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"Witcher" interview, via 'Codex


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1. Let's talk about that "RPG Redefined" thing. What's it all about and why do you think that the genre should be redefined? Most importantly, why do you believe that your attempts to redefine it would actually improve the genre?


The best way to clarify this statement is to say that we don

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Well, this is on the list of games I'm supposed to review, so..


It doesn't look promising, except for the graphics.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Why the negativism? Only the stuff about the real-time combat system re-defining the genre sounds bad. Everything else (role-playing options, consequenses, non-linearity) sounds great. What more could you want? Patrick Stewart? Erosion? Aribeth?

Edited by Jora
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Giant spiders and planks, great.

Edited by Laozi

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Actually, and this is horrible, the reason why I don't think it's looking good is because.. it's made by a polish, untested company. I AM A RACIST! WAAH!


Seriously though, I get a lot of eastern european titles that I have to review, and so far 90% of them have gotten horrible reviews because of mainly one thing: incomprehensible translations. Especially the russian games are atrocious. Sometimes the dialogues doesn't even make sense, and all the humour, emotion and suspension disappears somewhere in the hands of a crappy translator. I seriously suspect they use Babelfish to translate some games.


Who knows, maybe Witcher will be one of those rare games that proves me wrong. I sure hope so.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Actually, and this is horrible, the reason why I don't think it's looking good is because.. it's made by a polish, untested company. I AM A RACIST! WAAH!


Seriously though, I get a lot of eastern european titles that I have to review, and so far 90% of them have gotten horrible reviews because of mainly one thing: incomprehensible translations. Especially the russian games are atrocious. Sometimes the dialogues doesn't even make sense, and all the humour, emotion and suspension disappears somewhere in the hands of a crappy translator. I seriously suspect they use Babelfish to translate some games.


Who knows, maybe Witcher will be one of those rare games that proves me wrong. I sure hope so.

I dunno, some of the American companies have pretty horrendous writing.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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