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BTW:  Has anyone actually played Call of Cthulu.  I'm tempted.  The setting might be enough to sell me, but I don't want to buy it if it's a complete dog.


It's okay. Actually, I haven't been able to finish it. The silly checkpoint save system tried my patience once too often. It feels a little too much like a budget console game a great deal of the time. The graphics blow, the levels instill claustrophobia, and not in a good, creepy way. The stealth system is pretty weak too.


On the positive side, at times it does manage to feel like you're in a Lovecraft tale. The voice acting is passable, though the main character has a tendancy to sound rather mellow when he should be freaked the f out. You can also pick it up for $30 for the PC, so that helps.

Edited by StillLife
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I'm also considering HoMM 5, but I'm worried about what they've done to one of my favorite series.

I think you'd like it. It's fun, the combat is a bit repetitive (and not as tactical as it would seem), the graphics are great and it really feels like a prettier version of Heroes of Might & Magic 3. I've been having a blast with it so far.

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it really feels like a prettier version of Heroes of Might & Magic 3. I've been having a blast with it so far.


That's a huge selling point!

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I'm also considering HoMM 5, but I'm worried about what they've done to one of my favorite series.

I think you'd like it. It's fun, the combat is a bit repetitive (and not as tactical as it would seem), the graphics are great and it really feels like a prettier version of Heroes of Might & Magic 3. I've been having a blast with it so far.


I've actually been enjoying it quite a bit too. It really starts to pick up when you have enemies trying to jack resources and attack you on the campaign map.


I just ran into a huge problem though. On the third or fourth Agrael mission, when you enter the elven lands, I keep getting dominated by the elf guy. Just when I build up a couple decent armies, he comes rolling in with an uber army of death. Something like 7 dragons, 21 unicorns, 200 pixies, 13 treants, 100 rangers, etc. Meanwhile there's another small army stealing all my resource points. I'm not sure I can even recruit an army fast enough to deal with that. What am I doing wrong?

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It was more fun when you had no weapons.


Once you get weapons it gets less scary. On the other hand even with weapons your character is still pretty dang frail compared to most shooters.


The game's very atmospheric but I feel it suffered a lot from the way the production was managed by Bethesda. I almost didn't complete it because of a bug that manifested itself due to the nature of the way it was ported, had to do with differences in the movement speeds between the Xbox and PC versions. It was changed because due to the mouse on the PC version it was too jumpy, but this futzed with some triggers in a chase sequence and I kept getting killed. This was solved by not using the strafe keys at all during the sequence, which really made no sense because the strafe keys were faster in a strictly point A to B fashion.


Still, killing Ancients is really fun, and if nothing else it was a memorable game that successfully recreated Lovecraft's world.



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Oh, also I just finished HL2 Episode 1. It was worth the twenty bones I paid for it even if it lasted me about 3-4 hours. Good game.


Now I need to finish Blood Money, the AA bug I've got really pisses me off though since games on my system generally run faster in 800x600 with 4-8 (depending on game) AA on. But if I turn AA on in this game textures start disappearing. :(



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I'm jonesing for some CoC. :(


Ahah ha.


I'm also totally installing Europa Barbarorum(RTW total conversion).

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I'm playing Episode One in small doses and I still haven't finished it yet. I am finding it very reminiscent of the original game, and the addition of Alyx's commentary on Gordon's actions: "Do you think it's dead, Gordon? Why don't you hit it a few times with the crowbar, just in case?" (I did! :D ) actually adds some unexpected depth to the narrative.




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I killed myself by accidentally putting the laser next to floor with the rocket launcher. Coincidentally, my rocket ended up perfectly avoiding all obstacles, doing a loop, and blowing me up. It was quite funny.

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