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The male restroom is a tricky place. Most men have no qualms about relieving themselves in even the dirtiest of bathrooms. Urination is handled quickly and with little precision. The average male will make a casual attempt at hitting the urinal and be on his merry way. If no bathroom is present, any dark corner will do.


The problem with this casual spraying is that the secondary method of relieving oneself becomes trickier. It is a much more personal experience to place one

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True and funny. Funny because it was so true. You also created a sense of suspense, which makes the story even funnier in retrospect, because you get the reader to feel like they also desperately need to take a dookie.

Edited by Blank
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Though I am indeed grateful for such sharing and inspiration, the Obsidian fora are not geared toward fanfic. There are indeed many fan fora that can accommodate such creative sharings. Until then ... know that there is much gratitude for this sharing.



The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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