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Land of Er

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About Land of Er

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  1. Would you reccomend a game to a friend that you never wanted to play again? Or would you just give them your copy for $5? Replay value means greater sales in the long run. As far as the DnD D20 rules adherence, there are a heck of a lot of feats for non sword combat characters that never made the game. Also if I remember correctly, lightsabers did NOT get to use your strength bonus. (What you swing your beam of light harder?) This combined with lightsabers ignoring armor was to represent that you WERE just cutting through people, even if only flesh wounds. So if they did the damage progression for lightsabers like in the books, where a master rocked the house but a padawan was no better off with a saber that a sword it would open the game up more. D20 Jedi = Dexterity based, can't power attack, fast, High AC, good saves, some powers. str = 10 Unless it was some sort of whacked out character concept. dex =18 Or better depending on player race con = 10 int = 12 wis = 18 Or better depending on player race cha = 12 For bluff, interaction with npc chars. Jedi were not about strength, they were about finesse. (Yoda Vs. Dooko... you telling me Yoda is physically stronger? Yeah.. Right.) Also, I think blaster deflection was not 100%, and might have involved a roll to hit the attacker. If the devs took this into account for KotOR 2, which I think they will try to given their backgrounds... Jedi is and option, and still a powerful character, but not a god compared to everything else. :ph34r:
  2. First of all... there is no FF VIII. They mislabeled the packaging for Squall's Adventures. Second the case in point was the COMBAT system. NOT the level up system. ATB (active time battle) has been the combat system in the final fantasy series ALMOST throughout. X is an exception as are a few of the very early FFs. Third... the Esper system from VI and the skill system from XI are the same. They just use different items. Fourth... if you are going to convert a PnP system to a CRPG you need to bear in mind why things like skills are there in the first place. BALANCE Otherwise there is no motivation for a character to be anything but combat oriented. Skills=Replay When you can't do everything the first time through you have a reason to play again. Fallout anyone? Also tighter adherence to the D20 rules would have given non Jedi characters greater playability. :ph34r:
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