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KotOR2 confirmed at 1Up.com

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Nah, I just think it time for me to lighten up just a bit. Been going through SoU again with the CEP plugged in. Its giving me ideas of actually working my own module.

And there was me thinking you were getting some :D

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Nah, I just think it time for me to lighten up just a bit.  Been going through SoU again with the CEP plugged in.  Its giving me ideas of actually working my own module.

And there was me thinking you were getting some :D

I would have to get a girlfriend for that and I am not otheing with looking for one til I am settled where I want to be at and Ames Iowa isn't it.

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That's assuming the developer cares about replayability. It's not obvious why they should. They can't charge any more money for the game, and it just means you have less time to play other games.


By tighter adherence to D20 rules, you mean the nerfed blasters, right? I agree. Though since KotOR made you go Jedi, favoring Jedi wasn't such a bad thing.

Would you reccomend a game to a friend that you never wanted to play again? Or would you just give them your copy for $5? Replay value means greater sales in the long run.


As far as the DnD D20 rules adherence, there are a heck of a lot of feats for non sword combat characters that never made the game. Also if I remember correctly, lightsabers did NOT get to use your strength bonus. (What you swing your beam of light harder?) This combined with lightsabers ignoring armor was to represent that you WERE just cutting through people, even if only flesh wounds. So if they did the damage progression for lightsabers like in the books, where a master rocked the house but a padawan was no better off with a saber that a sword it would open the game up more.


D20 Jedi = Dexterity based, can't power attack, fast, High AC, good saves, some powers.


str = 10 Unless it was some sort of whacked out character concept.

dex =18 Or better depending on player race

con = 10

int = 12

wis = 18 Or better depending on player race

cha = 12 For bluff, interaction with npc chars.


Jedi were not about strength, they were about finesse. (Yoda Vs. Dooko... you telling me Yoda is physically stronger? Yeah.. Right.)


Also, I think blaster deflection was not 100%, and might have involved a roll to hit the attacker.


If the devs took this into account for KotOR 2, which I think they will try to given their backgrounds... Jedi is and option, and still a powerful character, but not a god compared to everything else. :ph34r:

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Would you reccomend a game to a friend that you never wanted to play again? Or would you just give them your copy for $5? Replay value means greater sales in the long run.

Sure, I'd recommend it, if I was enjoying the game.


But it's a fair point. I'm going to give my copy of KotOR to someone. I'd do that with ToEE if I could find someone who actually wants the thing.


I'm not sure how big a problem this is. Most folks who really want to play a game won't wait for someone to finish and hand it over. The ones who would wait are much less likely to have ever purchased the game in the first place. It's kind of like music downloading - you don't lose anyone you actually had lined up as a customer.


This goes out the window if the game is really short. I thought KotOR flirted with being too short. But I got about 100 hours of playing time out of it, which is good enough for me.


Thanks for the D20 clarification.

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Whine whine bitch bitch moan moan.


There are some people here with far too little insight into economic strategy and processes being far too loudmouthed. A small developer doesn't throw much weight at the publisher's board of directors meeting.


They take what's handed to them, they do their best to make a good game of it, so that they could in turn get some leverage on deciding what their next game will be. There are FEW developersin the industry that has the power to truly do whatever they want, Carmack, Epic and DICE being a couple of names. Others are usually stuck to the commericial game - art game - commercial game - art game cycle.

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if OE made a good kotor2 sequel sudenlly the entire RPG world knows them. just look at bioware. how many pure console gamers do you think knew that they even existed before kotor? now JE is one of the most anticipated console RPGs around simply because of kotors success.


western RPGs on consoles is a bit of an emerging genre, not to mention the CRPGs could use a bit of a kick start.. OE could well become one of the 'big' names of western RPGs with a good Kotor2.

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I hope OE isnt in it just for the fame, or money but to put a game so well done and so optionless that the gaming world whould kiss their feet, rather than be another goof making a game that u get 40 to 50 hours or gameplay ( 40 to 50 hour son KoToR, still good) but if KoToR 2 is made its gotta push the envelope a little bit far'er then ever before or the possibility of any more KoToR and even Star Wars games may fail endlessly.


Try adding choping of limbs and make it more of a "mexican jumping bean attitude", also personalize the hell out of it i wanna make a character either one sexy babe or one guy that looks almost like me......



My 2 cents night all and happy gaming.

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