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Why the world hates America


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Taks, you seem to think you're the great sherlock for entertaining the idea that the scenes in these videos are fake - well let me enlighten you, we all concluded that immediately. What's depressing about these videos is that they were produced on purpose. What sort of nation deliberately creates such garbage... the united states.

There are none that are right, only strong of opinion. There are none that are wrong, only ignorant of facts

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"For the record Volo, Canada is part of America - just thought you might wanna know."


That depends if you mean North Amerika. Not Amerika which is used to refer to the US of Amerika.



"What sort of nation deliberately creates such garbage... the united states."


And, how many countries create garbage like it? And, what countries also eat up the rubbage. Shows like Jerry Springer are popular ALL OVER.


Stop being a bigot.



LOL @ the KKK one.


The old man be a bigot; but he's hilarious! :D

Edited by Volourn


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Taks, you seem to think you're the great sherlock for entertaining the idea that the scenes in these videos are fake - well let me enlighten you, we all concluded that immediately.

no, i just think i was the only one that said it. what i think of YOUR great detective work, however... :-


What sort of nation deliberately creates such garbage... the united states.

what sort of tv program, right? you honestly think that ridiculous things like this don't come from anywhere else? you poor, sad, sad creature living in a cave so long.


it's as if you think there's some grand "US conspiracy" to put bad tv on the air.



comrade taks... just because.

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I could only conclude that these American TV shows are worse than the show that other countries make, if I could see the TV shows that all the other countries produce.


If they air in your country, which in this case they do, I'm pretty sure it's just as bad.


I'm not familiar of any imported (outside of the US) television on Canadian TV.

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He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but given he thought it was his kid, I'm sure he's less than happy to find out its not.




Come on, we all know stupid people have no feelings. Thats why they dont take any harm when poke them with sticks or chase them and throw pebbles at them :))

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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