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Sony announced that it will continue to expand its successful PSP platform by making a new PSP hardware package available for a suggested retail price of $199.99.


What next? Actual games worth playing? Sony is once again at the forefront of innovation in the game industry. Sony Entertainment president Ilawa Korakime has been spotted saying "Nintendo can crawl into a hole and die, because the PSP is a bomb." More news as they unfold.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)


I thought very highly of the PSP when it first came out...


All the feature are pretty darn amazing. Once I got over that, I just realized they are all mashed together into one mediocre experience. Emulation is also pretty neat, but why would I buy a $250 piece of hardware to play the same old' games for the 10th time (missing newer games because of it as well).


I think I'll hold out for a DS Lite.

Posted (edited)

Well, there are already good titles for PSP. Unless you are asking for a good CRPG or JRPG..


- Daxter

- Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror

- Pursuit Force

- Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories




- Tokobot

Edited by karka

The PSP has no real PSP games. It just has PSOne games on a small screen. They need to make games that are actually good on a small screen. I'm not throwing mine out though, I have faith that it will prevail.


Generation of Chaos looks like it could be fun, but that's about it. I'd buy a DS first and I'm not even a Nintendo fanboy.


Microsoft To Construct iPod/DS/PSP Killer

Posted by Hemos on Monday March 20, @02:21PM

from the only-a-matter-of-time dept.

Karsten writes "According to The Mercury News Microsoft is developing a PSP/DS/GBA/iPod-killer. J. Allard is leading the project." J. Allard is the man behind the Xbox, and from looking at the article it sounds like it's at least a year before this device, if it hits daylight, would be coming.




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