstrong leaving will ruin Sidney Crosby"


Pierre McGuire





I love Pierre! :D


Seriously though I don't think the deal is that bad. Dupuis right now is not too far behind caliber as Armstrong or Erik Christensen and maybe he can re-find his game back in Pittsburgh. Obviously Hossa should be a great fit for Crosby. A superstar sniper who also plays a good two way game.


Now they gave up potential for it, but Angelo Esposito's stock has really dropped recently for a reason and the pick will probably be a late one.


The problem is resigning Hossa...

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Rangers are stupid. That is all.


And, I really wish people would stop with the 'x doesn't do well in the playoffs, they are a choker, and will always suck'. That's bogus, and their are TONS of factual evidence to prove that just isn't the case. In all sports. It's just plain annoying. L0L


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Irrelevant. Let's judge how well they do in the playoffs at the end of their careers not during... unless you want to be one of the many fools who proclaimed loudly that 'x player can't perform in the playoffs, they will always choke, they will never win the big one' and then that same player goes on to do big things in the playoffs/wins the championship. You want yoke on your face go ahead.


I've lost track on how many times this has occured. Heck, it happened with a certain Giant this year in the NFL. *shrug*


Heck, your precious Heatly and the Senators were in the same boat - people - most noteably Leaf fans - claiming they were just a great regualr season team who would simply fold in the heat of a playoff series... and, look what happened... NHL finals last season. *double shrug*


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Okay, I won't argue with the Vologic. Although Hossa will be tagged as a post season underacheiver until he finally starts producing.


edit: also, G'Oilers!!

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Yeah. Them Senators. Underachievers galore!


Stevie Y! Underachiever galore!


Yeah, that Sakic and Forsberg! Underachievers galore!


Yeah, Belfour! Underachiever galore!



What do these guys all have in common? Oh yeah, they're get players who recieved flack for not winning the big one/not doing well in the playoffs. There's tons more names just like them in hockey.


Not to mention the NFL, NBA, and MLB!


And, they all come back to make the doubters eat the humble pie.




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Yeah. Them Senators. Underachievers galore!


Stevie Y! Underachiever galore!


Yeah, that Sakic and Forsberg! Underachievers galore!


Yeah, Belfour! Underachiever galore!



What do these guys all have in common? Oh yeah, they're get players who recieved flack for not winning the big one/not doing well in the playoffs. There's tons more names just like them in hockey.


Let's see, Yzerman won a few cups , Dallas won once, and Sakic and Forsberg teamed up to win the Cup on a couple of occasions.


You just love to argue, don't you?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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You don't get sarcasm do you? That's exatcly my point. those guys were criticized/raked over the coals for being good in the regualr season yet not coming through in the play offs.


Heck, Stevie Y was bashed as being offensively talented but a horrible captain... now, he's considered one of the best to ever wear a C. Go figure. *shrug*


Bottom line is don't count your chickens before they hatch... or, in this case. don't label someone a 'playoff choker' until it's done.


And, oh btw, it's now like Hoss has shown to be completely incapable of performing in the play offs either. 14 points in 16 games during the super defense portion of NHL history is not too shabby.




You just love to argue don't you? And, delusional too boot.




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I don't recall people saying anything of the sort for players like Sakic and Forsberg. Stevie Y never really struggled putting points up on the board in the playoffs either, and once he added a more defensive component to his game, he became freaking scary (having players like Fedorov and Lidstrom helping him up in the late 90s certainly didn't hurt either). Even with horrible knees in his later years he was still often the best player on the ice for his team in the playoffs.

Edited by alanschu
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Some players struggle early in their careers during the playoffs, like Stevie Y. Some seem to only come awake during the playoffs, like Claude Lemieux. Some never seem to find a way to win in the playoffs, like Curtis Joseph. I'm not sure what is so controversial about that.

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What's copntroversial is the 'final statements' that people try to pass of as fatc like 'x player sucks an dplayoffs, is a choker, and whatnot.


Taking a recent example from the NFL, this was true about both Mannings espicially Peyton. People claimed LOUDLY that he was just a stat oriented QB who would never win the big one, and then he does.


Heck, just look at the NFL thread, and all the sad, sad comments thrown at Eli's way before the SB win yet hardly any of the sadsackers admitted they were wrong. In fact, they went on the merry way pretending all was well.




P.S. In hockey, like I said, the Senators are a prime example. 'They're only good in the regular season, they'll fold in the playoffs' was a common phrase that we've been stuck hearing for the past 5 seasons. And, look, all the way to the Finals before losing to an obviously superior team in Anaheim. Now, all of assudden, Ottawa's 'chokeartistry' is all but forgotten.. even having guys like Heatley being looked up as a sort of 'playoff hero'. L0L


Point is is that you shouldn't write anyone off. You only need 1 , or 2 good playoffs to all of asudden become a 'playoff performer'.


On top of that it's not like Hossa has always been horrible in playoffs. He's had some good series, and years (14 points in 16 games one run which wasn't too shabby in a defensive minded NHL era).


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