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Actually this time around there's excellent third party support for the Rev (the new controllers have those wacky developers excited, a full two thirds of the launch lineup are third party) and one of the only announced launch titles is a FPS from Ubisoft with guns and swords. So, uh, not so cutesy.



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In any case, yeah, third-party support better be stronger this time around for the Rev. A survival horror game with a gun in one hand and a flashlight in the other would be pretty cool.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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In any case, yeah, third-party support better be stronger this time around for the Rev. A survival horror game with a gun in one hand and a flashlight in the other would be pretty cool.


After that screenshot you posted i keep thinking of Time Crisis. I guess the new Rev games will be different becasue they won't be on rails.

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I don't know about you, but having a sword duel with a boss while shooting all his cronies with a gun using a second controller sounds like mighty fun. It's not just about being gimmicky, but the new controller scheme basically doubles its functionality by allowing both hands to handle different roles. Multitasking would be nowhere as easy with just a conventional controller.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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In any case, yeah, third-party support better be stronger this time around for the Rev. A survival horror game with a gun in one hand and a flashlight in the other would be pretty cool.


That would be pretty cool although where you would get your third arm from I'm not sure :p

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I don't know about you, but having a sword duel with a boss while shooting all his cronies with a gun using a second controller sounds like mighty fun. It's not just about being gimmicky, but the new controller scheme basically doubles its functionality by allowing both hands to handle different roles. Multitasking would be nowhere as easy with just a conventional controller.

That would be cool. Dual-wielding (a longsword and a dagger, for example), or two barettas ... left or right handed ... there is some real potential there.




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I wonder if the controller will be usable for someone that is left-handed (like me)..

Fortunately we sinister-types are used to being forced into ambidexterity. :)


Still it would be nice to have a left-hand-friendly device. (They don't make different controls for aeroplanes, though, for example.:huh:)




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I think one of the problems with the rev will be it's controller people don't like change and this is a big change. The new controller will take some getting use to for most people unlike the ones for the PS3 and 360 which either pretty much stayed the same or changed very little. That alone will drop the sales of the rev not to mention that both the PS3 and 360 will be out when it drops. The games however I think are much better this time around then they were for the last system and hopefully they won't all look like cartoons like they did on the last system. Yes the rev will defiantly be a strong contender but for me it's the 360 and the PS3 whatever the price their just better systems period.

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I know I'm too lazy for that and yes my arms are massive thanks for saying so :D


The Resident Evil series were the only games I really liked on the last system and they were all on PS2 as well so who needed it.


Not really, REZero and REmake weren't on teh PS2 :(


Hmm, you're a newbie... a newbie that likes Resident Evil :)


You so need to stick around :D

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I think one of the problems with the rev will be it's controller people don't like change and this is a big change. The new controller will take some getting use to for most people unlike the ones for the PS3 and 360 which either pretty much stayed the same or changed very little. That alone will drop the sales of the rev not to mention that both the PS3 and 360 will be out when it drops. The games however I think are much better this time around then they were for the last system and hopefully they won't all look like cartoons like they did on the last system. Yes the rev will defiantly be a strong contender but for me it's the 360 and the PS3 whatever the price their just better systems period.


Well the DS was a big change and people have embraced that system beyond all expectations.


Creativity is limited by hardware and a pad (which Nintendo invented some 20 years ago) suggests a certain way of doing things. Just like the previous joystick with a couple of buttons limited what games were possible.

There is so much more to the controller than just being a TV remote , but it's down to the developers to bring that out of the system. It will be a challenge. But that controller really does have the potential to revolutionise how games are played. Just like Nintendo's original multibutton controller did at the time it was released.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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