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A recent Chris Avellone interview.

Guest The Architect

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The idea that Chris had of not playing the game for the first two months is BRILLIANT. You can come up with a brand new story, and then modify the events after K1 to jury-rig your new story idea in there. No sequelitis.


Altough I should leave before the lynch mobs come and tear me apart for defending Obisidan.



Edited by SilentScope001
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Guest The Architect
Isn't lacking the sequel feel a good thing?


What Xard said. Plot wise, yeah, it was a good thing I reckon, but gameplay wise and stuff like that, no.


The idea that Chris had of not playing the game for the first two months is BRILLIANT. You can come up with a brand new story, and then modify the events after K1 to jury-rig your new story idea in there. No sequelitis.


Altough I should leave before the lynch mobs come and tear me apart for defending Obisidan.




Umm... what the hell are you talking about?


It was the first three months, not two, or at least it was more than two anyway. And it wasn't Chris's idea at all. He clearly says in the interview "we weren't allowed to play K1". And that it was a frustrating situation for him. And that there was nothing they could do about it.


This is true only if they had planned on these things originally. I think it's very reasonable to say that they were not planning on doing that intially.


Well, I think it's reasonable to assume that K2 was meant to be a follow up of K1 from the very beginning, since Avellone says in the interview: "...so we really knew nothing about the first game and were writing in the dark (Revan who?). It was a frustrating situation that we wasted 2-3 months on that (there was nothing to be done about it), and then had to do another revision once we were able to play the first game. If you feel a disconnect in the storylines, that would be one of the reasons (again, my fault). "


Sounds an awfully lot to me like the first draft was supposed to be a K1 follow up. In fact, no, it clearly was.

Edited by The Architect
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The idea that Chris had of not playing the game for the first two months is BRILLIANT. You can come up with a brand new story, and then modify the events after K1 to jury-rig your new story idea in there. No sequelitis.


Altough I should leave before the lynch mobs come and tear me apart for defending Obisidan.




it would've maybe been a good idea if they had a loose deadline, now they had a minimum deadline and didn't have time to waste 2 months like they did, and we players suffered greatly from that

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This is true only if they had planned on these things originally. I think it's very reasonable to say that they were not planning on doing that intially.


Well, I think it's reasonable to assume that K2 was meant to be a follow up of K1 from the very beginning, since Avellone says in the interview: "...so we really knew nothing about the first game and were writing in the dark (Revan who?). It was a frustrating situation that we wasted 2-3 months on that (there was nothing to be done about it), and then had to do another revision once we were able to play the first game. If you feel a disconnect in the storylines, that would be one of the reasons (again, my fault). "


Sounds an awfully lot to me like the first draft was supposed to be a K1 follow up. In fact, no, it clearly was.

All of that is said after the fact and should be taken with that consideration. So, it's not "clearly" as you claim. Considering the final product is a followup, then obviously the time was wasted towards that production.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Guest The Architect

So you're saying that there's a possibility that Avellone lied about the plot of TSL being intended as a follow up from KotOR from the very beginning? Well, of course there is, but given from what I've heard of Avellone and some of the things I've read that he's said, I have a really difficult time doubting his word on that, even though as you said, it was said after the fact.

Edited by The Architect
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So you're saying that there's a possibility that Avellone lied about the plot of TSL being intended as a follow up from KotOR from the very beginning?

He does not say that it was initially intended as a follow up of KotOR. That's a claim you're making from reading too much into a completely different group of statements.


Being frustrated, writing in the dark, and wasting time do not equal him stating the original plan.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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It'll never be made. I hope your dreams buuuuuuurn! BUUUURN!

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Guest The Architect
It'll never be made. I hope your dreams buuuuuuurn! BUUUURN!


I hope you burn. Then all my dreams will have come true!

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Guest The Architect

No you're the goofy one! But awesome at the same time because you love me which means you recognise my awesomeness which is good. Yeah, and umm, yeah nah I'm highly intelligent and stuff 'ay and yeah, I have awesomely good brain power skills and things like that and stuff, so yeah, I'm not just a pretty face damn it!


On topic: Yeah it was a good interview 'ay.


And Tale's a jerk.


Because he's a monster.


Because he hopes that the dreams of youngsters like me will burn and be crushed and stuff.


And that makes him a jerk, because he wants young people like me to feel his pain.


You're an evil bastard, Tale.


And you know it.


Oh by the way DeathScepter, feel free to PM me about your KotOR III plot idea or whatever it was you were/are working on. I'm all ears, and well, I only just remembered that you mentioned something about it before in the K3 thread, so this is why I'm saying it now.

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