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Exactly. Neither of 'em are going to be killed. If not for story purposes. Revan COULD be killed with good reason and if the death would be

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)




this is cut content. she was supposed to be on M4-78 but because of time restraints Obsidian was forced to cut out that entire planet, and just put her dead on korriban. so no, gender and alignment do not matter.


"Are you an angel? Aw, I'm just kidding. That's the worst line I've ever used. Hope some poor kid doesn't start using it."

  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

You need to go to the Library in the Sith Academy to get thorium charges there.Or buy them on Dantooine.Then if u said revan was DS, then the holocron isn't broken.


P.S I'm talking about on Xbox

Edited by Darth Rexon
this is cut content.  she was supposed to be on M4-78 but because of time restraints Obsidian was forced to cut out that entire planet, and just put her dead on korriban.
perhaps, it is interesting to notice though that if the Exile indeed had that conversation with Vash about force bonds half the game would have been screwed up, i'd really like to know how the restoration teams are going to fix that (i kind of remember they intended to spring Vash back to life).

They are not bringing Vash back to life, and what you mean with "game would have been screwed up"?

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)




Indeed. It's not like Vash will intervene on your behalf at the Dantooine confrontation scene. Nor does anything she has to say on the bond provide anymore light than the other masters. Or is it because she doesn't recognise Kriea's name? <_< We know where that leads. :ph34r:


But...that's not the topic.


They are not bringing Vash back to life, and what you mean with "game would have been screwed up"?
if you take a look at Atris'dialog there is no trace of the eventuality that the Exile had that conversation with Vash, not even in the scrap sub-tree where all the cut content usually is (not there, nor anywhere else actually), Atris and the Exile keep talking about a lethal connection, same goes for Kreia, if you slain Atris Kreia starts speaking from the sith holocrons and threatens to murder herself should the Exile run from her final test, you can't answer "go ahead". if it's true that the bond would fade out should Kreia fall to the dark side and the Exile knew it, can you tell me what reason would the Exile have to run after Kreia?
Or is it because she doesn't recognise Kriea's name? <_< We know where that leads.
nice one, i had forgotten that. it says little though, you can ask Kreia why is it the masters don't mention her.
  • 2 weeks later...
perhaps some sith training stuff or whatever, maybe the events that occured in the tomb that revan went to find the star map, or some sith archilogical find



Hmmm if u think about it in the first game with all the options u mite start to think that that was suppose to create multiple stories for Kotor 2 which would make it so u wouldnt no or any1 else. Im sure in Kotor 3 they will explain everything.


Also Revan is most referred to as a male not a female and plus when i see revan he doesnt look like a female i mean just look at him he does look kinda femine lookin but he doesnt look like a woman and rely u can tell he isnt a female.

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