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Heh, actually my bank has a maximum amount of money you can withdraw with your bank card per day. I hit the limit. :(


I've managed to take a few 'perfect' pictures so far...


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I'm supposed to be doing my first mission where I have to kill some gunning lunatic in the food court, but I decided to just ditch him and ran back outside, grabbed my car and started running down more zombies. Killed about 5,000 so far (I'm amazed at how many can be on the screen without lag). I'm also getting easy level ups this way. Hell, I can spend all 7 hours they gave me just running down zombies and leveling up, that way I can keep my character and start a new game and be all uber.


heh, they clearly skimp on the AI for a large portion of the zombies, displaying this many is no problem, it's controlling them which is hard and thus coz they're zombies they can get away with mass stupidity and make certain zombies based upon distance more intelligent.



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

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I'm beginning to get quite adept at jumping from zombie to zombie...via their heads!!


Aside from the akward save feature and the barely readable text I'm pretty impressed with this game.


For those of you that think that killing zombies repeatedly is boring, think again.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I usually end up taking a mission, then get distracted on the way and then end up smashing zombies until either I die or get lost. Just like how I play Freelancer, sort of... :-


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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No, but I did have a great time hanging out by the guitar shop, tuning various stratocasters on the heads of unsuspecting zombies.


I've tried that 'back up brad' mission a few times, but it seems pretty rough at level seven. Aside from that the photo op tutorial with that other photographer is about the only mission I've tackled. I did snap a picture of him kicking a zombie that did net me a nice 7000 points, however.

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Oh I was packing, don't worry Bok. I even managed to tag him a few times through a window. Then he proceeded to shoot my body full of holes so fast... :luck:


I've had a few 'blahblahblah has barricaded themselves inside soandso store' missions pop up as well. I think I'll try tackling those next instead.


I think my favorite weapon so far ( aside from the lawnmower, of course) has to be either the police nightstick or the scythe.

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I read the big secret is that if you kill 53,594 zombies, which is equal to the city's population, you unlock megaman's buster gun, which the the most powerful weapon in the game (kills bosses in 1 shot). Doing more achievements unlocks more elements of megaman's costume like boots and stuff. In the end you can dress like mega man.

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