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I post this conversation in proof of my not gayness.


Kirottu: Hey Luc, I guess they actually are all gay.

Kirottu: http://www.n00dzplz.com/msgboard/viewtopic...er=asc&start=15

Lucian: I was right?

Kirottu: Yeah, it seems like.

Lucian: I'm so joining.

Lucian: Because of how not gay I am...

Lucian: Yeah...

Kirottu: I'm cool with you being gay man.

Lucian: I'm not...

Lucian: Ha ha

Kirottu: Are you sure?

Kirottu: Because if you are.

Lucian: That's crazy

Kirottu: I'm totally cool with that.

Lucian: I'm not gay.

Kirottu: Well if you ever decide you are...

Lucian: Are you gay, Kir?

Lucian: Kiro-chan?

Kirottu: No.

Lucian: Because, if you were gay, I'm totally ok with that.

Lucian: Because I'd be gay with you.

Kirottu: Except that I'm not gay.

Lucian: Ok, I'm ok with you not being gay.

Lucian: I'm not going to judge you.

Kirottu: For being straight?

Lucian: Yes Kir, it's ok to be straight.

Lucian: It's not a bad thing or anything.

Lucian: I'm not going to judge you for it.

Lucian: I'm not like that.

Kirottu: ...

Kirottu: Okay.

Kirottu: So why you wanna see that movie about Cthulu pirates so bad?

Lucian: Because I liked the first one.

Lucian: And Johnny Deppp is hot.

Lucian: I mean...

Lucian: I'm not gay.

Lucian: The chick is hot.

Lucian: You know, the one chick in it...

Kirottu: The aneorexic one?

Lucian: Yes?

Lucian: Wait, the not anorexic one...

Kirottu: ...

Kirottu: So you mean Johnny Depp?

Lucian: No...\

Lucian: Yeah.

Kirottu: So you are gay?

Lucian: No.

Kirottu: ...

Kirottu: Yeah you are, you totally are.

Lucian: I don't think he is gay, Kir.

Lucian: Kiro-chan.

Kirottu: Yeah but you want to see the new Pirates movie to ogle him.

Lucian: I don't think he is hot either.

Kirottu: Lucian: And Johnny Deppp is hot.

Lucian: I meant hot as in funny.

Lucian: You know, like how Johnny Depp is hot.

Kirottu: Whatever you say Luc.

Lucian: He is funny.

Lucian: I'm not gay.

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