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And Vancouver strikes again! Granted, beating Columbus doesn't really amount to anything, but two points are two points, you know?


And it looks like Todd Bertuzzi might be off to a good start in Florida.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Those 'Nucks are starting to annoy me. They're supposed to suck and they come back with a late Sedin effort.


I watched New Jersey-Carolina and took some sort of perverted comfort in seeing the 'Canes shut out. I really have a hard time liking that team for whatever reason.

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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Three shots off the post in a row in the Montreal-Toronto shootout tonight, before Ryder beats Raycroft with a wrist shot that, get this, goes in off the post. I'm not sure how to describe seeing so many shots go off the post in a row...

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Florida didn't really back up Eddie much. Not that I'm defending the old bastard.

And when players like Marian Hossa get hot, there aren't a lot of goalies on the planet who can shut him down.


And the Oil suffer their first loss to Calgary tonight in a somewhat akward affair. Neither team could convert on long five on three advantages, and there were several miscommunications in Edmonton's back end.


I still take pride in knowing we've padded our PK stats at the expense of the Flames. Plus I'm more convinced the Kipper is some sort of demon hybrid, what with bouncing up after being levelled by Raffi Torres in the third.


Now we have to wait until Thursday until the Sharks game. We'll see if some of the bad blood from last years playoffs can spice things up.


And on another note. Minnesota. Will. Rock. You. That 1st powerplay unit with Demitra, Gaborik and Brian Rolston is pure hockey pool gold. Gold I tell you!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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And on another note. Minnesota. Will. Rock. You. That 1st powerplay unit with Demitra, Gaborik and Brian Rolston is pure hockey pool gold. Gold I tell you!


That's exactly what I was hoping for when I picked up Rolston. And to make things better, the yahoo pool considers him a LW/C/RW, so I can play him at any forward position.

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This is getting a bit frustrating. The Oilers let in late goals in both the first and second periods while their divisional rivals grab late winners. Oh well, at least Lupul scored his first goal.

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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Not much happening tonight hockey wise. I had 3 players active, Jose gets a W against Vancouver, and some decent stats to boot. And at the same time, despite losing 3-2, Daniel Sedin gets a goal and is +2 on the night.

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So little happening hockey wise that I went through and organized my hockey card collection. I didn't realize it had been so long since I had bought any. The newest card that I have is a 96-97 Patrick Roy card, yet it's odd because I don't have any others from that season, yet I can't recall ever buying a card outside of a pack. :)


Looking through them all now, I can honestly say that I have no idea who 90% of the players are. :thumbsup:

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I had an album for the 90-91 season that I actually filled, which was quite the achievement for an 11-yearold in Sweden back in those days. My fav was Mess... :thumbsup:

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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I had an album for the 90-91 season that I actually filled, which was quite the achievement for an 11-yearold in Sweden back in those days. My fav was Mess... :o


I have an album that my uncle gave me when I was 7 or so. He had given me dozens of cards in it as well, all organized, although I'm not sure how they were organized. I ended up starting to re-organize them myself, but gave up after the first two pages. Got a couple Messier cards and a few Gretzky cards as well. None of them really good ones, but still. :thumbsup:

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