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NWN2: Toolset Creations


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Sounds about right to me.


I am planning on getting rid of the supernatural planetouched people in mine as well.


THough it's still fantasy, so I still expect to allow dwarves and whatnot. I'll need to tweak the builds a bit as well, because I don't want any uber classes like the Drow. I may still have dark elves, but maybe not as a player class, or perhaps not as a class that is so much more powerful than a different class.



Though at the same time, it would be kind of neat to create maybe a medieval game, and only have a human race, and have classes like Archer, Warrior, and so on.

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Because I dislike most "fantasy" races.


And I'd keep both Aasimar and Tieflings.... since both are technically human.


I might keep one of the dwarven and elven races, Wood Elves and Gold Dwarves... but all others would be removed.


Also there'd be NO gnomes or halflings. At all.


I tend to like things a bit streamlined, rather than having dozens upon dozens of different races/monsters. :thumbsup: Not to mention an endless horde of "humanoids" :thumbsup:


If I could figure out how to make my own races, I'd probably convert a few monsters into playable races.


As for classes, I'd keep them basic. Barbarians, Rangers, Fighters, Clerics... of a sort, Druids, Rogues, Sorcerers and Warlocks. Maybe wizards, but the rest wouldn't fit what I have in mind.

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They don't look that difficult.


Admittedly, I haven't looked too much though. Just about a half of an hour or so, when I found out that you could examine the .2DA files in the toolset directly.


I do plan on having custom feats though, and have them similar to the History Feats you get all through the OC. Except I'm going to add a bit more flavour to them, and maybe have them affect your abilities in some way as well. So I'll get back to you on that. I plan on looking into them a bit more this weekend.

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Keep us updated, I was thinking of doing the exact same thing. :)




Your confusing Half Fiends and Half Celestials with Aasimar and Tieflings. Both of which were official playable races in 2nd edition, and are also quite balanced.


Drow on the other hand were never "balanced" until 3rd edition.



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" Sounds about right to me.


I am planning on getting rid of the supernatural planetouched people in mine as well."


I just found out that editing those 2da files in the module also edit those for the OC. I tried to start a new campaign today and now can only select humans.



Does anyone know how to edit a 2da file for *only* that one module?


At least I found this out before I started to do some serious tinkering.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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And if that doesnt work, there will have to be a 3rd party .exe where you choose "Normal 2DAs or X Mod 2DAs" upon loading, a bit like Elder Scrolls plugins. Not impossible, but cumbersome.


I dont see any reason that NWN1 way wouldnt work, though.

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" Personally I think the Drow are overrated, and way way way overrepresented. "


They're one of the few evil races that aren't idiots. I've also noticed that there's a high titlation factor involved.


But yeah, Drizzt allowed DnD players to try out their inner V:tM player by making angsty, uberkewl drows.



"IIRC, how it worked in NWN1 was that you'd have to put the modified 2da file into a hakpak, which the mod would then use. Directly modifying from the root folder would affect the whole default game."


I just opened up the toolset and there's a "View 2da" tab menu that brings up all the files and allows you to edit from that utility. I had no idea that I would be editing the original ones. I assumed that like everything else with the module, when I hit the save button, it was creating files in my module folder.




Now I have to undo what I've done and figure out how to do this correctly.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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It really depends on what you're looking at. For terrain placement and such, NWN2 would be completely different. The included documentation (in the folder of the same name) goes through the basics well enough for that. The rest is more about experimentation.


For scripting and dialogue, it's essentially the same, with some small additions. You can go through some NWN1 tutorials for scripting, and that'll benefit you a lot for NWN2.


As for a hakpak, I'm not sure. NWN1 had an included tool to create such a file, as well as a hak folder in which to put them in. I see neither right now.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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