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When I took out the trio of pychopaths I can confess that I took the cowards way out and jumped off of a zombies head onto the roof of some structure in the park after they became stuck underneath it. Then it was a turkey shoot.


I was pissed, however that I couldn't unwedge the jeep they had from underneath.


Was it just me or is that car park pretty damn infested in the evenings? It's like zombie soup!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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This is a difficult game, but it was always fun. Even when you realized that you're doing the same thing over and over again, you still want to play it.


I was skeptical at first, but this game really exceeded my expectations. Capcom's got another legacy to cultivate.

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In a nutshell, I beat the game by losing (in fact, there are several endings depending on how you play the game) I don't know how anyone would be able to win the first time around.


You really have to save as many people as possible your first game, level up around 15, and then when you inevitably run out of time, you start the game again at level 15. Beat Adam the clown, get his chainsaws and the blade, hardware and survival books (the chainsaws last x33 times as long, and they respawn) and save the guy he was harrassing, and you'll get an invaluable inter-bathroom shortcut. The chainsaws will beat anything, if you're fast enough.


Once you get the shortcut, you can manage to avoid the psychos in the truck altogether.

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This 'invaluable bathroom shortcut' is different from the maitenace key, isn't it?


As for levelling up, I seem to be running a fine balance between saving the survivors and progressing the story. I saved Sophie, one half of the Japanese duo, and the two guys in the clothing shop.


My last playthrough I pretty much carried that lady with the broken leg right as the day two mission was starting. Then I had a run in with Carlito... :)


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Yeah, it's different. If you save the guy Adam the Clown is holding captive, he'll open a two-way shortcut from paradise plaza to wonderland plaza. You jump onto the women's bathroom counter and use an "invisible door" It only works if you save the dude, though. It's hella nifty for getting from the south/east end of the plaza to the north/west end. It really does cut back on travel time considerably, and you can bring people through it. I must have saved over 10 people that way.

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Adam the clown is in wonderland plaza, which is the western part of the mall. The spaceship ride that rolls around is out of control, and if you try and turn it off he'll show up. I went at him with a hunting knife, which is a common weapon a lot of zombies hold. It's fast enough that he can't defend himself when he recoils from a hit. I was able to just hit him once and then slice him to death while he was sitting there. That works for quite a few of the psychos, actually.


In the paradise plaza (just outside the warehouse on the East end) there are 2 bookstores. One of them is small, and it has a hardware book. There's a larger bookstore that has a blade book, which you can also use. The third book (survival) you have to earn by beating the Hatchet Man vietnam psycho at the north end of the mall. Really, the 2 books should keep you pretty much set, but having all 3 makes you unstoppable.

Edited by Pop
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so does anyone else think that in a few months microsoft is going to announce that this is being released for da computer?

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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