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facing Death


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Tell us how you broke your toe! How is it by the way?


It would seem it was actually 2 minor fractures. One healed, so I stopped taping the toe, and then my foot started to hurt just above the toe. An X-ray later...


How did I cheat death and come away with just a twice broken toe you ask?


Simply, it was a dark and stormy night, I just had finished burning the bodies of some chimp zombies I had just vanquished (you always burn them, just to be sure) when I was traveling down some treacherous stairs. I must have had chimps brains on my foot as I slipped and my foot went down toe first.



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I didn't see my life flash before my eye. At least I can't recall if I did. :)


I wasn't even supposed to be NEAR a car. We had all gone out for a big night, and had safely returned. One of my flatmates had to get his car out and wanted a friends car moved. I volunteered and the stupid idjit didn't notice that I was 30 Wild Turkeys south of sobriety.


Not many images from that night, just when I caught the keys my hand and "Joy Ride!" popped into my head; the overwelming desire to know if the back of the road sign on the other side of the road had the same sign affixed to the back of it (:-), and the sub-millisecond attention span that saw me keep hold of the steering wheel as I turned my head and body to look


then I was back at home, and another flat mate asked me what happened, everyone else was out looking for me. The police turned up. They asked me if I had been driving. I asked my flatmate what I should say. He said the truth, so I said I had


Then I remember sitting in the police station and all these men standing around me,, and I was thinking "someone must have done something serious, they all seem pretty upset". :))


I found out later someone from the local nightclub recognised me in the wreckage and pulled me clear. I then walked home.


No injuries: in fact I have had worse scars from trying to complete back flips in said nightclub when too drunk to make it, and my shins were cut by the edge of the podium on which I started the gymnastic man




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I already have that. :-"

I wasn't even supposed to be NEAR a car.


Sooooooo I guess they didn't pick you as a mod because your really responsible, did they?

Also, I had planned to be completely out of any temptation with automobiles. Not my fault that my plan was thwarted by an idiot housemate. :)"




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I usually hide my car keys before we start drinking. It sounds stupid, but it works. Apparently I become so dumb when I drink that I can hide stuff from myself :-

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Also, I had planned to be completely out of any temptation with automobiles.



Damn, let us hope there isn't a emergency red button the mods can hit to destroy the forums, or we're screwed.

I have many colourful facets that are not known by most people. In fact, it is written that it is not possible to know all my facets, lest the world disapear and something worse appear in its place. :-




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I have many colourful facets that are not known by most people. In fact, it is written that it is not possible to know all my facets, lest the world disapear and something worse appear in its place.  :thumbsup:


If that happens, warn me, so I can get my towel.


wtf? pre crisis superman was a pansy... "great krypton" my ass


What! He was nigh-invicible back then

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Good to see that you are alright, Ros.


I too had my brushes with death. Falling 50 feet out of a tree on hard earth, being sideswiped by a MACK construction truck while on a 10 speed bicycle, going 50 miles an hour head on towards a semi on a frozen highway, blah blah blah.


Key thing here is learn from your mistakes.

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No, it doesn't.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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