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Posted (edited)

"How would you move with the mouse with Gothic's low angle?"


Easy. And, I fon't find G3's angle that low.



"Are you using quicksave or going into the menu to save? I use the former, and wh ile saving takes quite a while it doesn't take THAT long. Maybe that's the reason?"


There is no quick save unless it's really hidden as I pressed ALL my keys just to try and find it. I have to go into the menu; but that shouldn't matter. The gamne shouldn't kick you out of the game just by going into menu. That's just silly.


Thankfully, it seems to be a non problem in the actual game so no worries in the long run..

Edited by Volourn



Quicksave in G3 is G or F4 or something, as I remember. But then, I have the full game. And in the full game it doesn't 'kick you out' when you go into the menu to save...


heh. they invented new stupidities for the demo, amazing. :lol:


Okay, I think I should give this demo a chance. At least I can play that on the computer I have available here in Sunny So Cal. I'll see if I agree with Vol after I'm done.


EDIT: Anyone know where I can download the demo?

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I think quicksave is F5. Or F9. Pretty sure it's one of those. it took me a long time before I figured it out as well, but eventually it showed up in a loading tip I think. Or maybe that was NWN2.

  Sand said:
Ah geeze people. What is wrong having a little bit of fun.  I haven't had a billion alts yet. I am still under ten different names.  As for going back to Judge Hades I can't.  That account has been deleted and good riddance.  Frankly, I hope I have reached my goal of not being such an ass towards people.  I think I have improved some.  Of course trolling one of Volourn's threads don't help my case any. 


*runs and hides*


Not Trolling Volo is hard work....



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

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